Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cholesterol Car Auctions

by Luke

1) In those days a decree from Caesar Augustus that a census should be of the whole earth. (2) This was the first enrollment made when Quirinius was governor of Syria. (3) all went to be enrolled, each to his city. (4) Even Joseph, who was of the house and lineage of David, from the town of Nazareth in Galilee for Judaea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, (5) to be enrolled with Mary his betrothed, who was pregnant. (6) While they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. (7) gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the.
(8) There were in the same country shepherds keeping watch by night watch over their flock. (9) An angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them. They were terrified, (10) But the angel said to them: "Do not worry, you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people: (11) Today I was born in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. (12) This sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. " (13) And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying

(14) "Glory to God in the highest
heaven and on earth peace among those whom he loves."

(15) when the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing which the Lord has given us." (16) So they hurried and found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manger. (17) And after seeing him, told what the child had been told. (18) and all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds said. (19) But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.

(20) Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as they were told.

All Games Of The Web Page Pusooy


I posted the songs on the Gospel of Luke who remember the birth of Jesus because only then, going to the roots of Christmas, and remembering that for two millennia is no longer just the pagan festival of Sol Invictus, you can return to the true meaning, which goes beyond the empty ceremonies sms cards, gifts, dinners, which instead serve only to fix a point in the year when we recognize how we need others, and affects more expensive (but that's something.) on the news and Newspaper crowd, a significant contrast, images of purchases, from angry passengers waiting interminable between stations, ports and airports, the homeless people who seek to escape the deadly grip of the cold, workers who have nothing to celebrate because the edge of casseintergazioni, mobility, retirement, licenziamenti.Se Jesus was born poor, homeless, without a true cradle without heating, recognized for what it is only by ignorant shepherds, then poverty has really his royal dignity, so much so that the royal sense of giving to others (remember San Martino) is they get poorer, the share of poverty, because in being grateful to the poor, depriving themselves of something, making a little poor, we is somewhat similar to them, which are nothing but poor in material things, but if they are in the heart of Christ, as stanno.Così, this Christmas, I do not want to make formal greeting of any kind, and I want to stay physically close to the poor, that is, the sick, the unemployed, precarious workers, the non-street corners, to the homeless, workers who lose their jobs, to all those for whom God one true father in his infinite tenderness, not embodied in a palace but in a hut, helpless, cold, poor among the poveri.Buon Christmas to them, and all those who love them and serve them

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Genital Herpes More Condition_symptoms

the crowd of quaquaraqua

A film ch always very happy to see again, every time I send him on some national or regional television network that I can "grab", and "The Day of the Owl," based on the novel Leonardo Sciascia.

Besides the plot of the story, the original story of the Mafia in Sicily between the '50s and '60s, the characters who animate it are really great and the actors who interpret them practically perfect: clear-faced, clean, whiskers Captain Bellodi of DC, a young Franco Nero in one of his happiest performances, a beautiful and intense Claudia Cardinale, widow of restless white shotgun, ambiguous philosopher and confidant "Parrineddu," the incomparable performance of Serge Reggiani, to big boss Don Mariano Arena American actor Lee J. Cobb (performer among other things, the gangster boss in "On the Waterfront" and the irreducible perpetrators of the movie "The word ai giurati"), sino alle figure di contorno di Pizzuco e Zecchinetta.

La storia è nota: un piccolo imprenditore edile, Colasberna, viene ammazzato con un colpo di lupara in una desolata e pietrosa campagna siciliana, e un suo lavorante, Nicolosi, scompare lo stesso giorno.

Il capitano Bellodi, comandante della locale stazione dei carabinieri, capisce subito che non si tratta, come la voce pubblica alimentata artatamente dai mafiosi locali, di un delitto d'onore o di storie di corna, benché Nicolosi abbia una splendida moglie Rosa, che vive nella vana speranza che il marito ricompaia, e sulla quale si appuntano gli sguardi libidinosi degli uomini del paese.

Il confidente Parrineddu, playing a personal game of trying to ensure a balance between State and State Anti suggests, alludes, but is careful not to say what he knows, until cornered by Bellodi, and confesses that Colasberna Nicolosi have been killed since the first was a dangerous competitor of the company's mafia Pizzuco, the second because unexpected witness to the crime and that the shotgun was the murder weapon hidden in the safest place in the country, none other than the home of Don Mariano Arena, the undisputed local boss in relationships "friendship" with ladies who sit in parliament.

author of the crime is a local petty criminal with the mania of gambling, so soprannominato Zecchinetta.

Bellodi arresta tutti, proprio nel giorno dell'inaugurazione di un'importante strada realizzata da Pizzuco; ma poi l'inchiesta viene "aggiustata", i mafiosi sostengono che le confessioni sono state estorte, finiscono tutti scarcerati con le migliori scuse del disturbo arrecato, e il povero Bellodi viene trasferito, mentre Parrineddu finisce ammazzato e seppellito, con un tappo in bocca, sotto la colata d'asfalto della strada inaugurata in pompa magna dall'onorevole amico di Don Mariano.

Al suo posto arriva un ufficiale corpulento, dai tratti un po' bovini, una "brava persona" commentano i mafiosi che se lo guardano dalla terrazza di Don Mariano Arena, "un viso aperto", "One who keeps the family."

But Don Mariano Arena, which has its own albeit deflected sense of honor and respect, and who knows how to recognize things and men, the disdainful look and said "Bellodi was a man, this seems like a quaquaraqua" mafiosetti children with fluttering geese as the echo quaquaraqua, quaquaraqua, quaquaraqua.

So ends this great movie by Damiano Damiani, which dates back to forty years ago, and that, rather rare case, can really be height of the great novel that inspired Sciascia.

Why it occurred to me this morning this movie and this novel?

One of the most interesting of the novel (and of course the film) is a particular classification Don Mariano Arena, when arrested, the captain offers Bellodi.

The speech is roughly this:

"You know Captain, I divide humanity into five categories: men are very rare, rare, and the half-men, and underneath these are the ominicchi, children pretend to be men; a breed apart are the pimps, who are becoming a real crowd, and at the bottom of the scale are the quaquaraqua that flutter like the geese of the court and who are the majority. But she, even if I stop, is a man " .

In recent months (or should I say years?) Where much of della politica e del giornalismo è ridotta a chiacchiericcio quotidiano, dichiarazioni che non valgono i pochi centesimi della carta su cui sono stampate, gossip guardoni, totale decadenza dell'etica pubblica e della morale privata, nel confuso vociare dei protagonisti della scena mediatica e delle trasmissioni di cosiddetto approfondimento giornalistico (?!), nessuna esclusa, a nessun livello, da quello locale della mia città a quello nazionale, a me sembra di cogliere l'eco della indimenticabile scena finale de "Il giorno della civetta", quando i mafiosetti che circondano Don Mariano Arena, e che sono a loro volta degli autentic quaquaraqua, si danno a starnazzare proprio come oche il loro grido di esistenza.

Quaquaraqua, quaquaraqua, quaquaraqua.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Brazilian Wax Walnut, Ca


Eyes dull and faded
reflected my own eyes, and look distracted

a horizon not yet illuminated by the light

delineated as a line of shade and shadow
and photos from the past that
restituisono shreds Life
are snapshots of memory, its fading

that my s'angustia

to grab at least a little sense of remembrance alive
But in his veins and tired and exhausted
precariously in my healthy
(still hours and here, but who knows) the same red blood flows

and its flesh is my flesh and my
is because its
she belongs to me since the night away
which gave me the spark of life
and I belong to that evening and for every instant of time

You should always cross the threshold together

irreparable and beyond find, in light or shadow
because it is impossible to truly separate

without getting lost and survive only to find themselves in a meantime
light or shadow

Friday, July 31, 2009

Kaflowy Projekt Ogrzewania

From Piazza Fontana to date: the roots of the disaster

I finished reading the "monumental" essay by Paul Cucchiarelli dedicated to "The secret of the massacre ", published by Ponte alle Grazie, which is struggling to gain position on the charts of best selling essays.
Certainly a book of over six hundred pages of dense facts, names, people, reconstruction, reasoned assumptions, it is not, by its nature, intended for a very wide audience of readers, and the argument now historicizing (the Piazza Fontana massacre are now almost forty years, the anniversary falls December 12, 2009), requires a knowledge, more or less directly, the historical context, national and international, which can not be required for those who have less than fifty years, and that therefore those years from 1969 onwards if you have lived in direct engagement.
Yet the book, perhaps in a abridged edition, deserves to be read also and especially by the "young" if they want to understand something of Italy in which they live and the way in which the history of this country has been repeatedly driven back on the ground of the economic, political, cultural, reforms ever made, never implemented the modernization of how, in short, a country destroyed by war and came out even with U.S. aid was able to recover and tenacity laborious of his people, could be joining the current stagnant swamp, with a political class that old, worn, shabby and inadequate, with incompetent and rapacious ruling class, with a civil society fragmented, quarrelsome, devoid of ideals horizons, basically in line with its political class and its leadership vacuum in the minutes of mock indignation, nell'ipocrita declination of non-existent public virtues and vices of tangible and uncontrollable private and public VRTU undermine and corrupt.
Cucchiarelli If he is right (and I'm afraid he's right) basically anything that was born out of tragedy, from his "duplicity" (anarchist bombs, which were not supposed to be dead, alongside a fascist bombs which, in combination, produced the massacre) , resulting from the unspeakable truth and the establishment of a truth of "convenience", accepted even by the historical and extra-parliamentary left, which also came to offer an alibi to the Red Brigades terrorist, long wave of authoritarian stabilization project which was the core business "Piazza Fontana, who also swept Aldo Moro, the subsequent" settlement "of the center-left governments of 80, with an inability to undertake the structural reforms that the country needed, and then by the collapse of the old party system, with the decline of the Eastern regimes, the "maneuvers" international certainly supported the "false "Revolution tangentopolies reorganization of a breeze block around Berlusconi and from the emergence of a regional party that has managed to conquer the so-called lower classes, the failure of a political class of center-left government still dominated by figures old and unable conceive of politics as nothing more than management interests, rather largely subservient to the interests of strong or even direct participation of those interests. The events
Puglia di questi ultimi mesi sono esemplari, nell'intreccio di vecchie furbizie politiche, populismi e caudillismi, mala sanità, mala politica, malaffare, che enfatiche declamazioni para-poetiche non riescono più ad addolcire e tanto meno a nascondere.
In poco più di un mese si è passati dalle acclamazioni frettolose di una "storica" vittoria, alle furibonde litigate sulla segreteria del PD, dalle improvvide dichiarazioni sulla Puglia come "laboratorio politico" (in cui la "grande idea" era d'imbarcare in maggioranza l'UDC casiniana, nelle sue varianti locali), alle sferzanti e ruvide parole sull'avventatezza di una inchiesta giudiziaria (le inchieste "non avventate" sono sempre quelle che riguardano gli altri, ovviamente), from the forgotten promises to dissolve the accumulation of institutional roles and responsibilities of the claiming party of the heap, as it is and whatever passes through openings in new "local movements that seek to build a sort of cross-League South, which seems more than a consistent variation a Southerner of a new attempt to build a "new notability" Southern can still play a role in national policy, of course without any real idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping the country as a whole, accepting the League game and restart.
the origin of the "misery" of current policy, which at the bottom of the "exuberance" chivalry are the picturesque, certainly not the most important and alarming, are the facts (and not facts) forty years ago, that directed in a way national history, in a way that has not been able or willing to straighten.
But the resurgent real danger of this stage is that a declining political class and traveled to the right, center and left, scandals of all sorts, falling once again under the blows of the judicial inquiries, leaving the usual powers " strong "s'incarichino manage another reform that is likely to be fictitious as the result of tangentopoli, opening the way to the usual" technocrats "to a transition which could then return the country to new figures packed ad hoc, in a spiral without end.
Changing everything because you do not change niente, secondo il vecchio insegnamento del principe di Salina.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sleep Disorder More Condition_symptoms

The new political categories

La nuova "pasionaria" piddina, Deborah Serracchiani, ha sdoganato quale nuova categoria della politica la "simpatia" e la "antipatia".
Intendiamoci, sono pulsioni istintive, emotive, spesso inconsapevolmente sottintese a un ragionamento e ai rapporti sociali, dall'amicizia ai luoghi di lavoro, e forse possono spiegare, più e meglio di articolate analisi su sistemi di valori e progetti politici, l'avversione o l'adesione a un'idea quando essa s'incarna, come è quasi inevitabile, in un uomo-simbolo.
In fondo, grandi "antipatici" sono stati De Gasperi, Togliatti, Fanfani, La Malfa, Craxi, De Mita, Forlani, ... Scalfaro, whereas big "nice" were Pertini, Berlinguer, Nenni, Andreotti even with its quirks, and to come today, if we are also on the ridge antipathy / sympathy that are located in Berlusconi maximum extent and smaller part of Bossi and Di Pietro, and are definitely on the side of unpleasant D'Alema, Tremonti, Gasparri, Quagliariello and so on.
Even in the "reduced" Pugliese can not be said that the dichotomy does not play its role: Michelone Emily, with its corpaccione reminiscent of advertising Ferrero ("giant think you"), is certainly nice, but it is difficult not Raffaele Fitto unpleasant, to say the Simeon Cagno Abbrescia, Vendola while Nicki is a bit 'double face: it can be nice or nasty, depending on whether narration of values \u200b\u200bor reasons of policy.
But the category of sympathy was not hitherto risen to objective criterion for selecting a party secretary, had never heard that the justification of a choice of deployment was placed in instinct instinct of empathy that suggests a common feeling ( as is indeed the sympathy). When the forty-year assault
multipreferenziata chose Franceschini said that because sympathetic, was almost submerged by a salvo of boos and insults, and yet, after all, has only expressed the point of view of the "young", those young people whose all parties "liquid" second republic trying to intercept the consents, the slyly selling them "young" as an added value, except to give little or no space to share "green."
E 'Franceschini is clear that "nice" in this sense, far more than Bersani: with his nice guy zazzeretta of American college shirts with the sleeves rolled up on the wrists, informal air, this may be in his fifties 'imaginary youth something reminiscent, in a small course, the Obama phenomenon, and among the young, the blog, network, built his political identity.
Bersani, on the contrary, with its more than incipient baldness, sharp edges, the curriculum child-pidiessino-DS, the support for excellence dell'antipatico D'Alema, seems to emerge from the distant past and the milieu of the Party branches, cooperatives red houses of the people, olivetti letter of 82, mimeograph old.
So far no less scandalous statements of Serracchiani who plays, I do not know whether naively or cunningly, the role of voice of the younger generation, and therefore their pre-political instincts, or a-political, the idea of \u200b\u200ba policy only of emotions, images, youtube, internet, facebook, concerts to follow a very short rallies, meetings in the electoral committees where you can drink a free ride (not even happen in Bari?). But where is the
Serracchiani slip, so ruinous, is in its last externally, in which he imagines and claimed a democratic party where there is room for all, by Beppe Grillo at Binetti.
The girl, in essence, a party that wants to be like one of those boxes of junk from the attic, where it takes a bit 'of everything from photos of the school and school trips, to old love letters in a sling , colored marbles, a few yellowed card youth movements.
A box that has more value as a container for its contents, which should be "rich" because it has everything and more.
will say that the PDL is a top-box, inside which there are both Tremonti, close to the League, that Cicchitto, a former socialist P2 card, and Quagliariello, a former radical who Bondi, a former Communist, is Pisanu (moroteo old) that Savino, Carfagna and the other "buxom" Cape.
Very true, but there is someone who, for better or for worse, the box door, and glances around him, not the box, the box even has a meaning and exists as such only because there is a large canner. In Pd
box, however, in the box, bulk, we would end all, but everyone, and since there is plenty of space and everyone wants to do a minimum subsistence, the box at the end would give the fragile walls, like some boxes shoes when instead of a couple, you want to get two.
The idea, perhaps naive or sly, so to combine the Serracca PD in all the drives, those faux-populist truth, moral indignation reformist-idealistic to the realistic-Politic, those ideological values, in 'ambition to represent, "totalitarianism", all the moods of Italian society.
Indeed, on closer inspection, it is the old model of mass and inter-party, ie the old DC and the PCI in Emilia-Romagna, which ment were the glue of ideology, to strengthen the walls of the boxes.
Deborah Deborah, if this is your idea of \u200b\u200bthe "new" form party, you're a bit 'older than forty years of the Registry certifies.

Friday, June 19, 2009

″i-catcher Console - Web Monitor

SE forty VI seem a little for An Inconvenient Truth '

Forty years is a long time and to measure its depth enough to think that in 1959 had passed quaran'anni since 1919, ie one year of the "red biennium", which was forming and strengthen the fascist party, which in 1969 had gone forty years by the Lateran Pacts, which closed the sessanennio the "Roman Question", which in 1979 celebrated the forty years since the beginning (August 1939) of World War II with the 'Nazi invasion of Poland.

In this turbulent 2009, marked by the global economic crisis and from the miseries of the Italian political scene, marks the fortieth anniversary of massacre Piazza Fontana, the first major event (after the assassination of both Kennedy) that I can claim to have direct memory, although outlined nell'inquietante play of light and shade of black and white era of TV news.

of those images on the evening of Friday, December 12, 1969 cherish the memory of the black hole on the floor of the central hall of the National Bank of Agriculture, lounge strewn with debris, which had already been taken away the dead and wounded, and the dismay of the fact that, in my eyes of eleven, he was frighteningly prodigious and inexplicable.

Even the photos of crime scenes are in black and white, which is the color of memory and that, in contrast tra luci e ombre, non restituisce ma paradossalmente attenua la cruda verità che apparve agli occhi di polizia, carabinieri, vigili del fuoco, medici, infermieri: le pareti chiazzate di sangue, frammenti di ossa e di materia cerebrale, i corpi anneriti dei morti, i pezzi anatomici sparsi, il colore della vita annientata o segnata per tutta la vita.

E le foto non dicono gli odori di quella scena, dall'acro della nitroglicerina uguale ai disinfettanti di ospedale al dolciastro della carne bruciata, al sentore di mandorle amare del binitrotoluolo (che era uno dei composti dell'esplosivo).

Leggo da qualche giorno "Il segreto di piazza Fontana" di Paolo Cucchiarelli (Ponte alle grazie), perhaps the most complete and documented essay on the massacre and attacks that hit Rome on the same day (the basement of the National Bank of Labor, Altare della Patria, side yard and Museum of the Risorgimento, the bomb at the Commercial Bank of Milan, is not likely to burst but leave a "signature" that would serve the political overtones was hastily made to shine in the courtyard of that institution's credit).

It 's a big book of 700 pages (including a technical note on the type of explosive used in Piazza Fontana, thanks, the dense index of names), also full of references to analytical engineers (the kind used for bags and boxes which contained the explosives, ad esempio), molto diverso nell'impianto e nella narrazione da "La notte che Pinelli", il saggio con il quale Adriano Sofri ha ricapitolato la vicenda del ferroviere anarchico che precipitò da una finestra della Questura di Milano e i suoi sviluppi giudiziari; e ancora diversissimo dal lucido e tenero ricordo di "Spingendo la notte più in la" che ha proposto la inedita prospettiva delle vittime dei fatti di terrorismo, a partire dal ricordo di Mario Calabresi, che perse il padre quando aveva appena due anni eppure conserva un ricordo puntuale di quei giorni.

Il segreto della strage, nella lucida e argomentata ricostruzione di Cucchiarelli, è nel fatto che essa fu una strage "doppia", in cui furono coinvolti gli Anarchists believe to have a blast just "demo" and in fact lured into a trap by the beams of the New Order (Freda, Ventura, and their group Veneto-Padova) and National Vanguard (Stefano Delle Chiaie), which in turn operated one part of the secret services, who wanted to attack but striking demonstration to support a plan of authoritarian turn, the nature of what he had brought to power the Greek colonels, but where someone plays dirty, and instead just the massacre, even to force his hand, you get the opposite effect to stop the authoritarian turn, feeding only the theory, however politically useful, the "extremists on both sides."

It is worth quoting a passage from the book:

"The secret of the massacre has endured for so many years enjoying the silence of all stakeholders: state, fascists and anarchists. Valpreda plans had to exonerate and vindicate the innocence of Pino Pinelli. We were made to pull in, and now the situation has not let anyone escape political difficulty was proved in court their good faith did not want to cause deaths. From a legal point of view, the participation of anarchists to the story would was at least a competition in the massacre. The units that were guilty of complicity with the Fascists had to protect themselves. Nor could jump out of the role of political police that the secret services were held, covering and detecting, by fleeing witnesses and evidence-concealing or subtracting just to prop up the advantage that the massacre had offered. Similar priority was the need to remove from the real culprits materials sentences of the massacre, the fascists. Would otherwise have been able to deploy an incredible blackmail against those who, inside the equipment, had supported the operation. Which in fact happened with the subsequent massacres. Saving the secret of the massacre, he also saved the fascists. That's probably because of the massacre was followed on both sides, the acquittals, the same state. If he had distinguished between a stock and the other, everyone would be forced to admit something unmentionable in public. The trap in which the anarchists had fallen, that the left had to defend at all costs, had now become a secret shared political protection. By all stakeholders. Fall into that trap so a whole generation. "

second Cucchiarelli In practice, the afternoon of Friday, 'Dec. 12, 1969 between 16 and 16:25 in the hall of BNA entered two people at different times: first, Valpreda, had a bag containing a metal box with an explosive triggered by a timer (probably believed that the "rush" timer was set at 120 minutes, and then the bomb would explode at the bank now empty), the second with a bag containing plastic explosive with a fuse primer, which placed his bag on the shelf of the central octagonal table close to what was left unconscious Valpreda, it was the first bomb to explode in a few tenths activating second of even the first bomb, which was equipped with a detonator outside, no one felt two explosions, because they were almost instantaneous.

reconstruction, argued and documented, it is quite likely, and has the honor of sending to place virtually all the pieces.

If I may add a personal impression, I would say that is quite consistent with the image of smallness sprovvedutezza and I had one night of Peter Valpreda when autumn of 1976 (or 1977? here I am comforted by the memory not good), I went with another Bari collaborators of Radio One to take the building of the University of Bari, in a classroom the Faculty of Arts where he held a meeting on fire right on Fountain Square, to take him up on the eighth floor of Via De Giosa corner with Piazza Luigi di Savoia Carulli street where they were studying Bari Radio One.

That evening aired a radio interview conducted by Carlo Brienza, then director of Bari Radio One, and I seem to remember that there were also Peppino Garibaldi, Bianca Tricarico, Fortunata barley, perhaps Susan Napolitano and ask apologize if I forgot someone.

I had no way (I was one of the latest additions to the editorial staff) to ask questions to Valpreda, but I saw him well, I watched, listened to his answers, especially on the role of Mario Merlino, the fascist infiltrated the circle XXII Marzo Valpreda founded by Rome.

one gets the impression that it was a modest person, very modest for general intelligence and politics, general culture and politics, completely unsuited to the role that was allotted, and yet something about him I'm not persuaded of the everything I could not see the stigmata of the martyr, the innocent do absolutely destined to be the scapegoat.

was a vague impression that has remained buried, and that comes to my mind re-reading the pages of Cucchiarelli.

If the hypothesis of the book is accurate Valpreda accomplice was active (but unaware of the fatal and that he never imagined he would not want) the massacre, was the man who, along with other anarchists, he fell into the trap, and that had all the characteristics of smallness and sprovvedutezza to become an instrument of a design raffinatssimo could not understand, in its mediocrity and inadequacy, as he could not understand, except when the massacre was a done deal and irreversible, Giuseppe Pinelli.

Cucchiarelli I fear that may have been right after ten years of research, consulting all available sources and some oral source informed of the facts.

If so, we really fell into that trap all of them and the history of the last forty years must be rewritten from this uncomfortable truth.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Pain Behind Ear More Condition_symptoms


It 's a fake recognize the famous article 27 of the Rules of the Marina Bourbon September 20, 1841, according to which, during inspections and visits on board of other authorities, to give the impression that something be done to industrious, active, important, the board should do "Ammuina" that is, as that would have required regulation in pure Neapolitan language "are all about chille forward, vann'a stern and chill about are 'vann'a bow to stern; chille ca stann'a vann'a straight left and chill about being left vann'a straight, all chille Abbasciano are about to be' ncoppa and chill about being ' ncoppa vann'abbascio, passanno all p '' o pertuso himself, who has not chains nothin '' to do ', s'aremen' 'a rc and' in there. "
But we must be grateful to this fake, probably inspired Bourbons, because it describes in a plastic, and how best can not be, the sense of frantic action, fast-paced, directed precisely to give the feeling that everything is moving and something happens while it happens little or nothing.
Perhaps the Cav. rediscovered, in one of his visitationes casoriane, saying, and this would explain the Ammuina the plot more or less "subversive" evoked a few days ago, validated by Senator Cossiga with the revelations of a conspiracy designed to overthrow Silvio enthrone Dragons, emblematic champion of the strong powers of banks, finance, the varied interests of business and turning around and each other.
Epper, including Max "statesman" D'Alema, in tribute to his intervistratrice (but is in Sarno, Salerno, Naples and not properly), Lucia has announced the "shock", sobs earthquakes, upheavals likely political and institutional without revealing either the sources of his divinity nor the results from these political earthquake should fate (the collapse of Silvio, yet another ripple of the greasepaint intonachizio its image of timeless sixty well out towards the eighty?).
Maybe because everyone talks to daughter-mother-in-law intends: the Knight of the majority to close ranks, to evoke a new 1994, scaring the moderates UDC, send signals to the League if the Po praetorian guard would somehow pull the unmark too much or too bound with rope which holds the rest of the majority; Max "statesman" to evoke the requirement that sensitive and crucial steps do not forget, in fact, of those who, like him, have demonstrated leadership and strong nerves, since the difficult transition the war in Kosovo, when he guidato, unico ex comunista della storia d'Italia, il governo; e magari anche per dire al popolo democratico che non è proprio il momento di affidarsi a convulsi conati giovanilisti pensando di affidare il partito ad una giovane quarantenne carina ma troppo immatura e certo "leggerina" come la Deborah Serracchiani.
L'oggetto comune del contendere, sul terreno politico, poi è nientepopodimenoché l'UdC di Casini e Cesa, che Berlusconi, facendo male i conti, aveva immaginato in liquidazione (dimenticadone il radicamento siciliano e territoriale, in quanto partito degli assessori al sud), e D'Alema vorrebbe imbarcata come un qualsiasi Udeur in un'ampia coalizione antiberlusconiana, comprensiva anche della Sinistra radicale nelle sue two variations (S & L, RC-PDCI-Socialists) and, possibly, why not, and the pannelliani boniniani.
These "symmetry" Berlusconi-d'alemiane prove, if proof were needed, of how worn and stale vision of things in the center and center left. so tied to the game tactics and messages, so disconnected from the needs and the needs of Italian society.
policy now seems only a reality show, with his company's fixed around the fight, the poor and weak thoughts, rather peripheral side, the horizons that go beyond the living room of Porta a Porta. Napolitano
And in all this runs the risk of letting any part of the Barbara D'Urso or Simona Ventura, call to order without conviction when the competitors with the fateful "Ragaaaaziiiiii.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thrush In Men More Condition_symptoms

The Untouchables

Why talk about a film twenty-two years old now?
There are films that stand, strong, strong, evocative of a time that does not dim, the perfect blend of ingredients that make a simple film "the movie, the plot, the psychological delineation of the characters, the choice of actors who are able to embody the depths of the role, from set design, photography, color, narrative pace, the skill of shooting in the game between shots, sequences, fall off, the music that the film devono saper sintetizzare l'anima poetica.
Non sono un cinefilo, ma nella mia ideale filmografia di film così se ne possono contare forse una ventina, forse una trentina
Non tutti sono capolavori, nel senso pieno e vero, certo lo sono praticamente tutti quelli di Kubrick, moltissimi di Hitchcock, parecchi di Truffaut, alcuni di Sam Mendes, alcuni di Altman, almeno tre di Francis Ford Coppola, almeno cinque di Spielberg, qualcuno di Fellini, di Dino Risi, di Monicelli, di De Sica...
Poi ci sono film in ogni caso eccellenti, che conservano una freschezza sorprendente, che visti a cinema si rivedono volentieri ad ogni passaggio televisivo.
Gli Intoccabili (The Untouchables) è un film appunto eccellente, come il suo regista Brian De Palma (di cui a parte "Mission impossible" e "Mission to Mars", film commerciali di buona fattura e nulla più, rimane memorabile "Vestito per uccidere" con un Michael Caine al vertice della sua maestria attoriale).
Eccellenti sono gli attori, da Kevin Costner (che interpreta l'agente federale del Tesoro Elliot Ness, l'uomo che sconfisse Al Capone), ad un intensissimo e ironico Sean Connery (l'umanissimo poliziotto Malone, che dalla strada, dove si era esiliato nell'assoluta estraneità all'ambiente corrotto della Polizia di Chicago, ritorna al fianco di Ness ad un ruolo investigativo), al misurato ed efficace Andy Garcia (giovane poliziotto italo-americano, the face clean and presentable Italy who landed at Ellis Island in the years of emigration to America in droves), all'insuperabile Robert De Niro (who actually put on weight of twenty pounds and passes, he plays a gigione Al Capone, ironic, cruel, furious second a staff of moods and passions, mastering all the way), the protagonists sinanche children, such as the killer from the suit and white hat and the bespectacled comic book that comes with the team and Ness will be the first to let the skin, followed by the brave Malone.
excellence and development of the plot, the narrative rhythm, the construction of images, photography as well turn in warm colors and opulent of the big hotels and buildings where Capone and his criminal plots weave their own fruit and enjoy its golden tones of tar and cold Chicago night, with memorable one-desired citation to the Battleship Potiomkin-long sequence of bloody capture of the half sleeves accounting Capone on steps of the Chicago central station, architectural ode to the train, half the time Prince of locomotion, and large stations seen in many American films thirties and forties, land ports of interwoven into the threads of dispersed and hurried travelers or absorbed, joyful or desperate.
a tight, after the killing of Malone and the capture of Capone's accountant, is the longest sequence of the process to Capone, whose turning point is represented by the discovery of the list of jurors in the pockets of corrupt white-killer, captured and thrown off the roof of the courthouse by a furious Elliott Ness mockery free reserves that the big bad friend Malone, who has cruelly pricked with a hail of machine gun.
Why Ness, at the beginning of the story was an idealist, convinced he can fight crime with only the bare arms of the law, after his painful "loss of innocence" understands that the only way to beat Capone is fucked anyway , and does not hesitate to resort to lies, duped the poor judge which reveals that in addition to the list of jurors corrupted by Capone, even his name features among those "bought" and so forced him, overcoming the shackles of the procedure to change the jury and then to pack Capone to a federal penitentiary.
And then, throughout the film through the film, in its sets, there is the magic of the soundtrack, it also memorable main theme, due to the art of incomparable Ennio Moricone.
The last night I saw "The Untochables, the story of how justice sometimes prevails in earnest, and it does not always follow the main road, winding roads, but more often because men are crooked, that is offenders, whether they were policemen, thieves and guards, and even judges to the fund.
And the film, Emblematic is the furious reaction to Capone to change the jury, when he realizes that his criminal empire has really collapsed, and the challenge that Ness says, "But go, you are nothing, you're just chatterbox, chatterbox."
It may be true that men often laws are only "chatterbox", or "chatter and toga."
But sometimes not. Fortunately

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

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The second moral issue "Frankie"

Dario Franceschini and gossippara neomediatica discovered variant of the "moral issue", trying to update the terms and adapt to the scenarios of the so-called Second Republic, and succeeding rather to flatten the terms of the one and thirty "La Repubblica".

's statements yesterday, the sense of "Mother, I entrust your children to such a man?", Subtly evocative of the spectra that more than two years ago stirred between the classrooms of asylum Rignano Flaminio, rather than scenarios of "Lolita" by Nabokov, was frankly, "Franceschina" unhappy.

The response of children who have already been assigned, historically, is naturally, the man "so", ie the children real, tangible, legitimate Cav. was immediate, strong, and even dignified: and if the children of a real man "as" defend him in unison, perhaps the mothers of Italy's most alarming rhetoric from the question of Franceschini outputs are reassured by the reply of the Berlusconi family.

Meanwhile failed to even attempt to pull the robe the Italian Bishops' Conference to decide on the merits of the question because it is true that the future, about the divorce-Lario Berlusconi, had to ask the Premier to most sobriety, but here in public to pronounce on an alleged prohibited (until evidence proved otherwise) corrupting minors there runs.

And the Church and its bishops, who have experience of two thousand years and target the things of this world with a lens reversed because, in every case, they must look more closely's transcendent, and in light of those seeking to exercise their teaching, they could not become the certification agency as a moral questioncina obvious electoral purposes.

Franceschini, in full rapture election and perhaps not truly believe to be a simple "Pilot" to lead the battered ship to a Democratic Congress, but even a possible commander of that vessel, has seen fit to play up in fund an aggressive game, American, forgetting that in that society, imbued with Protestant values \u200b\u200b(which are the true ethics of capitalism), the moral judgments of the private behavior of the Police really matters in this, however, who is Catholic, the line between public ethics and individual morality is much more clear and sharp, and the private sins are washed in the confessional and public bath in parliament, press, media.

Like it or not this is Italy and that his "tradition".

Franceschini E should not be forgotten, because his party in the home for many vices "private" of prominent leaders had drawn a veil thick and dark, that never the PCI, PSI or any of the political left ( and also the right to tell the truth) would have thought to raise, not only for matters of style, but because that boundary was clear and absolute.

Neither Di Pietro, who also has the copiright dell'antiberlusconismo, but in his next cunning of peasant ancestry Molise is more awake and aware, has decided to cross that line (which he also married twice and some attendance showgirl: in the days when he was Minister for Infrastructure is well known that the rooms of the department of Porta Pia circulated Elona Weber).

Franceschini Instead, with his little face of a little boy 'aged, his hair cut by key AGESCI, his good-natured emphasis Emilia, forgot to sapienzale whole tradition of the old DC, which we fed along with breast milk, and went out of the sow (and the seminar!).

It 's true, then, that the best friends of the Cav. are his enemies, and, as he repeated the young Don Vito Corleone Michael teaching the basics of the craft of godfather, the enemies should keep them close, far more than friends.

short, the PD finds that more bitterly today that Franceschini was given to Frankie, who made the order that we know.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

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And if I was his grandfather?

Republic continues the saga of Letizia, who devoted their best energies of his writing.
an interview with the alleged boyfriend of Naomi has taken the field, nientepopodimenoché, Giuseppe D'Avanzo, as saying the Gian Antonio Stella of the Rome daily, that great journalism in the wake of the vaunted "investigation" (what once was responsible for murder, mafia, corruptions, crimes excellent, ie "trinkets" to the comparison of the "mysteries of Noemi") interviewed the boyfriend (allegedly) the girl, a discreet mechanical muscular appearance and criminal record of some (but obviously withheld), who declared the truth on the deal, which coincides with the hypothesis first proposed by the investigation, "Washington Post" de noaltri: the photo book, the brokering of Emilio Fede, the unexpected phone call, a vacation villa in Sardinia, with dozens of girls dressing young and comely, the sudden mutation of Naomi, of course subject to the insane desires of the elderly host.
Now Letizia father told the Morning of Naples his truth: a chance meeting a decade ago, a heartfelt letter in the aftermath of the tragic death of the elder brother of Naomi, the presentation of the Knight family. With Naomi, the girl of eight or so that Silvio proposes to call "Grandpa", corrected by her father that suggests "do not overdo it (mica is so old) call him papi."
And for some reason at this point, like St. Paul on the Damascus road, lighting me through everything, like an electric shock: What if it His grandfather??
As we move in a purely "circumstantial", the reality is in fact open to many different readings.
Let 's see: the mother of Naomi has more or less the same age as Marina Berlusconi, and if you notice has a profile, with mascelletta, and a look, reminiscent of the Navy, which is the female version of Cav ., well over Piersilvio, and much of the children of Veronica, in which the physical features of the Cav. you are better mixed with those of Miriam Bartolini (aka Lario).
We also know that Naomi's mother attended a broadcast environment, in the times of his youth, without much luck, but they have attended, and even here there may be paternal imprinting, the genes are not fresh water.
Then he married a dark-looking municipal employee, who had attended in Naples Socialist Socialist De Donato, who was really one of the milieu of the Cav. (Not Naples, but the environment of the PSI Craxi).
And who knows, at this point, and as a feilleuton in the late nineteenth century, the Cav. has not just discovered in the late 90's that in his various adventures around Italy had produced a forbidden fruit and unspeakable: a natural daughter, never recognized and never recognized, to safeguard the legitimate interests of the offspring, which 're already struggling to get along with each other (certainly not have been pleasant for Marina and Piersilvio meet the children of separated because Veronica Lario was bound by its father, but these details are likely to Veronica).
What would you do if you discovered that you have a grandchild, who is also the older ones among all the grandchildren, and that, unfortunately, has never enjoyed and will never enjoy the fruits of the sun, full and fleshy, with a rich and illustrious ancestry?
'd go to her birthday? The gift would you do some? I would ask with a friend, making her find a place "young", to give her a holiday of the year-end? You will remember the party of eighteen?
Of course you would, everyone, without distinction. But you call yourselves
mica and you're Silvio Berlusconi, not you already five legitimate children and four grandchildren legitimate, not have to worry about avoiding the truth that "hidden" explodes like an atomic destroying what little harmony among the children who must be patiently built with donations from sling, header property and real estate values, equity .
And perhaps even prefer, from a certain point of view, give the feel of corrupting minors and almost pedophile, bearing the feminine and disgraced the conduct of a republic, rather than having to admit this "hidden truth" as destabilizing, not the state or destinies of Italy, but more prosaically, the fate of a family.
The "variant of his grandfather," tell the truth, you've never seen, and not even consider this Republic to the newspaper via Cristoforo Colombo, and his publisher De Benedetti, only interested in the whole of Italy, which overflows with indignation to the old man that works against the minors, that is metaphorically, and potentially, the "daughters" of all, dell'edicolante, as the traffic cop, the worker, as a lawyer, doctor, as a journalist, in short, all the "ggente.
And in Italy you know, marturianamente, "the children know 'amplitude and' core '.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Vampirefreaks Proxies


Yesterday evening, late evening on RAI 2 was a rebroadcast episode, by Gianni Minoli, dedicated to the murder of Luigi Calabresi, with an accurate representation of the facts and evidence and Gemma and Mario Calabresi, Panza, Mughini, D'Ambrosio and others who were in a different way "people informed of the facts. "

a year ago I had read the book by Mario Calabresi "Pushing the night further, that moving from painful personal experience (the author was just four years at the time of the assassination of his father) and memories of how a personal tragedy has weighed on his life and yet it has not bent logic of resentment and anger, his eyes widened with some family members of victims of terrorism, the minute you lose people early ogni memoria.

Pochi mesi fa ho letto "La notte che Pinelli", il saggio puntiglioso con cui Adriano Sofri ricostruisce le settantadue ore del ferroviere anarchico (era un "frenatore") nelle stanze della questura di Milano, ripropone i dubbi sugli esiti dell'indagine sulla sua morte, riepiloga -per vero in modo abbastanza sommario- la campagna di stampa di Lotta Continua contro il commissario Calabresi e le vicende del processo per diffamazione intentato contro il direttore del giornale.

Il 13 dicembre 1969 avevo poco meno di dodici anni, eppure ricordo bene le immagini del telegiornale e il grande buco nero sul pavimento del salone della Banca nazionale dell'agricoltura di piazza Fontana, le foto and images of Peter Valpreda arrested, the face of commissioner Calabresi, the furore over the death of Pinelli.

On 17 May 1972, the day of the murder of Calabresi, was older and aware, and above all had first-hand experience on marches and slogans against Calabresi and generally on the "massacre of the State" rhymed with "Feltrinelli murdered. "

I understand the point of view of Adriano Sofri, but I think in his book, however well written and documented, really miss you a small word and sincere, unconditional admission but had chosen a man and to have made a symbol, and therefore a target for bullets, whether or not it came an order explicitly or implicitly the leader of LC, however, bore a signature clear moral and political.

that murder, like it or not, has pioneered the so-called armed struggle, that is why he referred to as political murder by general and abstract words could be revolutionary to take concrete action against persons "emblematic": if you are not able to kill the state with the revolution, at least you can take out the men who are on his side, there are officials, they serve him.

E 'awareness that this is not in Sofri and many of his generation, this is why, even today, there seems to be closed with a political gesture of the amnesty season of the massacres and terrorism.

But if somehow the silences and omissions of Sofri on this point are understandable (but not justified), what angers me is that, however, no real critical thinking, apart from four "portrait", has never been made by many "intellectuals" who signed the appeal and in fact the indictment, imputation, published by L'Espresso 13 June 1971, that is little more than a year before the murder of Calabresi.

Certainly many of the 757 signatories will no longer be in this world, others are very old and have forgotten, but there are still many, starting with Eugene Scalfari, and thirty-eight years have not found the time or desire to say I'm sorry, maybe then I signed a document which was a ruling politico-moral conviction that, given the climate and time, it was a death sentence, was a ' prior acquittal on those who have done justice to the people. "

E 'role in this dark and sticky of many intellectuals, which has columns of newspapers, academic chairs, benches of Parliament, pursued the common thought, conscience instead of trying to be democratic, cajoled and stimulated the movement of violent overthrow unrealistic projects social and political order, rather than indicating the path of democratic debate, that has also breeding grounds for terrorism and burned the worst youth and even some large piece of the best youth.

Maybe they are bad teachers who then found themselves a comfortable niche in society, and perfumed or who are now directly and frankly bards of Berlusconi: clerics and clerics then today, dedicated to the eternal "and Franza provided that if Spain magna.

How can you be surprised if you can not come to terms and close to the events of 43-45, though in a tragic but less impact on historical, political and existential, you can not close the accounts with the period of the massacres and terrorism?

Thus, the memory becomes a black hole between the generations who have lived and can not say "we were wrong" and that generations do not know and do not want to know.

And in this black hole that absorbs all light of truth and conscience, falls also the civil conscience of a country which presents a daily talk show and not real debates, declarations and slogans ephemeral stream of words that obsolescono from day to day, because all centered sull'adesso and now, after another.

In the background are two photographs in black and white, two men whose destinies are tragically intertwined, two fathers who could not see crescere i figli, né abbracciare i nipoti.

A loro, tra i tanti, bisogna chiedere scusa, e non dimenticarli.

Onore a Luigi Calabresi e Pino Pinelli.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Seizure Disorder More Condition_symptoms


I tedeschi negli ultimi mesi della seconda guerra mondiale furono illusi che le sorti del conflitto, ormai irrimediabilmente segnate, potessero essere rovesciate con l'arma finale; ma in effetti nonostante gli scienziati nazisti si dilettassero con l'acqua pesante erano ancora ben lontani dalla atomica, cui invece erano vicinissimi gli americani, che nell'estate del 1945 ne fecero un uso "spettacolare" anche per mandare un avvertimento a Stalin.

La sinistra radical chic dei Santoro, Travaglio, De Gregorio (Concita), Vauro, La Repubblica e L'Espresso, e compagnia di giro cantante, si è convinta di aver trovato l'arma finale per abbattere Kaiser Silvio.

E quest'arma ha le sembianze, in f0ndo un po' banali e veline, di una ragazzotta di Casoria, figlia di un messo comunale, che risponde al nome gentile di Noemi, e che come molte ragazze più o meno belline della sua generazione (ma anche di quelle precedenti) vorrebbe arrivare al successo e ai soldi facili passando per le porte della TV, o almeno per quelle di Montecitorio (ma ovviamente solo come ripiego).

Perché, com'è noto, agli italiani all you can ask and all they can tolerate, since samples of public virtue without private vices, not touching that "the family" and ccriature "and so if you insinuate, suggest, he argues, that one that makes even the President of the Council of Ministers, or Premier, mindful of the virtues of the family and especially to those of a "minor", the result should be a destructive blast in a figurative sense as the American atomic, Silvio pulverized almost instantly with the popular consensus.

theorem Noemi has quickly built: suffice it to say that her father has put a dark hall (which has had some legal problems of corruption, although he was acquitted), which Silvione rushes to the party and the boy gives her a necklace, that the creature called Silvio "daddy", who made a book of photographs sent around, obviously to Mediaset, which was apparently with her parents in Arcore and perhaps also in Sardinia.

And if this is not enough to reinforce the dirty bomb gossipparo with some seasoning, such as Veronica statement saying that, in commenting on the speculation that Naomi is an illegitimate daughter (pardon natural but not recognized) by Silvio, "maybe was his daughter! " puts a seal of sorrowful resignation to the vile idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between the old tycoon and the cool fresh eighteen seventy-three, obviously with the complicity of the parents ignoble lenoni, a questo punto emuli dei Tenardier de "I Miserabili".

Perché poi la Veronica lascia intendere, anzi sostiene, che Silvione "non sta bene", cioé è malato, e che lei aveva implorato i suoi famigli e collaboratori di aiutarlo ma è rimasta inascoltata.

Ne nasce l'immagine di un anziano sessuomane, col chiodo fisso, che come tutti i dipendenti da qualcosa ha bisogno di dosi sempre più grandi di trasgressione, e non bastano più le trentenni, le venticinquenni, le ventenni, ma ci vogliono le diciottenni, già diciassettenni e prima ancora sedicenni o quindicenni.

Certo l'ideale sarebbe una bambina di otto o dieci anni, così l'immagine the pedophile would be full, effective and authentic, but in the absence of other minor enough to still be under 18.

To me this seems like the ultimate weapon that bombed London V2: some buildings could also go down, but after a sputter Buchingam or Westminster Palace, or the Bridge there was running.

So it can collapse a few pieces of concrete from the face of the foundation Cav., Leaving a glimpse of the wrinkles and bags under your eyes, bend, and surveys of two, three, five points.

But at the end of the fair this version, red-pecoreccia dell'antiberlusconismo risk could, paradoxically, to strengthen it. Why

Veronica defending their children destroying their father's image, and sends letters around the painful news agencies and newspaper offices, not the home of Voghera, which with difficulty and great cost (legal fees) deals with the separation knowing that will live with a maintenance of 400-600 euro, because the honest mechanic Abbiategrasso, which can be bought at 50 € the love of mercenary Lolitas Russian, Hungarian, Romanian, Baltic, will have perhaps a bike envy , not condemnation for what he does, because many mothers tutt'inansia for their daughters, would see that well-placed as a tissue, let alone as parliamentarians, will rebel against the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing considered too of the sellers under the branches.

And who knows that indeed the "people", much hated by the left radical chic, but very concrete, real and decisive in the end not even in solidarity with Silvio, thinking that Veronica, now a refined and tender, at the time tore rampant and the rich businessman to the thalamus nuptial without taking too much punishment of children, then children of first marriage, and that, ultimately, as in the popular saying, who does expect it.

Then comes right awarded Santoro, Travaglio, Vauro and left the company around the radical chic of the Order of Silvio, just honor of four strolling players of journalism and politics who have worked so hard and deserved in the consolidation of his power.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Southpark Online Stream

Veronica, instead of rushing to comfort succor Silvio nectar and face filthy from the dust of the ruins of L'Aquila, s' embarked on a brief and fierce invective against the possible eurocandidatura of "tissue", defined as "junk" essentially act to amuse the Emperor.

The choice of the noun, which literally means "assembly of old and worthless things, piled in bulk," which is pejorative augmentative of "scarf", perhaps adapts to the low value of the "tissue", but it can not properly be called old, being thirty-something daughters max well made italic.

Epper, this quiet and shy "first lady", who do not attend the Summits of Heads of State and Government from the far 2004 does not really understand why break the proverbial and flaunted their privacy at this time and without apparent provocation , at least, at the time of the letter on the Republic, the unpunished Silvio had left to go to a declaration of amorous feelings toward hypothetical Carfagna (I would marry you), that could justify public as a public response.

But dappoiché Veronica accettò le pubbliche scuse dell'Augusto consorte, e nell'estate scorsa si lasciò con lui fotografare mano nella mano nella tenuta sarda, circondata dai suoi tre figli e dai figli di primo letto del Cav., suscita meraviglia ora questa improvvisa pubblica reprimenda, che segue non a dichiarazioni ma a pissi pissi bao bao sulle eurocandidature; e forse all'andata di Berlusconi alla festa privata di una diciottenne di Casoria che, pare, lo chiami "papi".

Che c'entri all0ra, come direbbe Casini, la guerra sotterranea per la suddivisione dell'immenso patrimonio di Silvio?

E sì, perché quell'insistito richiamo alla tutela dei propri figli pare alludere, più che alla salvaguardia della loro dignità offesa da questa diciottenne figlioccia adottiva, alla questione della divisione delle quote azionarie della Fininvest e delle varie aziende di famiglia tra i tre rampolli di secondo letto e i due di primo, essendo già Piersilvio e Marina saldamente insediati sul ponte di comando della portaerei; non meno che di tutte le infinite proprietà immobiliari e degli inimmaginabili conti e conticini, fondi e fondoni, titoli e titoloni.

Insomma, per ribadire che la divisione dei titoli (azionari, di proprietà, mobiliari) deve esser fatta senza far torto ai figli più piccoli, cosa c'è di meglio dei titoloni dei giornali, sopratutto quando, tra iniziative post-terremoto, G8 Aquila, April 25, Onni, the star of the Cav. refulgent shines more than ever in the Italian sky?

A little 'cautious, therefore, to celebrate in a memorable revival of Veronica furious Edwardian Filomena; to that, at least, had earned their rights to life after public sinner and private concubine, drudgery and holding the house and its unlikely this new edition, however, was taken from theaters and theaters of installation, photography and more or less languid poses, and to replace himself master of his first wife.

Cui, if you will, it should be some sympathy in most, if only because it has access to large newspapers or inspired smemorabilissimi latelliani books.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mono Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Quiet Chaos: a sentimental re-education and existential

It is a masterpiece "Quiet Chaos. At least I have not perceived as such, seeing him in very late last night on Sky.

E 'a masterpiece the way Nanni Moretti embodies the character of Peter Palladino, the protagonist, with the alienation and the emotional aphasia that is typical of many of his characters (most successful) but in this film opens slowly to the vision of others, their needs, their uncertainties, with a look at last understanding and compassionate to their limits, with the humble recognition of our limitations.

If an unexpected event, but not unexpected, as the suicide death of a depressed wife and probably overlooked, tearing through the catalog of everyday life, pain and guilt, says the film may be dumb-seeming indifference, anesthetic separation from others, from from daily routines.

The patient exit from school pending a daughter can be a time suspended, the refusal of the return to normality that suddenly reveals its abnormality, and thus the alienation in the workplace, the escape from the responsibility of the father delegation everything to his mother's indifference to his wife that you do not pick up some warning signs of a severe depression.

In questo tempo sospeso, però, la vita intorno fluisce e Pietro la scopre piano piano, nel sorriso di un bambino down che fa ridere azionando l'antifurto della macchina, di una ragazza che porta a spasso il suo cagnone, delle mamme che al bar si raccontano delle piccole malefatte dei bambini, dei colleghi di lavoro che con lui confrontano i propri fallimenti esistenziali e le incertezze di una operazione societaria di fusione con una società americana, di un fratello che mantiene intatta e lucida, nel suo ottimismo, una visione lineare e positiva della vita.

In questo tempo s'inserisce anche il rapporto sessuale con la quarantenne borghese inquieta e insoddisfatta, che Pietro ha salvato dall'annegamento, e che è l'amante del tycoon della società americana incorporante, come una inevitabile esplosione di una energia e di una passione repressa da troppi anni di quotidianità e normalità anormale, come il ricongiungimento carnale e perciò concreto alla vita vera, che fluisce piena nella forza femminile, di cui spesso le donne stesse sono inconsapevoli.

E' una rieducazione sentimentale ed esistenziale dal quale emerge un uomo nuovo, un padre tenero e affettuoso, un fratello comprensivo, una persona più intensa, che solo la bambina scioglie, con la sua semplicità, dal voto della presenza quotidiana davanti alla scuola, riavviandolo ad una nuova più vera normalità di vita.

Nanni Moretti sa incarnare All this naturally, without smudging and force, accompanied by a cast of level, with excellent Alessandro Gassman, Valeria Golino, the effective, but the icy trembling Isabella Ferrari.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

South Park Fish Stix Stream

If the words will follow the facts

onna Berlusconi's speech, which I quoted in the previous post, it provides food for thought if you can not just ignore it or drown it with whistles and jokes based on the idea that everything that comes from Cav . is hot air, talk, pure marketing short-sighted, as in telemarketing of a clock or a battery of dishes.
Meanwhile there is a new fact, indisputable: after years of ostentatious indifference and hostility towards substantial la celebrazione del 25 aprile, berlusconi riconosce che da quella data non si può prescindere.
Certo, non manca qualche insopprimibile spunto polemico, ma appena velato, soffuso, come ad esempio nel passaggio in cui, accostando la Resistenza e il Risorgimento, e riconoscendone l'importanza come miti fondativi dell'identità nazionale, sostiene, contraddittoriamente, che una Repubblica e una democrazia moderna non deve aver bisogno di miti fondativi.
In realtà il concetto che berlusconi vuole esprimere è che occorre conservare il mito fondativo depurandolo da una retorica resistenziale che non ne accresce ma può offuscarne il valore unitario, e in questo si coglie l'eco delle polemiche suscitate dai libri di giampaolo pansa on the trail of blood that followed the radiant days of April 1945, many of revenge, sometimes only private, which hit the vanquished.
Another aspect of the speech is the idea of \u200b\u200ba consolidation of the vision of the Resistance as a war with the people and soldiers, and this relates to claims that first, and without causing any scandal, has value and Carlo Azeglio Ciampi the heroism of soldiers, NCOs and Italian officers who refused to hand over their weapons to the German army, or paying for the slaughter (as in kefalonia) or the deportation to the camps, or by joining and cooperating in the allied armies and with the partisan groups.
E 'but new and important recognition of the contribution of all political parties of the Republic of the Resistance and then to the efforts of liberation and the building of a democratic system, from the Republican Constitution, including the PCI and including Palmiro Togliatti, never by Berlusconi's words had been spoken clear legitimacy of the contribution of the Communists "historic" the reconquest of national liberation and the building of the Republic.
Sure, the man just can not resist the introduction into its collective memory anecdotal family, which also can be humanly understandable, but that puts a sour note in the speech: it is a short passage and will not menerei absolute scandal. The prospect
"Politics" is new in the indication, however, the Anniversary of the Liberation as "Freedom Day", as that is the time in which the defeat of the invader German firm and its fascist ally in the reconstruction of a new democracy, which was able to hold firm and was able to avoid falling back (also, and above all, for the choices of Yalta, and the painful fidelity to the reasons of turning Togliatti of Salerno) in a civil war and the temptation of a revolutionary breakthrough which, if accomplished, would have fallen in Stalin's totalitarian regime. It may be that the Cayman
never change skin, you may begin to address the problem of a relationship with history, is especially likely to realize that his presidential ambitions can not be achieved in a context where a large minority denies him any democratic legitimacy.
Whatever the reasons for this shift Berlusconi, if the words he spoke yesterday will be followed by action, by a real openness to listening to political and social opposition, a proven ability to move beyond its old vices (not quite optimistic about it, I say it now), it may be that at seventy years Berlusconi to initiate a renewal of Berlusconi and give a perspective to a political party-was born and lived as a company but now inevitably different with the confluence of an, party Conservative modern grand party in the mold of Old American and conversely to start the comparison with a pd that truly embodies, with all the differences, the model of a progressive party that looks like as well as the U.S. Democratic Party.
We'll find out only by living.

Church Community Services Letter

liberation view of Berlusconi

Read before you drown of insults, the text of the speech by Berlusconi in Onna, and think about what that may mean

Berlusconi's speech full of Onna

Dear friends, it is not easy to find the words to describe my, our state of mind at the moment. We are here to Onna to celebrate Liberation Day, a celebration that is both an honor and commitment. An honor to commemorate a terrible massacre perpetrated right here in June 1944 when the Nazis massacred 17 people in retaliation of Onna, and then with explosives blew up the house in which they were the bodies of those innocent victims. A commitment: that we must be inspired is to not forget what happened here and to remember the horrors of totalitarianism and the suppression of "freedom." Right here in Abruzzo, was born and has operated the legendary Maiella Brigade, which was decorated with the Gold Medal of Valor. In December of '43, 15 young men founded what would become precisely the Maiella Brigade, which came to be 1,500 men strong. It is not accidental that in this special day, the military the guard of honor lined up in front of us belong to Artillery Regiment, the Department of Abruzzi in 1943 on Cephalonia had the courage to oppose the Nazis and sacrifice - fighting - for the honor of our country. To those patriots who fought for liberation and the rebirth of Italy goes, must always go our admiration, our gratitude, our gratitude. Most of the Italians today, has not shown what it means to the deprivation of liberty. Only older people have a direct recollection of totalitarianism, foreign occupation, war for the liberation of our homeland.
For many of us is a memory linked to our families, our parents, our grandparents, many of whom were players or even victims of those tragic days. For me it is the memory of years away from my father, forced to leave the country to avoid being arrested, is the remembrance of the sacrifices of my mother, who only had to maintain a large family in those difficult years. And 'the memory of her courage, she like many others from a village in the province of Como had to go every day by train to Milan to work, and that one day, on one of those trains, risked his life, but managed to to steal a Nazi soldier a Jewish woman destined to extermination camps. These are the memories, are the examples with which we grew up. Those of a generation of Italians who did not hesitate to choose freedom. At the risk of its security, even at the risk of his life. Our country owes a debt to those unquenchable many young people who sacrificed their lives, in the best years, to redeem the honor of the fatherland, for loyalty to an oath, but especially for that big, beautiful, indispensable value that is freedom. The same debt of gratitude we have towards all those other guys, Americans, British, French, Poles, many of the allied countries, who shed their blood in the Italian campaign. Without them, the sacrifice of our supporters would have risked being vain. And with respect, we must remember those who fell today, even those who fought the the wrong side in good faith by sacrificing their lives to their ideals and to a cause already lost. This of course does not mean neutrality or indifference. We are - all Italians are free - on the side of those who fought for our freedom, our dignity and honor of our country.
In recent years the history of the Resistance has been detailed and discussed. It 's good that it happened. The Resistance is - the Risorgimento - one of the founding values \u200b\u200bof our nation, a return to the tradition of freedom. And freedom is a right that comes before the law and the rule, because it is a natural right that belongs to us as human beings. However, a free nation does not need myths. As with the Risorgimento, it should also remember the dark pages of the civil war, even those in which those who fought on the right side has made mistakes, took the blame. It is an exercise in truth, is an exercise in honesty, an exercise that makes it even more glorious the history of those who fought in the right hand with self-sacrifice and courage. It is the story of many who have fought in the South, which in Kefalonia then have purchased with blood the honor of the uniform. It is the story of the martyrs as Salvo D'Acquisto did not hesitate to sacrifice his life in exchange for other innocent lives. It is the story of our military internees in Germany, who chose the concentration camp rather than cooperate with the Nazis. It is the story of the many citizens who hid Jews sought, saving them from deportation. It is the story especially the many, many unsung heroes that with small or large acts of daily courage collaborated in the cause of freedom.
The Church, I remember, did his part with real courage, to prevent heinous concepts as the difference of race or religion, became for many the reason for persecution and death. Likewise we must remember the young Jews of the Jewish Brigade, came from the ghettos of Europe, which took up arms and fought for freedom. At that time many Italians di fedi diverse, di diverse culture, di diverse estrazioni si unirono per seguire lo stesso grande sogno, quello della libertà. Vi erano fra loro persone e gruppi molto diversi. Vi era chi pensava soltanto alla libertà, chi sognava di instaurare un ordine sociale e politico diverso, chi si considerava legato da un giuramento di fedeltà alla monarchia.
Ma tutti seppero accantonare le differenze, anche le più profonde, per combattere insieme. I comunisti e i cattolici, i socialisti e i liberali, gli azionisti e i monarchici, di fronte a un dramma comune, scrissero, ciascuno per la loro parte, una grande pagina della nostra storia. Una pagina sulla quale si fonda la nostra Costituzione, sulla quale si fonda la nostra libertà. Fu nella drafting of the Constitution that the wisdom of political leaders of that time, De Gasperi and Togliatti, Terracini and Ruini, Nenni, Pacciardi and Parri, was able to channel towards a single objective, the gulf of departure. Although the evident result of compromise, the Republican Constitution was able to achieve two noble goals and principles: ensuring the freedom and create the conditions for democratic development in the country. It was not little. Indeed, it was the best compromise possible then. However, it was not the goal of creating a moral conscience "common" of the nation, a goal perhaps premature at the time, so that the value was prevalent for all anti-fascism, but not for all the antitotalitarianism. It was the result of the story, a useful compromise to avoid the Cold War that divided vertically Italy did not result in a civil war by the outcome unpredictable. But the assumption of responsibility and a sense of the state that animated all the political leaders of that time remain a great lesson that would be unforgivable to forget. Today, 64 years after April 25, 1945 and twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, our task, the task of all is to finally build a united national sentiment.
We must do all together, all together, regardless of political affiliation, all together, for a new beginning of our republican democracy, where all political parties are recognized in greatest value, freedom, and in his name are compared to the welfare and interests of all. The anniversary of the regaining of freedom is therefore an opportunity to reflect on the past, but also to reflect on the present and the future of Italy. If now we can do together, we have not done a great service to a political party or another, but the Italian people, and especially our children who have the right to live in a democracy finally at peace. We have always rejected the argument that our enemy was our enemy. Compels us and compels us our freedom of religion. In the same spirit I am convinced that the time is ripe for the Liberation Day possa diventare la festa della Libertà, e possa togliere a questa ricorrenza il carattere di contrapposizione che la cultura rivoluzionaria le ha dato e che ancora “divide” piuttosto che “unire”. Lo dico con grande serenità, senza alcuna intenzione polemica. Il 25 aprile fu all’origine di una nuova stagione di democrazia e in democrazia il voto del popolo merita l’assoluto rispetto da parte di tutti. Il popolo, dopo il 25 aprile, votò pacificamente per la Repubblica, e la monarchia accettò il giudizio popolare. Poco dopo, il 18 aprile 1948, la scelta popolare fu di nuovo decisiva per il nostro Paese: con la vittoria di De Gasperi, il popolo italiano si riconobbe nella tradizione cristiana e liberale della its history. And the fifties, always with the support of the popular vote, shaped like an Italy really democratic, economic and social development. Italy became part of Europe and the West, Atlantic was among the promoters of unity and European unity, became an outcast from Country respective countries.
Today our young people before them other challenges: to defend the freedom won by their fathers and extending more and more, they know that without freedom there can be no peace, no justice, no welfare. Some of these challenges are global and they see us working alongside the free countries: the fight against terrorism, the fight against fundamentalism and freedom-fanatic, the fight against racism, for freedom, dignity and peace is a right of every human being, "wherever" in the world. That's why I want to recall the Italian soldiers engaged in peacekeeping missions abroad, particularly those who have fallen in the carrying out this noble mission. There is a continuity between their ideal and all the heroes, and Italian allies, who sacrificed their lives more than 60 years ago to give us freedom in security and peace.
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Today that teaching of our fathers assume a particular value: it falls on April 25 after the great tragedy that has hit this land of Abruzzo. Once again, before the emergency and tragedy, the Italians were able to join, were able to overcome their differences, they managed to prove that a great nation, cohesive in generosity, solidarity and courage. Looking to the many Italians who have worked here in the relief and reconstruction I feel proud, once again, even more, to be Italian and to guide this wonderful country. Today Onna is for us the symbol of our Italy. The earthquake that has destroyed us remember the days when it was to destroy the invader. Rebuild it will mean to repeat the gesture of its rebirth after the Nazi violence. And it is own against the heroes of then and now that we all have a great responsibility to put aside all controversy, to watch the interest of the nation, to protect the great heritage of liberty we have inherited from our fathers. We, all together, the responsibility and duty of all to build a future of prosperity, security, peace and freedom. Long live Italy! Long live the Republic! Viva April 25, the feast of all Italians who love freedom and want to stay free! Viva April 25 the party to be free again!

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I saw yesterday on Sky "oil" and I understand why they have not had great commercial success.

It 's a long story, told without discounts idealistic or romantic myth of the frontier and capitalism leads to progress and prosperity, between stony lands populated by goats and wild grass, which mixes rock, soil, oil, sweat, blood, in which God is absent or indifferent and allow charlatans unlikely to be prophets of a third revelation.

A true story too raw to please the general public, that even in an epic like this look for and hoping for a final redemption, in a conversion to the good, in a reassuring repentance, in a caress to the uncertainties of the soul.

Already the long prologue, in which the protagonist weakens the effort to find a vein of silver, completely free from noise that are not stifled moans of pain and fatigue, pickaxe on the stone that scatter sparks, it is very difficult to digest for palates accustomed to more airy overture.

The entire development of the film is a constant then punch in your gut: the seeker of the relentless hard work, oil, the superhuman effort of the workers in the bottom of the pit fill buckets and buckets, spilling into a pond smelly maybe leaving his life for a beam malfissata or too weak, the race the hoarding of land, with the underground war between hunters and large independent companies such as Standard and Union Oil, the sharp operators tricking sermons aimed at making farmers glimpse the dream of those gains to change the life of a community, like many others held out bait a flock of hungry fish, the agreement with the charlatan preacher who takes advantage of superstition and ignorance of his countrymen to govern together, including false miracle cures and false promises of wealth and prosperity of an entire community, the lean and lonely lives.

A fragment of the epic physical and powerful modern American capitalism but who knows down the well deeper, dark soul the protagonist Daniel Plainview, whom unexplained family traumas and existential ripped all feeling of pity, all human understanding and sharing, generating an ambiguous mixture of cruelty and tenderness towards the child an orphan of his workmate, who poses as child because it gives him an air of respectability and reliability that her face has no wolf, and that arm's hand furiously against the impostor who claims to be against his brother and eventually kills the preacher impostor shots bowling pins in a destructive and self-destructive alcoholic delirium, perhaps because nell'imbonitore recognize as in a mirror reflection of its image, its cunning, its ruthlessness, lies, a lifetime devoted to money and above all the desire to tear it to others, to fools, people with no quality, no dreams, no ideas.

A great movie, a great director (Peterson), a student of Robert Altman, a huge Daniel Dai Lewis, at a cast, stunning photography, a relentless and powerful soundtrack.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What Is Arthritis More Condition_symptoms


The "people" of the left covered with insults and jeers at every Berlusconi and his departure statement.
Playing Cav. is clear: to remain always and everywhere, every day, every hour, every minute, at the center of national political and media scene, and be as much as possible on the international one.
And it's a game he does well, thanks to the gullibility of those who are raised with each beat insuppressible indignation and angry in all his alleged faux pas.
The last two "outputs" Berlusconi's political genius, and if you do not have a minimum of lucid objectivity (hatred Ottung intelligence) can react as we see from many blogs and facebook, with furious trips whistles and jokes.
Berlusconi So after years of indifference celebrated April 25 and does not in the squares and streets of Rome, Milan, Bologna, Turin, in the parades filled with flags and pennants ANPI more or less red, pink, pale pink, with some flag, but specifically to Onna, country symbol of the earthquake in Abruzzo, a small town when there was a "small" massacre of civilians by a Nazi unit, one of the many episodes in "minor" compared the great massacres of Marzabotto, Sant'Anna Stazzena, the Fosse Ardeatine.
will be there, between the curtains are preparing for the poor survivors of the earthquake, including that the little people that some time ago, on FB, perhaps even without malevolent intent, rather they are safe without any malevolent intent (and perhaps this is worse), I heard you call "common people" that populate so sensitive and so easily suggestible to proximity and gestures of attention, ready to be moved the stories of "Pronto Raffaella", which sees the television series about police officers, police, financial police, coast guards, forest ... that actually manages to enjoy the company of the jokes Bagaglino, which follows every Saturday, "La Corrida "Conrad's time and now his successor Gerry Scotti, who is passionate to" Verissimo "... Almost within hours
Berlusconi, stunned everyone, even his ministers, decides that the G8 summit will be in Abruzzo and not in a blindatissima Sardinian place, resulting in a threefold objective: to draw more international media attention on ' event, bringing the "Big" of the Earth between the humble and simple in a region devastated by the earthquake and They pointed to the qualities of pride, pride, courage and tenacity of Abruzzo, and by extension of the Italians; save a heap of millions and millions of euro, how many were needed in order to prepare the summit of Sardinia, which will flow into funds for reconstruction, zero the risk of demonstrations and protests NO GLOBAL because even the most rowdy of them (apart from the difficulty of moving between the Abruzzo and rubble and tents) can not think of disturbing a summit that brings together the mighty of the earth to the last and poor or thinking about adding to the many travails of the population Abbruzzese also lodge parades, white overalls, black bib, bins on fire.
course, is demagogy, populism, charismatic leader in all these choices. But
are choices that the "people" feel and share and cement a feeling of greater closeness to their feelings of Berlusconi and his moods, and are inspired by a concreteness of doing that in a nation intoxicated by words, analysis, measures where, worn out words like "great challenge", "great opportunity", "appropriate responses to complex problems" or slogan now almost forgotten and failed miserably as "I Care", "You can do" (literal translation ugly and pathetic the "Yes We Can" Obama), not to mention the pathetic "I Got" casiniani.
The real world is not the place of blogs and virtual meeting place for facebook and reassure each other like old friends in a picture or a group lost in a thousand paths of individual trajectories, family and social identity, the core, we are always the same, the pride of the old political symbols.
E 'out of the rubble, in the many countries of the Apennines, between the houses of the "people" of which we middle-class professionals and bureaucrats, intellectuals, patrons of the blog and facebook have we not even a real idea, too busy to celebrate itself as moral and intellectual elite of this nation, including a meeting in the library for the presentation of the last book of fashion and cry or just a coffee para-literary.
Thirty, forty years ago was to the left people, the people, for the people, today is the living rooms, libraries, in the departments in the social dinners.
people Meditate, meditate