Thursday, December 24, 2009

All Games Of The Web Page Pusooy


I posted the songs on the Gospel of Luke who remember the birth of Jesus because only then, going to the roots of Christmas, and remembering that for two millennia is no longer just the pagan festival of Sol Invictus, you can return to the true meaning, which goes beyond the empty ceremonies sms cards, gifts, dinners, which instead serve only to fix a point in the year when we recognize how we need others, and affects more expensive (but that's something.) on the news and Newspaper crowd, a significant contrast, images of purchases, from angry passengers waiting interminable between stations, ports and airports, the homeless people who seek to escape the deadly grip of the cold, workers who have nothing to celebrate because the edge of casseintergazioni, mobility, retirement, licenziamenti.Se Jesus was born poor, homeless, without a true cradle without heating, recognized for what it is only by ignorant shepherds, then poverty has really his royal dignity, so much so that the royal sense of giving to others (remember San Martino) is they get poorer, the share of poverty, because in being grateful to the poor, depriving themselves of something, making a little poor, we is somewhat similar to them, which are nothing but poor in material things, but if they are in the heart of Christ, as stanno.Così, this Christmas, I do not want to make formal greeting of any kind, and I want to stay physically close to the poor, that is, the sick, the unemployed, precarious workers, the non-street corners, to the homeless, workers who lose their jobs, to all those for whom God one true father in his infinite tenderness, not embodied in a palace but in a hut, helpless, cold, poor among the poveri.Buon Christmas to them, and all those who love them and serve them


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