Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sleep Disorder More Condition_symptoms

The new political categories

La nuova "pasionaria" piddina, Deborah Serracchiani, ha sdoganato quale nuova categoria della politica la "simpatia" e la "antipatia".
Intendiamoci, sono pulsioni istintive, emotive, spesso inconsapevolmente sottintese a un ragionamento e ai rapporti sociali, dall'amicizia ai luoghi di lavoro, e forse possono spiegare, più e meglio di articolate analisi su sistemi di valori e progetti politici, l'avversione o l'adesione a un'idea quando essa s'incarna, come è quasi inevitabile, in un uomo-simbolo.
In fondo, grandi "antipatici" sono stati De Gasperi, Togliatti, Fanfani, La Malfa, Craxi, De Mita, Forlani, ... Scalfaro, whereas big "nice" were Pertini, Berlinguer, Nenni, Andreotti even with its quirks, and to come today, if we are also on the ridge antipathy / sympathy that are located in Berlusconi maximum extent and smaller part of Bossi and Di Pietro, and are definitely on the side of unpleasant D'Alema, Tremonti, Gasparri, Quagliariello and so on.
Even in the "reduced" Pugliese can not be said that the dichotomy does not play its role: Michelone Emily, with its corpaccione reminiscent of advertising Ferrero ("giant think you"), is certainly nice, but it is difficult not Raffaele Fitto unpleasant, to say the Simeon Cagno Abbrescia, Vendola while Nicki is a bit 'double face: it can be nice or nasty, depending on whether narration of values \u200b\u200bor reasons of policy.
But the category of sympathy was not hitherto risen to objective criterion for selecting a party secretary, had never heard that the justification of a choice of deployment was placed in instinct instinct of empathy that suggests a common feeling ( as is indeed the sympathy). When the forty-year assault
multipreferenziata chose Franceschini said that because sympathetic, was almost submerged by a salvo of boos and insults, and yet, after all, has only expressed the point of view of the "young", those young people whose all parties "liquid" second republic trying to intercept the consents, the slyly selling them "young" as an added value, except to give little or no space to share "green."
E 'Franceschini is clear that "nice" in this sense, far more than Bersani: with his nice guy zazzeretta of American college shirts with the sleeves rolled up on the wrists, informal air, this may be in his fifties 'imaginary youth something reminiscent, in a small course, the Obama phenomenon, and among the young, the blog, network, built his political identity.
Bersani, on the contrary, with its more than incipient baldness, sharp edges, the curriculum child-pidiessino-DS, the support for excellence dell'antipatico D'Alema, seems to emerge from the distant past and the milieu of the Party branches, cooperatives red houses of the people, olivetti letter of 82, mimeograph old.
So far no less scandalous statements of Serracchiani who plays, I do not know whether naively or cunningly, the role of voice of the younger generation, and therefore their pre-political instincts, or a-political, the idea of \u200b\u200ba policy only of emotions, images, youtube, internet, facebook, concerts to follow a very short rallies, meetings in the electoral committees where you can drink a free ride (not even happen in Bari?). But where is the
Serracchiani slip, so ruinous, is in its last externally, in which he imagines and claimed a democratic party where there is room for all, by Beppe Grillo at Binetti.
The girl, in essence, a party that wants to be like one of those boxes of junk from the attic, where it takes a bit 'of everything from photos of the school and school trips, to old love letters in a sling , colored marbles, a few yellowed card youth movements.
A box that has more value as a container for its contents, which should be "rich" because it has everything and more.
will say that the PDL is a top-box, inside which there are both Tremonti, close to the League, that Cicchitto, a former socialist P2 card, and Quagliariello, a former radical who Bondi, a former Communist, is Pisanu (moroteo old) that Savino, Carfagna and the other "buxom" Cape.
Very true, but there is someone who, for better or for worse, the box door, and glances around him, not the box, the box even has a meaning and exists as such only because there is a large canner. In Pd
box, however, in the box, bulk, we would end all, but everyone, and since there is plenty of space and everyone wants to do a minimum subsistence, the box at the end would give the fragile walls, like some boxes shoes when instead of a couple, you want to get two.
The idea, perhaps naive or sly, so to combine the Serracca PD in all the drives, those faux-populist truth, moral indignation reformist-idealistic to the realistic-Politic, those ideological values, in 'ambition to represent, "totalitarianism", all the moods of Italian society.
Indeed, on closer inspection, it is the old model of mass and inter-party, ie the old DC and the PCI in Emilia-Romagna, which ment were the glue of ideology, to strengthen the walls of the boxes.
Deborah Deborah, if this is your idea of \u200b\u200bthe "new" form party, you're a bit 'older than forty years of the Registry certifies.


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