Friday, July 31, 2009

Kaflowy Projekt Ogrzewania

From Piazza Fontana to date: the roots of the disaster

I finished reading the "monumental" essay by Paul Cucchiarelli dedicated to "The secret of the massacre ", published by Ponte alle Grazie, which is struggling to gain position on the charts of best selling essays.
Certainly a book of over six hundred pages of dense facts, names, people, reconstruction, reasoned assumptions, it is not, by its nature, intended for a very wide audience of readers, and the argument now historicizing (the Piazza Fontana massacre are now almost forty years, the anniversary falls December 12, 2009), requires a knowledge, more or less directly, the historical context, national and international, which can not be required for those who have less than fifty years, and that therefore those years from 1969 onwards if you have lived in direct engagement.
Yet the book, perhaps in a abridged edition, deserves to be read also and especially by the "young" if they want to understand something of Italy in which they live and the way in which the history of this country has been repeatedly driven back on the ground of the economic, political, cultural, reforms ever made, never implemented the modernization of how, in short, a country destroyed by war and came out even with U.S. aid was able to recover and tenacity laborious of his people, could be joining the current stagnant swamp, with a political class that old, worn, shabby and inadequate, with incompetent and rapacious ruling class, with a civil society fragmented, quarrelsome, devoid of ideals horizons, basically in line with its political class and its leadership vacuum in the minutes of mock indignation, nell'ipocrita declination of non-existent public virtues and vices of tangible and uncontrollable private and public VRTU undermine and corrupt.
Cucchiarelli If he is right (and I'm afraid he's right) basically anything that was born out of tragedy, from his "duplicity" (anarchist bombs, which were not supposed to be dead, alongside a fascist bombs which, in combination, produced the massacre) , resulting from the unspeakable truth and the establishment of a truth of "convenience", accepted even by the historical and extra-parliamentary left, which also came to offer an alibi to the Red Brigades terrorist, long wave of authoritarian stabilization project which was the core business "Piazza Fontana, who also swept Aldo Moro, the subsequent" settlement "of the center-left governments of 80, with an inability to undertake the structural reforms that the country needed, and then by the collapse of the old party system, with the decline of the Eastern regimes, the "maneuvers" international certainly supported the "false "Revolution tangentopolies reorganization of a breeze block around Berlusconi and from the emergence of a regional party that has managed to conquer the so-called lower classes, the failure of a political class of center-left government still dominated by figures old and unable conceive of politics as nothing more than management interests, rather largely subservient to the interests of strong or even direct participation of those interests. The events
Puglia di questi ultimi mesi sono esemplari, nell'intreccio di vecchie furbizie politiche, populismi e caudillismi, mala sanità, mala politica, malaffare, che enfatiche declamazioni para-poetiche non riescono più ad addolcire e tanto meno a nascondere.
In poco più di un mese si è passati dalle acclamazioni frettolose di una "storica" vittoria, alle furibonde litigate sulla segreteria del PD, dalle improvvide dichiarazioni sulla Puglia come "laboratorio politico" (in cui la "grande idea" era d'imbarcare in maggioranza l'UDC casiniana, nelle sue varianti locali), alle sferzanti e ruvide parole sull'avventatezza di una inchiesta giudiziaria (le inchieste "non avventate" sono sempre quelle che riguardano gli altri, ovviamente), from the forgotten promises to dissolve the accumulation of institutional roles and responsibilities of the claiming party of the heap, as it is and whatever passes through openings in new "local movements that seek to build a sort of cross-League South, which seems more than a consistent variation a Southerner of a new attempt to build a "new notability" Southern can still play a role in national policy, of course without any real idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping the country as a whole, accepting the League game and restart.
the origin of the "misery" of current policy, which at the bottom of the "exuberance" chivalry are the picturesque, certainly not the most important and alarming, are the facts (and not facts) forty years ago, that directed in a way national history, in a way that has not been able or willing to straighten.
But the resurgent real danger of this stage is that a declining political class and traveled to the right, center and left, scandals of all sorts, falling once again under the blows of the judicial inquiries, leaving the usual powers " strong "s'incarichino manage another reform that is likely to be fictitious as the result of tangentopoli, opening the way to the usual" technocrats "to a transition which could then return the country to new figures packed ad hoc, in a spiral without end.
Changing everything because you do not change niente, secondo il vecchio insegnamento del principe di Salina.


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