Friday, May 8, 2009

Seizure Disorder More Condition_symptoms


I tedeschi negli ultimi mesi della seconda guerra mondiale furono illusi che le sorti del conflitto, ormai irrimediabilmente segnate, potessero essere rovesciate con l'arma finale; ma in effetti nonostante gli scienziati nazisti si dilettassero con l'acqua pesante erano ancora ben lontani dalla atomica, cui invece erano vicinissimi gli americani, che nell'estate del 1945 ne fecero un uso "spettacolare" anche per mandare un avvertimento a Stalin.

La sinistra radical chic dei Santoro, Travaglio, De Gregorio (Concita), Vauro, La Repubblica e L'Espresso, e compagnia di giro cantante, si è convinta di aver trovato l'arma finale per abbattere Kaiser Silvio.

E quest'arma ha le sembianze, in f0ndo un po' banali e veline, di una ragazzotta di Casoria, figlia di un messo comunale, che risponde al nome gentile di Noemi, e che come molte ragazze più o meno belline della sua generazione (ma anche di quelle precedenti) vorrebbe arrivare al successo e ai soldi facili passando per le porte della TV, o almeno per quelle di Montecitorio (ma ovviamente solo come ripiego).

Perché, com'è noto, agli italiani all you can ask and all they can tolerate, since samples of public virtue without private vices, not touching that "the family" and ccriature "and so if you insinuate, suggest, he argues, that one that makes even the President of the Council of Ministers, or Premier, mindful of the virtues of the family and especially to those of a "minor", the result should be a destructive blast in a figurative sense as the American atomic, Silvio pulverized almost instantly with the popular consensus.

theorem Noemi has quickly built: suffice it to say that her father has put a dark hall (which has had some legal problems of corruption, although he was acquitted), which Silvione rushes to the party and the boy gives her a necklace, that the creature called Silvio "daddy", who made a book of photographs sent around, obviously to Mediaset, which was apparently with her parents in Arcore and perhaps also in Sardinia.

And if this is not enough to reinforce the dirty bomb gossipparo with some seasoning, such as Veronica statement saying that, in commenting on the speculation that Naomi is an illegitimate daughter (pardon natural but not recognized) by Silvio, "maybe was his daughter! " puts a seal of sorrowful resignation to the vile idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between the old tycoon and the cool fresh eighteen seventy-three, obviously with the complicity of the parents ignoble lenoni, a questo punto emuli dei Tenardier de "I Miserabili".

Perché poi la Veronica lascia intendere, anzi sostiene, che Silvione "non sta bene", cioé è malato, e che lei aveva implorato i suoi famigli e collaboratori di aiutarlo ma è rimasta inascoltata.

Ne nasce l'immagine di un anziano sessuomane, col chiodo fisso, che come tutti i dipendenti da qualcosa ha bisogno di dosi sempre più grandi di trasgressione, e non bastano più le trentenni, le venticinquenni, le ventenni, ma ci vogliono le diciottenni, già diciassettenni e prima ancora sedicenni o quindicenni.

Certo l'ideale sarebbe una bambina di otto o dieci anni, così l'immagine the pedophile would be full, effective and authentic, but in the absence of other minor enough to still be under 18.

To me this seems like the ultimate weapon that bombed London V2: some buildings could also go down, but after a sputter Buchingam or Westminster Palace, or the Bridge there was running.

So it can collapse a few pieces of concrete from the face of the foundation Cav., Leaving a glimpse of the wrinkles and bags under your eyes, bend, and surveys of two, three, five points.

But at the end of the fair this version, red-pecoreccia dell'antiberlusconismo risk could, paradoxically, to strengthen it. Why

Veronica defending their children destroying their father's image, and sends letters around the painful news agencies and newspaper offices, not the home of Voghera, which with difficulty and great cost (legal fees) deals with the separation knowing that will live with a maintenance of 400-600 euro, because the honest mechanic Abbiategrasso, which can be bought at 50 € the love of mercenary Lolitas Russian, Hungarian, Romanian, Baltic, will have perhaps a bike envy , not condemnation for what he does, because many mothers tutt'inansia for their daughters, would see that well-placed as a tissue, let alone as parliamentarians, will rebel against the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing considered too of the sellers under the branches.

And who knows that indeed the "people", much hated by the left radical chic, but very concrete, real and decisive in the end not even in solidarity with Silvio, thinking that Veronica, now a refined and tender, at the time tore rampant and the rich businessman to the thalamus nuptial without taking too much punishment of children, then children of first marriage, and that, ultimately, as in the popular saying, who does expect it.

Then comes right awarded Santoro, Travaglio, Vauro and left the company around the radical chic of the Order of Silvio, just honor of four strolling players of journalism and politics who have worked so hard and deserved in the consolidation of his power.


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