Saturday, April 25, 2009

South Park Fish Stix Stream

If the words will follow the facts

onna Berlusconi's speech, which I quoted in the previous post, it provides food for thought if you can not just ignore it or drown it with whistles and jokes based on the idea that everything that comes from Cav . is hot air, talk, pure marketing short-sighted, as in telemarketing of a clock or a battery of dishes.
Meanwhile there is a new fact, indisputable: after years of ostentatious indifference and hostility towards substantial la celebrazione del 25 aprile, berlusconi riconosce che da quella data non si può prescindere.
Certo, non manca qualche insopprimibile spunto polemico, ma appena velato, soffuso, come ad esempio nel passaggio in cui, accostando la Resistenza e il Risorgimento, e riconoscendone l'importanza come miti fondativi dell'identità nazionale, sostiene, contraddittoriamente, che una Repubblica e una democrazia moderna non deve aver bisogno di miti fondativi.
In realtà il concetto che berlusconi vuole esprimere è che occorre conservare il mito fondativo depurandolo da una retorica resistenziale che non ne accresce ma può offuscarne il valore unitario, e in questo si coglie l'eco delle polemiche suscitate dai libri di giampaolo pansa on the trail of blood that followed the radiant days of April 1945, many of revenge, sometimes only private, which hit the vanquished.
Another aspect of the speech is the idea of \u200b\u200ba consolidation of the vision of the Resistance as a war with the people and soldiers, and this relates to claims that first, and without causing any scandal, has value and Carlo Azeglio Ciampi the heroism of soldiers, NCOs and Italian officers who refused to hand over their weapons to the German army, or paying for the slaughter (as in kefalonia) or the deportation to the camps, or by joining and cooperating in the allied armies and with the partisan groups.
E 'but new and important recognition of the contribution of all political parties of the Republic of the Resistance and then to the efforts of liberation and the building of a democratic system, from the Republican Constitution, including the PCI and including Palmiro Togliatti, never by Berlusconi's words had been spoken clear legitimacy of the contribution of the Communists "historic" the reconquest of national liberation and the building of the Republic.
Sure, the man just can not resist the introduction into its collective memory anecdotal family, which also can be humanly understandable, but that puts a sour note in the speech: it is a short passage and will not menerei absolute scandal. The prospect
"Politics" is new in the indication, however, the Anniversary of the Liberation as "Freedom Day", as that is the time in which the defeat of the invader German firm and its fascist ally in the reconstruction of a new democracy, which was able to hold firm and was able to avoid falling back (also, and above all, for the choices of Yalta, and the painful fidelity to the reasons of turning Togliatti of Salerno) in a civil war and the temptation of a revolutionary breakthrough which, if accomplished, would have fallen in Stalin's totalitarian regime. It may be that the Cayman
never change skin, you may begin to address the problem of a relationship with history, is especially likely to realize that his presidential ambitions can not be achieved in a context where a large minority denies him any democratic legitimacy.
Whatever the reasons for this shift Berlusconi, if the words he spoke yesterday will be followed by action, by a real openness to listening to political and social opposition, a proven ability to move beyond its old vices (not quite optimistic about it, I say it now), it may be that at seventy years Berlusconi to initiate a renewal of Berlusconi and give a perspective to a political party-was born and lived as a company but now inevitably different with the confluence of an, party Conservative modern grand party in the mold of Old American and conversely to start the comparison with a pd that truly embodies, with all the differences, the model of a progressive party that looks like as well as the U.S. Democratic Party.
We'll find out only by living.


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