Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Vampirefreaks Proxies


Yesterday evening, late evening on RAI 2 was a rebroadcast episode, by Gianni Minoli, dedicated to the murder of Luigi Calabresi, with an accurate representation of the facts and evidence and Gemma and Mario Calabresi, Panza, Mughini, D'Ambrosio and others who were in a different way "people informed of the facts. "

a year ago I had read the book by Mario Calabresi "Pushing the night further, that moving from painful personal experience (the author was just four years at the time of the assassination of his father) and memories of how a personal tragedy has weighed on his life and yet it has not bent logic of resentment and anger, his eyes widened with some family members of victims of terrorism, the minute you lose people early ogni memoria.

Pochi mesi fa ho letto "La notte che Pinelli", il saggio puntiglioso con cui Adriano Sofri ricostruisce le settantadue ore del ferroviere anarchico (era un "frenatore") nelle stanze della questura di Milano, ripropone i dubbi sugli esiti dell'indagine sulla sua morte, riepiloga -per vero in modo abbastanza sommario- la campagna di stampa di Lotta Continua contro il commissario Calabresi e le vicende del processo per diffamazione intentato contro il direttore del giornale.

Il 13 dicembre 1969 avevo poco meno di dodici anni, eppure ricordo bene le immagini del telegiornale e il grande buco nero sul pavimento del salone della Banca nazionale dell'agricoltura di piazza Fontana, le foto and images of Peter Valpreda arrested, the face of commissioner Calabresi, the furore over the death of Pinelli.

On 17 May 1972, the day of the murder of Calabresi, was older and aware, and above all had first-hand experience on marches and slogans against Calabresi and generally on the "massacre of the State" rhymed with "Feltrinelli murdered. "

I understand the point of view of Adriano Sofri, but I think in his book, however well written and documented, really miss you a small word and sincere, unconditional admission but had chosen a man and to have made a symbol, and therefore a target for bullets, whether or not it came an order explicitly or implicitly the leader of LC, however, bore a signature clear moral and political.

that murder, like it or not, has pioneered the so-called armed struggle, that is why he referred to as political murder by general and abstract words could be revolutionary to take concrete action against persons "emblematic": if you are not able to kill the state with the revolution, at least you can take out the men who are on his side, there are officials, they serve him.

E 'awareness that this is not in Sofri and many of his generation, this is why, even today, there seems to be closed with a political gesture of the amnesty season of the massacres and terrorism.

But if somehow the silences and omissions of Sofri on this point are understandable (but not justified), what angers me is that, however, no real critical thinking, apart from four "portrait", has never been made by many "intellectuals" who signed the appeal and in fact the indictment, imputation, published by L'Espresso 13 June 1971, that is little more than a year before the murder of Calabresi.

Certainly many of the 757 signatories will no longer be in this world, others are very old and have forgotten, but there are still many, starting with Eugene Scalfari, and thirty-eight years have not found the time or desire to say I'm sorry, maybe then I signed a document which was a ruling politico-moral conviction that, given the climate and time, it was a death sentence, was a ' prior acquittal on those who have done justice to the people. "

E 'role in this dark and sticky of many intellectuals, which has columns of newspapers, academic chairs, benches of Parliament, pursued the common thought, conscience instead of trying to be democratic, cajoled and stimulated the movement of violent overthrow unrealistic projects social and political order, rather than indicating the path of democratic debate, that has also breeding grounds for terrorism and burned the worst youth and even some large piece of the best youth.

Maybe they are bad teachers who then found themselves a comfortable niche in society, and perfumed or who are now directly and frankly bards of Berlusconi: clerics and clerics then today, dedicated to the eternal "and Franza provided that if Spain magna.

How can you be surprised if you can not come to terms and close to the events of 43-45, though in a tragic but less impact on historical, political and existential, you can not close the accounts with the period of the massacres and terrorism?

Thus, the memory becomes a black hole between the generations who have lived and can not say "we were wrong" and that generations do not know and do not want to know.

And in this black hole that absorbs all light of truth and conscience, falls also the civil conscience of a country which presents a daily talk show and not real debates, declarations and slogans ephemeral stream of words that obsolescono from day to day, because all centered sull'adesso and now, after another.

In the background are two photographs in black and white, two men whose destinies are tragically intertwined, two fathers who could not see crescere i figli, né abbracciare i nipoti.

A loro, tra i tanti, bisogna chiedere scusa, e non dimenticarli.

Onore a Luigi Calabresi e Pino Pinelli.


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