Monday, June 15, 2009

Pain Behind Ear More Condition_symptoms


It 's a fake recognize the famous article 27 of the Rules of the Marina Bourbon September 20, 1841, according to which, during inspections and visits on board of other authorities, to give the impression that something be done to industrious, active, important, the board should do "Ammuina" that is, as that would have required regulation in pure Neapolitan language "are all about chille forward, vann'a stern and chill about are 'vann'a bow to stern; chille ca stann'a vann'a straight left and chill about being left vann'a straight, all chille Abbasciano are about to be' ncoppa and chill about being ' ncoppa vann'abbascio, passanno all p '' o pertuso himself, who has not chains nothin '' to do ', s'aremen' 'a rc and' in there. "
But we must be grateful to this fake, probably inspired Bourbons, because it describes in a plastic, and how best can not be, the sense of frantic action, fast-paced, directed precisely to give the feeling that everything is moving and something happens while it happens little or nothing.
Perhaps the Cav. rediscovered, in one of his visitationes casoriane, saying, and this would explain the Ammuina the plot more or less "subversive" evoked a few days ago, validated by Senator Cossiga with the revelations of a conspiracy designed to overthrow Silvio enthrone Dragons, emblematic champion of the strong powers of banks, finance, the varied interests of business and turning around and each other.
Epper, including Max "statesman" D'Alema, in tribute to his intervistratrice (but is in Sarno, Salerno, Naples and not properly), Lucia has announced the "shock", sobs earthquakes, upheavals likely political and institutional without revealing either the sources of his divinity nor the results from these political earthquake should fate (the collapse of Silvio, yet another ripple of the greasepaint intonachizio its image of timeless sixty well out towards the eighty?).
Maybe because everyone talks to daughter-mother-in-law intends: the Knight of the majority to close ranks, to evoke a new 1994, scaring the moderates UDC, send signals to the League if the Po praetorian guard would somehow pull the unmark too much or too bound with rope which holds the rest of the majority; Max "statesman" to evoke the requirement that sensitive and crucial steps do not forget, in fact, of those who, like him, have demonstrated leadership and strong nerves, since the difficult transition the war in Kosovo, when he guidato, unico ex comunista della storia d'Italia, il governo; e magari anche per dire al popolo democratico che non è proprio il momento di affidarsi a convulsi conati giovanilisti pensando di affidare il partito ad una giovane quarantenne carina ma troppo immatura e certo "leggerina" come la Deborah Serracchiani.
L'oggetto comune del contendere, sul terreno politico, poi è nientepopodimenoché l'UdC di Casini e Cesa, che Berlusconi, facendo male i conti, aveva immaginato in liquidazione (dimenticadone il radicamento siciliano e territoriale, in quanto partito degli assessori al sud), e D'Alema vorrebbe imbarcata come un qualsiasi Udeur in un'ampia coalizione antiberlusconiana, comprensiva anche della Sinistra radicale nelle sue two variations (S & L, RC-PDCI-Socialists) and, possibly, why not, and the pannelliani boniniani.
These "symmetry" Berlusconi-d'alemiane prove, if proof were needed, of how worn and stale vision of things in the center and center left. so tied to the game tactics and messages, so disconnected from the needs and the needs of Italian society.
policy now seems only a reality show, with his company's fixed around the fight, the poor and weak thoughts, rather peripheral side, the horizons that go beyond the living room of Porta a Porta. Napolitano
And in all this runs the risk of letting any part of the Barbara D'Urso or Simona Ventura, call to order without conviction when the competitors with the fateful "Ragaaaaziiiiii.


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