Tuesday, May 26, 2009

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And if I was his grandfather?

Republic continues the saga of Letizia, who devoted their best energies of his writing.
an interview with the alleged boyfriend of Naomi has taken the field, nientepopodimenoché, Giuseppe D'Avanzo, as saying the Gian Antonio Stella of the Rome daily, that great journalism in the wake of the vaunted "investigation" (what once was responsible for murder, mafia, corruptions, crimes excellent, ie "trinkets" to the comparison of the "mysteries of Noemi") interviewed the boyfriend (allegedly) the girl, a discreet mechanical muscular appearance and criminal record of some (but obviously withheld), who declared the truth on the deal, which coincides with the hypothesis first proposed by the investigation, "Washington Post" de noaltri: the photo book, the brokering of Emilio Fede, the unexpected phone call, a vacation villa in Sardinia, with dozens of girls dressing young and comely, the sudden mutation of Naomi, of course subject to the insane desires of the elderly host.
Now Letizia father told the Morning of Naples his truth: a chance meeting a decade ago, a heartfelt letter in the aftermath of the tragic death of the elder brother of Naomi, the presentation of the Knight family. With Naomi, the girl of eight or so that Silvio proposes to call "Grandpa", corrected by her father that suggests "do not overdo it (mica is so old) call him papi."
And for some reason at this point, like St. Paul on the Damascus road, lighting me through everything, like an electric shock: What if it His grandfather??
As we move in a purely "circumstantial", the reality is in fact open to many different readings.
Let 's see: the mother of Naomi has more or less the same age as Marina Berlusconi, and if you notice has a profile, with mascelletta, and a look, reminiscent of the Navy, which is the female version of Cav ., well over Piersilvio, and much of the children of Veronica, in which the physical features of the Cav. you are better mixed with those of Miriam Bartolini (aka Lario).
We also know that Naomi's mother attended a broadcast environment, in the times of his youth, without much luck, but they have attended, and even here there may be paternal imprinting, the genes are not fresh water.
Then he married a dark-looking municipal employee, who had attended in Naples Socialist Socialist De Donato, who was really one of the milieu of the Cav. (Not Naples, but the environment of the PSI Craxi).
And who knows, at this point, and as a feilleuton in the late nineteenth century, the Cav. has not just discovered in the late 90's that in his various adventures around Italy had produced a forbidden fruit and unspeakable: a natural daughter, never recognized and never recognized, to safeguard the legitimate interests of the offspring, which 're already struggling to get along with each other (certainly not have been pleasant for Marina and Piersilvio meet the children of separated because Veronica Lario was bound by its father, but these details are likely to Veronica).
What would you do if you discovered that you have a grandchild, who is also the older ones among all the grandchildren, and that, unfortunately, has never enjoyed and will never enjoy the fruits of the sun, full and fleshy, with a rich and illustrious ancestry?
'd go to her birthday? The gift would you do some? I would ask with a friend, making her find a place "young", to give her a holiday of the year-end? You will remember the party of eighteen?
Of course you would, everyone, without distinction. But you call yourselves
mica and you're Silvio Berlusconi, not you already five legitimate children and four grandchildren legitimate, not have to worry about avoiding the truth that "hidden" explodes like an atomic destroying what little harmony among the children who must be patiently built with donations from sling, header property and real estate values, equity .
And perhaps even prefer, from a certain point of view, give the feel of corrupting minors and almost pedophile, bearing the feminine and disgraced the conduct of a republic, rather than having to admit this "hidden truth" as destabilizing, not the state or destinies of Italy, but more prosaically, the fate of a family.
The "variant of his grandfather," tell the truth, you've never seen, and not even consider this Republic to the newspaper via Cristoforo Colombo, and his publisher De Benedetti, only interested in the whole of Italy, which overflows with indignation to the old man that works against the minors, that is metaphorically, and potentially, the "daughters" of all, dell'edicolante, as the traffic cop, the worker, as a lawyer, doctor, as a journalist, in short, all the "ggente.
And in Italy you know, marturianamente, "the children know 'amplitude and' core '.


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