Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bimetallic Strip And Buy

The second moral issue "Frankie"

Dario Franceschini and gossippara neomediatica discovered variant of the "moral issue", trying to update the terms and adapt to the scenarios of the so-called Second Republic, and succeeding rather to flatten the terms of the one and thirty "La Repubblica".

's statements yesterday, the sense of "Mother, I entrust your children to such a man?", Subtly evocative of the spectra that more than two years ago stirred between the classrooms of asylum Rignano Flaminio, rather than scenarios of "Lolita" by Nabokov, was frankly, "Franceschina" unhappy.

The response of children who have already been assigned, historically, is naturally, the man "so", ie the children real, tangible, legitimate Cav. was immediate, strong, and even dignified: and if the children of a real man "as" defend him in unison, perhaps the mothers of Italy's most alarming rhetoric from the question of Franceschini outputs are reassured by the reply of the Berlusconi family.

Meanwhile failed to even attempt to pull the robe the Italian Bishops' Conference to decide on the merits of the question because it is true that the future, about the divorce-Lario Berlusconi, had to ask the Premier to most sobriety, but here in public to pronounce on an alleged prohibited (until evidence proved otherwise) corrupting minors there runs.

And the Church and its bishops, who have experience of two thousand years and target the things of this world with a lens reversed because, in every case, they must look more closely's transcendent, and in light of those seeking to exercise their teaching, they could not become the certification agency as a moral questioncina obvious electoral purposes.

Franceschini, in full rapture election and perhaps not truly believe to be a simple "Pilot" to lead the battered ship to a Democratic Congress, but even a possible commander of that vessel, has seen fit to play up in fund an aggressive game, American, forgetting that in that society, imbued with Protestant values \u200b\u200b(which are the true ethics of capitalism), the moral judgments of the private behavior of the Police really matters in this, however, who is Catholic, the line between public ethics and individual morality is much more clear and sharp, and the private sins are washed in the confessional and public bath in parliament, press, media.

Like it or not this is Italy and that his "tradition".

Franceschini E should not be forgotten, because his party in the home for many vices "private" of prominent leaders had drawn a veil thick and dark, that never the PCI, PSI or any of the political left ( and also the right to tell the truth) would have thought to raise, not only for matters of style, but because that boundary was clear and absolute.

Neither Di Pietro, who also has the copiright dell'antiberlusconismo, but in his next cunning of peasant ancestry Molise is more awake and aware, has decided to cross that line (which he also married twice and some attendance showgirl: in the days when he was Minister for Infrastructure is well known that the rooms of the department of Porta Pia circulated Elona Weber).

Franceschini Instead, with his little face of a little boy 'aged, his hair cut by key AGESCI, his good-natured emphasis Emilia, forgot to sapienzale whole tradition of the old DC, which we fed along with breast milk, and went out of the sow (and the seminar!).

It 's true, then, that the best friends of the Cav. are his enemies, and, as he repeated the young Don Vito Corleone Michael teaching the basics of the craft of godfather, the enemies should keep them close, far more than friends.

short, the PD finds that more bitterly today that Franceschini was given to Frankie, who made the order that we know.


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