Monday, February 7, 2011

Frederiction Auction Used Cars


Jesus and the twelve apostles

The pontiff, who simplified the ceremony and sold the tiara
the U.S. to help Third World peoples
On June 21, 1963 Archbishop Milan Giovanni Battista Montini was elected Pope after a short conclave and conflicts, Paul VI, it would be called the son of a deputy of the People's Party, was frail constitution - at his birth the doctors said would not exceed 24 hours - but with intelligence alive . He was educated by the Jesuits and became a priest 23 years and was sent as secretary to the Apostolic Nuncio in Warsaw. At 27 he entered the Secretariat of State and then sent to Milan as archbishop for a period of pastoral work in a "career" too curial cardinal by John XXIII, which was fervent collaborator, joined him during that Vatican Council II that shook the world of Church and surfacing issues that had the iron hand of Pope Pacelli had collapsed. Paul VI addressed his mission, which lasted fifteen troubled years, feeling a burden on himself the burden of the past and the weight of the future. A lover of reading and meditation chose to travel like no one else had done before him. It is ruthless against the Vatican pump, abolished coats and canopies dismantling most of the equipment choreographic removing all the military services as the Noble Guard and the Palatine Guard, the waiters secret cloak and dagger - ; lay people who must have belonged to the nobility Capitoline or have a high position sociale -. Ridusse i sediari pontifici, che portavano a spalla la sedia gestatoria, il trono mobile che veniva usato in occasione delle solenne ricorrenze del calendario liturgico. Unica eccezione il mantenimento della guardia svizzera, voluta nel 1506 da Papa Giulio II della Rovere per la loro fama di soldati fedeli e invincibili.   Dopo l’incoronazione Paolo VI interruppe l’uso della tiara o triregno, sostituendola con la più agevole mitria - ritenuta dagli esperti più carica di spiritualità e di un senso di collegialità e fratellanza con l’episcopato - lasciando però ai suoi successori la libertà di decidere al riguardo. La tiara, messa in vendita, venne acquistata dal cardinale Francis Joseph Spellman arcivescovo di New York   con una sottoscrizione che superò il milione di dollari e da allora è conservata nella basilica dell’Immacolata Concezione di Washington. Il ricavato fu poi destinato ai bisognosi della terra. Decretò la fine della messa in latino e l’introduzione del nuovo messale nelle lingue nazionali. Con lui cardinali e vescovi ebbero un limite di età, dopo il quale andavano in pensione. Gli strascichi dei cardinali furono ridotti da sette a tre metri.
Questo papa progressista disse di no alla pillola, all’abolizione del celibato, al divorzio, all’aborto. Considerato a torto un uomo chiuso, introverso, angosciato, fronteggiò opposing currents and adverse to the Church exploded during and after Vatican II. On the one hand supported the upgrading and modernization of the Church, but on the other guarded the fixed points of faith. He was attentive to the language of symbols: the most significant Via Crucis, a ritual that repeats itself every year in the Coliseum. The path traced by Pope Paul VI is now possible to further simplify the ceremonial trappings to streamline, precious objects for sale to help the needy? The people are not resigned to their fate, and we Christians, everyone, not just the Church, we are responsible for much suffering. We refer to what has been written by Pope John Paul II's encyclical Solleecitudo Rei Socialis, its best record in the social field, which we showed an excerpt in the box next to it.

Mariolina Sardo

part of teaching and most ancient practice of the Church the belief that it was required by vocation - itself - its ministers and each of its members to alleviate the misery of the suffering far and near, not only with the "unnecessary" but also with the "necessary". Faced by cases of need you may prefer not superfluous church ornaments and costly furnishings for divine worship, on the contrary may be obligatory to sell these assets to provide food, drink, clothing and shelter for those without.

Sollecitudo Rei Socialis encyclical of Pope John Paul II


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