Monday, February 21, 2011

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The anniversary of 150 years of national unification can be an opportunity for a lot of excitement with the risk of rhetoric (the Risorgimento epic turned into mythology or martyrs), others with contempt and rejection (like the forced cohabitation between different units). Perhaps the wisest position would be to use the sesquicentennial anniversary to reflect light and shadow on Italy that was built by our fathers, that we are building and what we can build the next generation. "Making the Italians ", assuming that all it wants, it may be a task that will require more time and effort: while we try to understand what aspects of the prevailing national character and what positive and negative behaviors have become part of the culture and customs of this part of Europe. To provide opportunities to stimulate reflection and discussion before the celebrations and festivities put a damper on further study and comparison, the University of Bolognetta popular, in recent years has hosted a seminar on Sicily prehistoric and one on the Greek Sicily, organized in 2011 a series of meetings called "Sicilia 150. The unification globalizzazione” che si svilupperà da febbraio a maggio. Il primo incontro avrà come relatori Claudio Paterna, presidente dell’Istituto nazionale per il Risorgimento - comitato di Palermo e lo storico Michelangelo Ingrassia dell’Università di Palermo, che tratteranno il tema: LA SICILIA E I SICILIANI NEL CAMMINO VERSO L’UNITA’ D’ITALIA (1820-1861),.
Sin qui Santo Lombino.
Parte bene questo ciclo di incontri organizzati da questa Università Popolare che riscuote sempre più giudizi positivi . Il tema ,che si confonde fra mille proposte similari, non era altamente allettante ,sconoscendo speakers and details, but now it is imposed from the start thanks to an extraordinary verve of the whole team. Even the presentation is dry and has given the go-to essential interventions conducted with skill. Even the mayor, starting from the evening in Sanremo Benigni became carried away by the comedian that easily passes from Dante to Garibaldi, from minors to beat out of date. He has missed the insecurity of a strong discomfort when Benigni does not use hooks bawdy. He married well the program, proud to have a staff of top quality. Paterna Claudio last year and has learned with quotes (well point out that no references are not qualified scholars). Michael Ingrassia, which showed the real stuff the historical niche news and new interpretations, a revival of a failed other side took us out new characters or not estimated from 1820 until late today. He made more human myths and heroes from all known quasi-unreal. A chart and a super organization, stripped of popular literature, but no less fascinating. The myth that first lit Garibaldi, Mazzini, Cavour and others have come out stronger from untouchable to humans, but in any case exceptional. Place them in context, widely described by the two speakers, real and 360 degrees has been exciting for all involved. We all found the right place at the right time with each piece to suo posto. Senza sbavature. Mi ha sorpreso la pacatezza espositiva accattivante che ha schiacciato il pubblico sui contenuti. Può andar fiero questo sindaco di poter contare su questa squadra. Una bibliotecaria , che sa curare i suoi ospiti, Santo Lombino non lo scopro io , ma i presenti sembravano studenti a lezione. Sì, parte bene questo ciclo di incontri.
Onofrio Sanicola
E’ sempre più una sorpresa la Biblioteca di Bolognetta.Un paese di 4.000 abitanti che ha quasi il 50 per cento di iscritti alla propria biblioteca è sbalorditivo. Una sala dedicata ai bambini che disegnano leggono costruiscono senza gridare o rincorrersi. C’è always someone ready to listen to hint to you know. A video library of all respect, order and cleanliness everywhere.


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