Saturday, February 19, 2011

Can Blue Dot Be Broken Capillary



might be a specious argument to answer two important pens (Award Winning Rizzo -stars) in their book - Vandals complaint express their doubts about the location of the Venus of Morgantina in the archaeological museum of Aidone. They remind us when Montanelli (another employee of the same company) began to insult Sicily "dialogue" with a French colleague paragonandoci all’Algeria di allora con il linguaggio che il miglior “leghista” non avrebbe usato. I tempi sono cambiati e si possono dire le stesse cose in modo diverso ma altrettanto efficace. Ci insospettisce questa “insofferenza razziale” di cui i due ci gratificano andando a spasso sul generico e casuale.
“Aidone questo paesino arroccato sui monti Erei, a 98 chilometri dall’aeroporto di Catania, 195 da quello di Palermo senza un solo autobus diretto, 5.176 abitanti, zero librerie, zero cinema, zero teatri, zero Internet point come può accogliere quest’opera meravigliosa…”
We are still paying cuffariane controversy, mismanagement local mafias endless alleged incapacity. We want to take stock of the story? Discovered by chance an old theater in Morgantina, a migration of desperate Lombardi has left its mark too visible in the dialect aidonese, a Venus that it remains to Aidone is clearly a prostitute but if he moved elsewhere becomes Venus, Demeter and Persephone ? Fished out of the controversy over the Bronze Statues?
aidonese This statue is and must remain there. Why not move the gold mines where it is easier to exploit them even in industrialized cities. We dismantle and carry it to the theater Morgantina Lambrate.
What can you expect any of our Aidone south in a context having no other resources? And what's missing to Aidone? A cinema, a theater (shame, nothing but theater has), a library (to buy the books of two authors)? Internet Point zero?
Aidone its territory has its cultural heritage, his Venus of Morgantina and its people that the cream of journalism Lombard believes that skin color have a contemptuous and alarm clock tied around his neck ready to sell it to the first tourist Lombard sick of fog and cassola who comes to bring the culture of Morgantina Bausch . And what about "Lombard pens" almost all of Sicilian origin who are silent now accustomed to the culture of power?
We think we do not know where to stay, "the woman with the veil" best of his birthplace.
The stores are full of museum materials "kept" because they ripen times and it is time to entrust again to local authorities to enhance the tourism offer against a citizen expensive, noisy, hasty. The tourist has a new opportunity: to go where before he never thought of going to enjoy what the city does not give him.
to Aidone possible that these guys have not even found a reason to justify the presence of the "woman with the veil? Worse than Sodom and Gomorrah!
Onofrio Sanicola
Vandals Sergio Rizzo and Gian Antonio Stella Corriere della Sera on February 12, 2011


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