Monday, February 28, 2011

Blueprint For A Cage For A Rabbit



Luogo prestigioso , gioiello della Lombardia, full of works of art, tradition and charm. I still remember when a group of pilgrims Marineo planned a visit to this Carthusian monastery in a trip and we were given to us by appointment at Charterhouse in the bars along the main road to Milan. We went to the Charterhouse in to start the tour ... .. not knowing that on Monday ... the Charterhouse was closed. So we settle for a visit ... outside. After about ten years we find ourselves at Charterhouse for another appointment. Our puppets Thursday March 3, 2012 pv bring our colors to Certosa di Pavia. Here were invented brands. This is the Monreale in Milan, where the Lords of Milan they set up their graves. Here rests Beatrice d'Este, the "lady girl" who married Ludovico il Moro only thirteen years old, carved in marble with heels that appear in our time, here you can still hear the silence in the cloister, surrounded by monks' cells that look like real residential suites today, is still produced here a thousand herbs, gorgonzola, eat donkey stew, frogs and snails. Comes from the wine cellars of Oltrepò Pavese. Hectares of meadows where corn is produced twice a year for the cows that give milk for gorgonzola cheese and other well-known. Charterhouse again comes from the flour mills which take the road to the bakery and a few steps rice reigns supreme. Other locations prestigious where our puppets bring the true picture of Sicily. The journey continues in Orlando, bringing our theater in another prestigious location.

Chicken Pox And Embryonic Development


The best web sites
Reported by LASTAMPA.IT of Turin commentary by Massimo Gramellini
on current events appeared in the Feb. 25 column Buongiorno
La regina è nuda
Le due notizie sono atterrate insieme sul tavolo della redazione e l’ho considerato un segnale. Prima notizia. La società di andrologia lancia l’allarme: il calo del desiderio e i problemi di erezione legati a blocco psicologico sono sempre più diffusi. Fra i settantenni? Manco per niente, come testimonia la cronaca politica. Fra i ragazzi di vent’anni, la prima generazione esposta fin dall’adolescenza alle radiazioni dei siti porno e all’utilizzo esasperato del corpo femminile by advertising. The more I see I enjoy less. For young women appeared, in addition to injury, insult. Exhibited in public as a butcher's shins and ignored intimacy. But there is the second news.
In the middle of the lesson, a child's elementary school in Milan Pezzani points the finger at the window and shouts to the teacher: "But that's my ass off!" That "is the giant model of a giant poster that faces the virtual school and advertises a skirt that does not even get to warm up your ass. The authors of the advertisement spoke of "artistic expression" and in front of art, you know, the sensitive man bows. But by dint of bow stop to wonder, with all that goes with it. The teachers and the mothers of the school declared war on the cheek. So far they had not noticed. One more, one less. We wanted a child to cry when the Queen was naked. Women should consider it a monument. And the boys in her class if she did not come through in the next survey of Andrology Society.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Writing A Cover Letter For Dental Hygiene]

PINA Sclafani, Paladino

PINA Sclafani
Paladin Citizens' rights
Marineo. Pina Di Sclafani, an official of the City of Marineo, was appointed head of URP (Public Relations Office).
The Office received on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (from 9 to 12) and Wednesday from 15 to 17, and is on the first floor of City Hall (the course of a thousand 127), internal tel 091.8725193 31, e-mail: @ common dialogue. URP task is to facilitate the relationship between communities and citizens, making the link between national and individual offices, verifying the quality of services rendered. The Office must ensure the exercise of rights to information, access and participation, agevola l'utilizzazione dei servizi offerti ai cittadini e l'informazione sulla struttura e sui compiti dell'amministrazione. Inoltre attua, mediante l'ascolto dei cittadini e la comunicazione interna, i processi di verifica della qualità dei servizi e di gradimento degli stessi da parte degli utenti.
Sin qui la notizia.
L’abbiamo letta sui blog e sul nuovo bollettino comunale. Poi ci è stata inviata dal “Dottor Fabrizio Cangialosi” anche se non abbiamo capito in che forma e in che veste. Il bollettino non fa altro che riportare tutto quello che scrive il nostro blog principale rendendolo inutile. Soldi capricciosamente buttati the wind. But let's go. We rejoiced at the news. We were burned by the OSS and its political use and were afraid of finding ourselves trapped once again. Then we went to check. We struggled to find this office because we did struggle to think that such a department could be in the office of mayor. First left, no other, never, never could imagine that the office should welcome our grievances are found in the office of mayor where they camp councilors, officials and citizens at all hours. Unbelievers enter, hoping not to meet either the mayor or some officials. Discouraged wanted to leave the game, but the smile of Pina Di Scafani and cooperation draw us into it. Thirty years of service in almost all areas of the town did not undermine this combative official. Affable, available convinced that this new position. He says now that this role requires patience, patience and patience. "The citizen is tired of not having a party and we are convinced that here they will be given the right treatment and appropriate medications. We are simply a filter, through is not for us to solve problems. There are various departments, offices that have their own specific skills and abilities. We are a help, we report a route ". I explain that in our country there are many filters that the policy used as a weapon. Di Scafani I stop abruptly, "Look I'm an employee of the municipality and do my job drifting in an institutional space. I do not drag me in subjects that do not compete and which are neither delegated nor responsible. " I apologize it clear that having seen the office allocated in the office of mayor is difficult for me to use my right in the middle of Councillors, Mayor, secretaries and others who do not know. My confidence (which I also have the right) can not be just flat-spotted the mayor's office to which citizens have given credit electing him but can not "manage" the reason for my presence in that office. There is talk of forms to fill out that will be channeled, rules of professional, non-controlled areas. Courtesy of the Scafani gives me the opportunity to listen in another separate office to accommodate my request for privacy. Thank you to remind the text that sets this service created to protect the citizen. I explain that in a small community can not be expected ... "yes, but this is our goal." Of the promising Scafani also because he understood that I wanted to sow discord, but mine was a search for a better relationship with the administration and its offices and officials. As usual thanks to a good officer regain confidence in the state. But I will pardon Scafani, until they move the office I'll leave it exposed, missing modules expose them briefly: it is minimally acceptable that people are able to use this service in this place. Sorry but I can not join his sincere smile and captivating.
Onofrio Sanicola

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Signs Of Anemia More Condition_symptoms

Sofonisba Anguissola WOMEN PAINTING PARTS

Sofonisba Anguissola, the lady of Renaissance painting, Cremona Palermo-born adoption
begins with Sofonisba Anguissola and her sisters the entry of women in the history of painting. We are in the '500 and women, though talented, are kept away from art workshops, reserved for men. But in the noble family Anguissola there must have adequate means for all six sisters are initiated into the arts and is home to this household world that it will inspire many paintings of scenes of family life. Only Sofonisba, the most talented, is allowed to attend - not alone, something unthinkable in those days, but in the company of one of the sisters - the shop of the Lombard painter Bernardino Campi. Was born in Cremona in 1530 and soon, thanks to the high places of the father of Hannibal and his reputation as a portrait painter, was called to the court of the Farnese, Gonzaga, and even by Philip II in Madrid, where he also became lady-girl to Queen Isabella of Valois with which he held a relationship of trust and deep friendship, sharing a passion for painting. It is in that court, having the artist expressed his desire to marry an Italian, which was combined by proxy marriage with the Sicilian Don Fabrizio Moncada Paternò governor. After her husband's death, which occurred at sea during an attack by pirates, he left Sicily and Livorno knew the noble Genoese captain who married Horace Lomellini moving then Genoa. At 83 years her husband brought the island where he had many interests to be treated. In Palermo continued to paint in the Arab quarter of Seracaldi, better known as the Cape, despite the sharp fall in sight to a cataract. And it is around 90 years that the artist meets the young and promising Flemish painter Anthony van Dyck, who had admired his paintings at the English court, eager to meet you in person. The painter had been asked to Palermo by Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Viceroy of Sicily on behalf of King Philip VI of Spain, because he did a portrait. On that occasion, while he performed a sketch artist, the old woman was able to converse amiably tell him to give valuable advice and technical as to not otherwise take the light from the shadows of the wrinkles of old age becomes too strong. His portraits are held in prestigious museums of Europe and America, but who would go so far as one can see where the artist painted in Paternò, sorrow, remembrance of her husband in an oil painting of the Madonna dell'Itria to referred to the House of Moncada was particularly devoted. The painting is in the Church of the Annunciation, is undated and the signature and only recently has been attributed to the painter through a notarial document found in the archive of Catania.
He died in 1625 and was buried in the crypt of the church of San Giorgio dei Genovesi, Palermo, where he still can read a plaque in which the husband Horace Lomellini expresses all her grief and admiration for his beloved wife.
Mariolina Sardo

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Queens, Ny City Clerk Office

little dictionary 2
Who makes you a pleasure to know that you will receive in return twice the same. Detailed rules exist as a yardstick. Start the morning with coffee. It 'hard to keep an account. If you are an authority you will never pay the coffee. Only the mayor to pay the coffee "all present". The builder to builder, the municipal employee according to their role. An official of the electoral register is not offered because coffee is a role that does not create exchange of courtesies, the registry office you will have to issue any certificate knowing that in all the correct certificates are useless. There is now self-certification, issue certificates on line. Unless, as we read from time to time, certificates were forged. The doctors do not pay coffee, along with judicial officers, councilors, teachers, bankers and so on. Find a job forces you subservience to a total you need to return the vote, lambs and sasizza for life. In the face of your political views. Get pensions, convalescence, disability is back with equally obligations. Your visibility increases in proportion to the favors dispensed. The most that can happen you see it described in that famous film with Alberto Sordi. There is no kindness if not a fitting reward to the cube. Woe, then, if you caused a courtesy gain an advantage. Avoid asking pleasantries, and then make your tail is better to wait your turn. Special case the transition. There is no passage in the car. E 'allowed only to students. Half the country is every morning in Palermo. No less than five hundred cars of commuters. Do not ask and do not wait for a ride. There is, for example, that trade rather than passing cars one by one to four weeks is humiliating, you diminish. If you get a ride the other places unacceptable conditions. I have an urgent appointment, go to the opposite side of where you go, and so on. To be fair to say that we must not seek or are given steps. If you take the bus (super excellent service at least 15-20 times a day for Palermo) you are considered a miserable ... (2-continued)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ballet Birthday Invitations


Torna il killer delle palme, il punteruolo rosso. Un coleottero le cui larve si insediano negli alberi provocandone la distruzione. In realtà non se ne è mai andato via dal nostro Paese dove colpisce soprattutto le zone costiere, tanto che a Sanremo è nato anche un Centro studi ad hoc. Ora un decreto d'emergenza, dopo quello del 2007, del ministero delle Politiche agricole (pubblicato in Gazzetta ufficiale n. 36 del 14 febbraio) prova a bloccarlo d'urgenza. Il decreto ha lo scopo di "impedire l'introduzione e la diffusione all'interno del territorio" italiano del punteruolo rosso della palma (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) dichiarando "lotta obbligatoria" per contrastare l'insediamento. Nel provvedimento vengono definiti anche the tasks for regional plant protection services, based on individual action plans. The red weevil originates in Southeast Asia, and is tracked for the first time in Italy in 2004. It attacks the plants by digging tunnels in them, with a marked preference for male palms that can kill, if you have 'hunger', even in 20-30 days (average of 4-8 months). The most affected regions are the shores of Sicily, Campania, Puglia, Lazio, Liguria. The economic damage can save up to € 20,000 for a palm tree of 20 meters, while an abatement costs on average around € 1,000. In recent years, studies are flourishing in the field. (Sicily information.)
So far the news.
We do not fear the red snout! We have the experience and expertise that many envy. Where does this our security? 1) Marineo is not a country of the coast of Sicily (see above) 2) We have a qualified expert "spin doctors" that keeps us constantly informed about the rest of the big hype made at the time 3) the palms Marineo are all dead or are dying. Terminally ill. 4) the real killer is not the red weevil, but the silence ... Not a word is not a statement.

Alcohol Dementia More Condition_symptoms


The anniversary of 150 years of national unification can be an opportunity for a lot of excitement with the risk of rhetoric (the Risorgimento epic turned into mythology or martyrs), others with contempt and rejection (like the forced cohabitation between different units). Perhaps the wisest position would be to use the sesquicentennial anniversary to reflect light and shadow on Italy that was built by our fathers, that we are building and what we can build the next generation. "Making the Italians ", assuming that all it wants, it may be a task that will require more time and effort: while we try to understand what aspects of the prevailing national character and what positive and negative behaviors have become part of the culture and customs of this part of Europe. To provide opportunities to stimulate reflection and discussion before the celebrations and festivities put a damper on further study and comparison, the University of Bolognetta popular, in recent years has hosted a seminar on Sicily prehistoric and one on the Greek Sicily, organized in 2011 a series of meetings called "Sicilia 150. The unification globalizzazione” che si svilupperà da febbraio a maggio. Il primo incontro avrà come relatori Claudio Paterna, presidente dell’Istituto nazionale per il Risorgimento - comitato di Palermo e lo storico Michelangelo Ingrassia dell’Università di Palermo, che tratteranno il tema: LA SICILIA E I SICILIANI NEL CAMMINO VERSO L’UNITA’ D’ITALIA (1820-1861),.
Sin qui Santo Lombino.
Parte bene questo ciclo di incontri organizzati da questa Università Popolare che riscuote sempre più giudizi positivi . Il tema ,che si confonde fra mille proposte similari, non era altamente allettante ,sconoscendo speakers and details, but now it is imposed from the start thanks to an extraordinary verve of the whole team. Even the presentation is dry and has given the go-to essential interventions conducted with skill. Even the mayor, starting from the evening in Sanremo Benigni became carried away by the comedian that easily passes from Dante to Garibaldi, from minors to beat out of date. He has missed the insecurity of a strong discomfort when Benigni does not use hooks bawdy. He married well the program, proud to have a staff of top quality. Paterna Claudio last year and has learned with quotes (well point out that no references are not qualified scholars). Michael Ingrassia, which showed the real stuff the historical niche news and new interpretations, a revival of a failed other side took us out new characters or not estimated from 1820 until late today. He made more human myths and heroes from all known quasi-unreal. A chart and a super organization, stripped of popular literature, but no less fascinating. The myth that first lit Garibaldi, Mazzini, Cavour and others have come out stronger from untouchable to humans, but in any case exceptional. Place them in context, widely described by the two speakers, real and 360 degrees has been exciting for all involved. We all found the right place at the right time with each piece to suo posto. Senza sbavature. Mi ha sorpreso la pacatezza espositiva accattivante che ha schiacciato il pubblico sui contenuti. Può andar fiero questo sindaco di poter contare su questa squadra. Una bibliotecaria , che sa curare i suoi ospiti, Santo Lombino non lo scopro io , ma i presenti sembravano studenti a lezione. Sì, parte bene questo ciclo di incontri.
Onofrio Sanicola
E’ sempre più una sorpresa la Biblioteca di Bolognetta.Un paese di 4.000 abitanti che ha quasi il 50 per cento di iscritti alla propria biblioteca è sbalorditivo. Una sala dedicata ai bambini che disegnano leggono costruiscono senza gridare o rincorrersi. C’è always someone ready to listen to hint to you know. A video library of all respect, order and cleanliness everywhere.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lump In Throat More Condition_symptoms

My Life

blacks Eyes large and immense

encroach into the world of my life

Sorriso beato, felice e sincero

che racchiude dietro di se, un po di mistero

Non esistono parole, non esiste nulla

che si avvicini al mio amore per te

Ogni volta che ti penso

il cuore sembra scoppiare di gioia
e raggiunge i più grandi traguardi

Ed ora che stai crescendo, che stai intraprendendo la tua strada, così come è giusto che sia… 

Mi manchi.

Ti penso
Ti amo come non mai ho amato
e sa solo Dio quanto sei importante per me….
Figlio mio!!!!
Alessandra Marchese
Conceived and written for my son and all children will read ...

Can Blue Dot Be Broken Capillary



might be a specious argument to answer two important pens (Award Winning Rizzo -stars) in their book - Vandals complaint express their doubts about the location of the Venus of Morgantina in the archaeological museum of Aidone. They remind us when Montanelli (another employee of the same company) began to insult Sicily "dialogue" with a French colleague paragonandoci all’Algeria di allora con il linguaggio che il miglior “leghista” non avrebbe usato. I tempi sono cambiati e si possono dire le stesse cose in modo diverso ma altrettanto efficace. Ci insospettisce questa “insofferenza razziale” di cui i due ci gratificano andando a spasso sul generico e casuale.
“Aidone questo paesino arroccato sui monti Erei, a 98 chilometri dall’aeroporto di Catania, 195 da quello di Palermo senza un solo autobus diretto, 5.176 abitanti, zero librerie, zero cinema, zero teatri, zero Internet point come può accogliere quest’opera meravigliosa…”
We are still paying cuffariane controversy, mismanagement local mafias endless alleged incapacity. We want to take stock of the story? Discovered by chance an old theater in Morgantina, a migration of desperate Lombardi has left its mark too visible in the dialect aidonese, a Venus that it remains to Aidone is clearly a prostitute but if he moved elsewhere becomes Venus, Demeter and Persephone ? Fished out of the controversy over the Bronze Statues?
aidonese This statue is and must remain there. Why not move the gold mines where it is easier to exploit them even in industrialized cities. We dismantle and carry it to the theater Morgantina Lambrate.
What can you expect any of our Aidone south in a context having no other resources? And what's missing to Aidone? A cinema, a theater (shame, nothing but theater has), a library (to buy the books of two authors)? Internet Point zero?
Aidone its territory has its cultural heritage, his Venus of Morgantina and its people that the cream of journalism Lombard believes that skin color have a contemptuous and alarm clock tied around his neck ready to sell it to the first tourist Lombard sick of fog and cassola who comes to bring the culture of Morgantina Bausch . And what about "Lombard pens" almost all of Sicilian origin who are silent now accustomed to the culture of power?
We think we do not know where to stay, "the woman with the veil" best of his birthplace.
The stores are full of museum materials "kept" because they ripen times and it is time to entrust again to local authorities to enhance the tourism offer against a citizen expensive, noisy, hasty. The tourist has a new opportunity: to go where before he never thought of going to enjoy what the city does not give him.
to Aidone possible that these guys have not even found a reason to justify the presence of the "woman with the veil? Worse than Sodom and Gomorrah!
Onofrio Sanicola
Vandals Sergio Rizzo and Gian Antonio Stella Corriere della Sera on February 12, 2011

Astigmatism More Condition_symptoms

back from California the precious statue of the Venus of Morgantina.
for journalists Stella and Rizzo Aidone unsuitable to accommodate a large amount of visitors
deserve it? After a dispute lasting 10 years, the Getty Museum in Malibu has decided to return to Italy this wonderful scultura. Trovata a Morgantina dai tombaroli era poi finita al museo che l’aveva comprata ad un’asta per 18 milioni di dollari. Da quattro anni si sa che tornerà in Sicilia ma solo ora e con grande ritardo si sta completando l’allestimento dei locali del museo archeologico di Aidone in provincia di Enna dove pare sia destinata. “E’ nostra, è nostra” reclamano ad Aidone e già accarezzano l’idea di un flusso enorme di turisti con le tasche gonfie di soldi che risolleverebbero la scarsa economia di questo piccolo borgo. Ma gli inviati del Corriere della Sera Sergio Rizzo e Gian Antonio Stella, autori di Vandali edito da Rizzoli, in libreria in questi giorni, sono molto perplessi. I due giornalisti - che nel libro denunciano il traffico dei tesori artistici rubati, il degrado dei musei, il cemento abusivo che deturpa il paesaggio con grave danno per il turismo - sollevano diverse obiezioni: “A Los Angeles il capolavoro richiamava un milione e mezzo di visitatori all’anno. Aidone questo paesino arroccato sui monti Erei, a 98 chilometri dall’aeroporto di Catania, 195 da quello di Palermo senza un solo autobus diretto, 5.176 abitanti, zero librerie, zero cinema, zero teatri, zero Internet point come può accogliere quest’opera meravigliosa…” Alta due metri e venti centimetri, scolpita a quanto pare da un allievo di Fidia, in origine era probabilmente policroma Venus and was not so much as Demeter or Persephone .

Whopping Cough More Condition_symptoms

little dictionary

(with costume notes in the margin)
almost an obligation. Or rather a duty. At least partly by the flu. Influence on, you are required to visit, could not you at least make a phone call and leave a sign that you're interested. In the case of more serious diseases or important you are obliged presence. If you are shown your obligations come to a constant and visible. If the resident is away local relatives are allowed to receive visits, but one is obliged to at least call. In the evening the relatives visit reports and phone calls. Almost daily to ask the resident who is interested in him, by controlling who has been calling. Astounding for AWOL. The more loyal they visit or duviri "already when the temperature exceeds 37, then every trip departure or arrival, then visiting the hospital and finally at the end. The visit measure friendship and duty calls and when you can visit the visitor by listing all those who have been complaining and for those who have not already. In the case of dead stands fra chi è venuto in chiesa, chi solo al corteo verificando con i presenti assenti e presenti, sbalordendosi degli assenti ingiustificati. Ai funerali quando vedete uno che vaga per le navate è il cosiddetto testimone che “accerta “ le presenze e che alla prima occasione ti saprà dire chi, quanti e dove erano presenti. Altre forme sono i “sangiovanni”, le novene, le condoglianze, le inaugurazioni di negozi e attività. (continua)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Albinism More Condition_symptoms

LITTLE MARY CHAIN \u200b\u200b

suggeriamo prima della lettura di avviare il video


The husband in front of the computer is completing the final reports because the next day will have an important business meeting (lie, is chatting with a blonde with huge tits). The wife took advantage of the fact that the husband is working beyond the study to exchange text messages with her best friend (lie is his lover, but stored on the phone display shows the name of the friend in case. ...) The nineteen year old son: he is looking on the internet about the ragadi dei panda, in quanto l’indomani ha un esperimento da presentare all’università di scienze ( bugia anche questa, guarda un film porno). Il figlio sedicenne, sbircia, osserva una volta mamma e una volta papà, ha capito tutto e nella sua testa pensa: non mi sposerò mai, non voglio fare la loro fine! La piccolina di cinque anni: abbandonata nella sua stanza rosa, in compagnia di decine di bambole, gioca a far sposare Barby e Ken, e sogna di ritrovare la sua famiglia riunita, magari seduti tutti quanti insieme a terra, su un bel tappeto a raccontarsi le favolette. Deve fare la pipì e chiama papà…..: " tesoro chiama la mamma che sto lavorando". La  mamma: " Amore mio,  arrival. The last dish to be washed and are from you, (lie is the last text message, if you ever decide what will be the last). ... Then there are the husbands who read newspapers and wives who ironed clothes or in the mountains of cases even more happy, the wives who go to bed early because the next day you work and husbands leaving to go to work: the touches to the night. Those who will never meet are those who will love you forever! But there are also those who leave their husbands in bed with a giant box in a suit by three thousand euro (that his wife had seen in the window). Leaning against the cabinet, una rosa rossa ed un biglietto con su scritto " sei tutta la mia vita " e poi.. si scopre che ha messo incinta la domestica che a sua volta aveva infiocchettato il regalo della moglie del suo amante ( ma che premurosa… tesoro!). Ma poi c’è chi ama la famiglia numerosa…che carini che sono: dopo aver fatto sfornare tre figli uno dietro all'altro alla moglie il marito si sveglia una mattina e sente di essere un po’ depresso e quindi ha bisogno di una vacanza: Organizza un viaggio in Brasile con il suo migliore “amico”, o con la segretaria? Belle famiglie, per fare un esempio, quelle che vengono definite “del mulino bianco”. Le possiamo incontrare la domenica in chiesa. After praying the Our Father, and took communion. There we find them in bakeries, after church, to fill trays of sweets to pay homage to those who invited them to lunch that day and with whom, probably after a luxurious lunch or a coffee, go on in the afternoon with a nice course cutting and sewing, embroidery cloth, where are the people who are not compromised and decided not to live in hypocrisy. needles, and the voices of people with colorful cotton threads, pierce the life of the latter, also tinged with red figures that live completely in white!

I communion, it is not granted, nor will I be given the last rites when you get the last of my days. I am a sinner, but I was left with the honesty of thought and above all, do not betray myself or those who do not share most of my life for different choices.
Alessandra Marchese

She started working at the William, son of the valley Eleuterio, popular writer who still has a lot to say. We are pleased that this decision allows us to remember that the plurality of interventions greatly enriches us leaving each of the assessment of the reading. We hope that others will follow his example by enriching this small garden where we arranged to meet since its inception.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Funny Baby Arrival Messages

own goal

own goal
Anonymous said ... February 10, 2011 0:24
Onofrio see what the mountain gives birth? the mouse (1800.00) is a shame, the pleasure passes well take a walk through the streets of the country not to see those guys who smiles as if operasse con dignità, sono davvero deluso e senza voglia di fare e dire niente. Ammiratore.
Intanto non sapevo di avere “ammiratori” ma speravo in ammiratrici….Non vedo nulla di scandaloso nella delibera. E’ ineccepibile. Un servizio un compenso. Il volontariato è la tomba del professionismo. Ci vogliono entrambi, ma con ruoli ben precisi. Solo da noi questo non è possibile . Chi ha emesso la delibera non ha tenuto conto di questo esercito di volontari figli delle congregazioni , beati apparenti , pronti a dimenticare il significato del volontariato, predisposti al rancore dove non sono bastati 11 lezio del parroco a portarli ad un altruismo gratuito a donarsi senza compenso. Che poi il beneficiario del “compenso” includa parenti, amici e cose del genere è ridicolo farne oggetto di “vergogna” se svolgono il mandato a cui sono delegati. Anche l’urgenza non vedo che sia criticabile. Anzi . Qualsiasi beneficiario avrebbe subito simili insulti. Se il volontario si è sentito offeso , scelga meglio in futuro e partecipi solo dove si sente garantito e gratificato. E’ tipico di noi cattolici chiedere sempre un compenso sia come gratificazione che come denaro che come compenso stesso. Le nostre “volpi di carta” sono state un pò leggere e semmai fa ridere la storia degli indirizzi. Sono sorpreso che questa storia abbia fatto tornare la parola al mio amico ex sordomuto Elio Arnone, up artist, tamer of huge rainbows, with a dramatic showdown. But you were not going to conquer Sagunto in Spain? I greet you, go quiet for a walk, I hope not to have lost one of my very few admirers ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Periodontitis More Condition_symptoms


Conte Orlando sorry, but how old is Angelica?

Saturday in the former granary building Beccadelli meeting show with two characters really prolific. Antonio Di Stefano's first actor-comedian-writer that has produced dozens of books on an infinity of "stupidari" always written by many hands. The second Lino Buscemi as a journalist and "censor" that comic. After a dozen presentations of books "severe" arrives at the castle for a moment of hilarity we needed. The "country as still as the world", the country laughing out loud on puns and obscenity do not know that healthy self-criticism with humor. We will have two guests who are living with humor and arriving in the country where you can not laugh at anything without arousing resentment insults and accusations. The authors are scholars and professionals know how to emphasize wise puns and neologisms, torturing words and meanings, our own mistakes and live a daily exasperated. We accept this lesson and to serve as a watershed in the local rancorosità because "they are benefactors of humanity" because of their joy. "Peace only if the" declared a sign somewhere, or "fight the mafia with a laugh," ruled the authors. These things can mean only one write-off. " We hope that the organizers bring the books and put a light in the otherwise what is the point of the guests present a book without the book or make faces in the dark. "I do not I speak even if I repent. " can be answered.
Speakers Ciro Spataro and publisher Ottavio Navarra.
18 hours Saturday, February 12 Former Palace Beccadelli barn.
Lino Buscemi Anthony Distefano. Judge Mr I feel between the hammer and watermelon Navarra Editore Euro 10.50 Tel 0916119342 -

Monday, February 7, 2011

Frederiction Auction Used Cars


Jesus and the twelve apostles

The pontiff, who simplified the ceremony and sold the tiara
the U.S. to help Third World peoples
On June 21, 1963 Archbishop Milan Giovanni Battista Montini was elected Pope after a short conclave and conflicts, Paul VI, it would be called the son of a deputy of the People's Party, was frail constitution - at his birth the doctors said would not exceed 24 hours - but with intelligence alive . He was educated by the Jesuits and became a priest 23 years and was sent as secretary to the Apostolic Nuncio in Warsaw. At 27 he entered the Secretariat of State and then sent to Milan as archbishop for a period of pastoral work in a "career" too curial cardinal by John XXIII, which was fervent collaborator, joined him during that Vatican Council II that shook the world of Church and surfacing issues that had the iron hand of Pope Pacelli had collapsed. Paul VI addressed his mission, which lasted fifteen troubled years, feeling a burden on himself the burden of the past and the weight of the future. A lover of reading and meditation chose to travel like no one else had done before him. It is ruthless against the Vatican pump, abolished coats and canopies dismantling most of the equipment choreographic removing all the military services as the Noble Guard and the Palatine Guard, the waiters secret cloak and dagger - ; lay people who must have belonged to the nobility Capitoline or have a high position sociale -. Ridusse i sediari pontifici, che portavano a spalla la sedia gestatoria, il trono mobile che veniva usato in occasione delle solenne ricorrenze del calendario liturgico. Unica eccezione il mantenimento della guardia svizzera, voluta nel 1506 da Papa Giulio II della Rovere per la loro fama di soldati fedeli e invincibili.   Dopo l’incoronazione Paolo VI interruppe l’uso della tiara o triregno, sostituendola con la più agevole mitria - ritenuta dagli esperti più carica di spiritualità e di un senso di collegialità e fratellanza con l’episcopato - lasciando però ai suoi successori la libertà di decidere al riguardo. La tiara, messa in vendita, venne acquistata dal cardinale Francis Joseph Spellman arcivescovo di New York   con una sottoscrizione che superò il milione di dollari e da allora è conservata nella basilica dell’Immacolata Concezione di Washington. Il ricavato fu poi destinato ai bisognosi della terra. Decretò la fine della messa in latino e l’introduzione del nuovo messale nelle lingue nazionali. Con lui cardinali e vescovi ebbero un limite di età, dopo il quale andavano in pensione. Gli strascichi dei cardinali furono ridotti da sette a tre metri.
Questo papa progressista disse di no alla pillola, all’abolizione del celibato, al divorzio, all’aborto. Considerato a torto un uomo chiuso, introverso, angosciato, fronteggiò opposing currents and adverse to the Church exploded during and after Vatican II. On the one hand supported the upgrading and modernization of the Church, but on the other guarded the fixed points of faith. He was attentive to the language of symbols: the most significant Via Crucis, a ritual that repeats itself every year in the Coliseum. The path traced by Pope Paul VI is now possible to further simplify the ceremonial trappings to streamline, precious objects for sale to help the needy? The people are not resigned to their fate, and we Christians, everyone, not just the Church, we are responsible for much suffering. We refer to what has been written by Pope John Paul II's encyclical Solleecitudo Rei Socialis, its best record in the social field, which we showed an excerpt in the box next to it.

Mariolina Sardo

part of teaching and most ancient practice of the Church the belief that it was required by vocation - itself - its ministers and each of its members to alleviate the misery of the suffering far and near, not only with the "unnecessary" but also with the "necessary". Faced by cases of need you may prefer not superfluous church ornaments and costly furnishings for divine worship, on the contrary may be obligatory to sell these assets to provide food, drink, clothing and shelter for those without.

Sollecitudo Rei Socialis encyclical of Pope John Paul II

Caribbean Cruises Timeshare

Sicily and Sicilians

Popular University Bolognetta
Library "Thomas Bordonaro"
Via Vittorio Emanuele 81
Friday, February 18, 2011 16:30
Sicily and Sicilians the path towards the unification of Italy
(1820 - 1861)
Primo incontro di storia contemporanea
Dall’unificazione alla globalizzazione
Claudio Paterna
Presidente istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano- comitato Palermo
Ingrassia Michelangelo
History University of Palermo
Citizenship is invited to participate
The President
Maria Muratore

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Grinnall Scorpion For Sale

Tisias said Stesicoro storytellers IMERA

Venus Morgantina
Iassu chierete ochi ochi ... No! No! Do not look for reasons of state! No desire to conquer! Do not sing the Greeks and Trojans were pirates rich and stupid. I know for a fact that this was a war for love ... Do not ask us to Sicily as you can fall for a woman. And if that woman is the most beautiful woman in the world ... Well, imagine Phidias and Praxiteles, which together create the body of a woman parakalo Kirie, parakalo ... Now I ask you, esteemed audience, leave it to us poets, storytellers, we can only describe the most beautiful woman in the world. Perimenete Kirios ... sorry, I hope I have acknowledged. I myself, Stesicoro Imera and are still blind ... It is true that a blind poet is better than one not blind. It is not true at all. Of course, I have become old and blind while waiting for me to be vindicated. They are blind because they are the victim of a curse caused me the most beautiful woman in the world ... I sang love stories are beautiful stories of love that only the poets and bards rhapsodes the lyre singers can sing. No, sorry you did not understand no ... absolutely ... After all astounded me not just knowing your culture. Who said that one who is blind, poet and song of Helen of Troy must necessarily be Homer! Ime a bit Sikil Kirios. Yes, gentlemen are Stesicoro and Termini Imerese in Sicily! For singing Elena did not agree with his decision to run away with this Trojan, I was a victim of her curse! Can a woman leave her husband and elope with another, leaving his home? Can a woman to deny his lust for fire? Can a woman forget modesty and chastity, family and decorum be lured by the exuberance of his body? And do not forget the gentlemen who is the daughter of Tindaro, a great king, the king of Sparta ... You know how to call such a woman down to us in Sicily? No gentlemen should not ... I will say no!
This I sang and I was immediately punished by the gods with blindness, and so I have to stay until they again sing a hymn to Elena which rehabilitates the memory. But if Homer has sung the wrath of Achilles and the multifaceted genius of Ulysses I sang Elena ... Here now, my esteemed audience, this accingerò me your ear if you worked and you see even the colors are not easily distracted and having followed my hand instead.
I hope I do not deserve your consent, for today I just the mercy of the gods and in the end you will see me through there by the orchestra smile to greet you by name one by one, then it means that my song was accepted by Elena because I had my sight back ... O Phidias and Praxiteles, you have lied by saying that sculpts the body of Venus ...
You have sculpted what he saw Achilles white island: the body of Helen ...

Mille quince ;
threw the chariot of Lord
thousand boughs of myrtle
And wreaths of roses
And wreaths of soft violas
this story is not true
not ascended ships equipped
not ever you came to the fortress of Troy.

(Prologue to the dramatic texts of the Trojan War Helen O. Sanicola)

Tisia man said Imera "Stesicoro", ie teacher or officer of the choir (he invented the epode) unlike Homer's "highest singer ', was a storyteller, and" novelist ". The Greeks ate their myths and Stesicoro was "Salgari" he told a thousand novels myths of his time. 26 volumes (in Alexandria) are a great production. We remember the Nostos, the returns of the Greek heroes, Elena and her recantation (retraction). At his Saga of Orestes and was inspired by Aeschylus's Prometheus. So the more a man of theater and theater that he preferred the epic genre. She showed her tomb in Catania, who still remembers him with a prestigious square. He lived between 630 and 550 BC Blind Homer wrote his Destruction of Troy and Helen of Troy as adultery, punished with blindness had to write his recantation (portrait) to regain his sight. In this episode you attach the text presented here.

-for describing the Phiale see see text next to or

Friday, February 4, 2011

Polyps More Condition_symptoms


Young love with Dioscuri Castor and Pollux

FESTIVAL Almond Blossom

Agrigento February 4 to 13 will take place Feast of the almond tree in bloom , festivals repeated by as many as 66 years. A memory of man is a good party. Apart from the massacre of the almond the rest is excellent. Even the Valley of the Temples mondorli is lined with white flowers pink. Lovers collect and make a wreath to their own (you can tell?) Loved. This year there will be a big party-novelty. It seems that a certain Stefano D'Alessandro has sent confidentially confectioners and trusted men to our neighbors of Piana experts "long cannoli" made of ricotta and iron (iron is not true that the vitamins) for its festival of nougat longer. The previous record was 408.61 meters, now aims at a 660 meters long, more or less a hundred meters per year of the festival. The staff is no security and there is an air of victory. Salvatore was shot in the legs ace the sleeve and the Hotel Villa Athena launches proclamations of victory. We went to grusitari and you know what is the trump card? The cannolari of Piana. Leading experts in record length of cannoli.

What Is Anxiety More Condition_symptoms


For Peter Pulizzotto truly superior of the Congregation of SS. crucified.

We need to hurry. Stop the Superior. I went to see the crib mechanical lu Crucifissu and I was amazed. I saw the excellent equipment, inventions., the mechanisms driving and I was conquered. Do not disassemble the crib. Leave it in stable form. We find it hard to have something to show to those who come to Marineo. No one goes to the excavation, the museum as well. I do not know who he is guilty. Perhaps the stand? Arrive by car up to the castle, and then find a dozen machines all the staff certainly does not entice. Have changed, they became friendly, caring ... but let a little 'space please. Salvatore is over ... after almost brannu Godrano, or rather the Suvarita with its museum. There is talk of a tunnel ... but if the last exhibition of paintings have been four cats ... now we want to bring a group to the barn? The collective must be made in a multi-purpose otherwise they will just painters and girlfriends. We leave the crib mounted permanently.
We create a circuit of things to see
- the archaeological museum
- the Ethnographic Museum (the book first came out of the museum) If one looks for the museum, having had the
book does not understand the sequence of things. Never heard of that publication precedes the
inauguration. Alchemy Sicily. Ends call etc.etc.
- the art shops are visitabilissime: makers, potters, glass art
- woods walks out the door for any
- works of art in churches
- the grocers a bit 'less because is not very visible work. We hope that whoever starts now (our chocolate doc) takes account of this device by copying the work of their butchers meat in sight.
What remains? Add the crib lu Crucifissu . Do not disassemble the crib. It 's still something exciting to visit the crib out of Christmas. Do not make excuses di spazio che serve o cose simili. Dobbiamo fare un appello ? No signor sindaco, no signor parroco, no Superiore della Congregazione. Anche se fai l’appello non ti rispondono perché siamo tutti ipocritamente acculturati. Al nostro appello di far rientrare i beni culturali da fuori non ha risposto né l’assessore alla Cultura né il bibliotecario a cui è finito l’appello. Proveremo a lanciarlo al Prefetto.Non smontate il presepe. Ci sono tante città italiane (Ravenna, Milano ecc) che hanno presepi da oltre cento anni visitati tutto l’anno. Ho ricevuto conferma che questo appello è stato accettato a Greppio da San Francesco . Chissà se le nostre autorità civili o religiose si uniranno…
Onofrio Sanicola

Brain Tumour More Condition_symptoms


In the village of Collodi ...
A new decree ruled:
Given the precarious situation in the local cemetery is ordered and provides as follows:
All those who do not have a niche are not allowed to die
For all those who died before this decree he orders the resurrection
decrees, promises, illusions, assumptions made earlier for the funeral expenses for indigent care and the like must be certified and will no longer be borne by the municipality but must submit a plan to counter almost unique, validated by an Adviser-being and bring to the office of the Union of ordinary mortals.
Those who wish to turn any project using the single point over the documentation provided by the project and must obtain a certificate that is issued a certificate of superabilità per trap for fools, and know that the consultant can fill in the application of the project and that the employees have a minimum of fairness to those who in good faith has used public office responsible for serving citizens.