Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thrush In Men More Condition_symptoms

The Untouchables

Why talk about a film twenty-two years old now?
There are films that stand, strong, strong, evocative of a time that does not dim, the perfect blend of ingredients that make a simple film "the movie, the plot, the psychological delineation of the characters, the choice of actors who are able to embody the depths of the role, from set design, photography, color, narrative pace, the skill of shooting in the game between shots, sequences, fall off, the music that the film devono saper sintetizzare l'anima poetica.
Non sono un cinefilo, ma nella mia ideale filmografia di film così se ne possono contare forse una ventina, forse una trentina
Non tutti sono capolavori, nel senso pieno e vero, certo lo sono praticamente tutti quelli di Kubrick, moltissimi di Hitchcock, parecchi di Truffaut, alcuni di Sam Mendes, alcuni di Altman, almeno tre di Francis Ford Coppola, almeno cinque di Spielberg, qualcuno di Fellini, di Dino Risi, di Monicelli, di De Sica...
Poi ci sono film in ogni caso eccellenti, che conservano una freschezza sorprendente, che visti a cinema si rivedono volentieri ad ogni passaggio televisivo.
Gli Intoccabili (The Untouchables) è un film appunto eccellente, come il suo regista Brian De Palma (di cui a parte "Mission impossible" e "Mission to Mars", film commerciali di buona fattura e nulla più, rimane memorabile "Vestito per uccidere" con un Michael Caine al vertice della sua maestria attoriale).
Eccellenti sono gli attori, da Kevin Costner (che interpreta l'agente federale del Tesoro Elliot Ness, l'uomo che sconfisse Al Capone), ad un intensissimo e ironico Sean Connery (l'umanissimo poliziotto Malone, che dalla strada, dove si era esiliato nell'assoluta estraneità all'ambiente corrotto della Polizia di Chicago, ritorna al fianco di Ness ad un ruolo investigativo), al misurato ed efficace Andy Garcia (giovane poliziotto italo-americano, the face clean and presentable Italy who landed at Ellis Island in the years of emigration to America in droves), all'insuperabile Robert De Niro (who actually put on weight of twenty pounds and passes, he plays a gigione Al Capone, ironic, cruel, furious second a staff of moods and passions, mastering all the way), the protagonists sinanche children, such as the killer from the suit and white hat and the bespectacled comic book that comes with the team and Ness will be the first to let the skin, followed by the brave Malone.
excellence and development of the plot, the narrative rhythm, the construction of images, photography as well turn in warm colors and opulent of the big hotels and buildings where Capone and his criminal plots weave their own fruit and enjoy its golden tones of tar and cold Chicago night, with memorable one-desired citation to the Battleship Potiomkin-long sequence of bloody capture of the half sleeves accounting Capone on steps of the Chicago central station, architectural ode to the train, half the time Prince of locomotion, and large stations seen in many American films thirties and forties, land ports of interwoven into the threads of dispersed and hurried travelers or absorbed, joyful or desperate.
a tight, after the killing of Malone and the capture of Capone's accountant, is the longest sequence of the process to Capone, whose turning point is represented by the discovery of the list of jurors in the pockets of corrupt white-killer, captured and thrown off the roof of the courthouse by a furious Elliott Ness mockery free reserves that the big bad friend Malone, who has cruelly pricked with a hail of machine gun.
Why Ness, at the beginning of the story was an idealist, convinced he can fight crime with only the bare arms of the law, after his painful "loss of innocence" understands that the only way to beat Capone is fucked anyway , and does not hesitate to resort to lies, duped the poor judge which reveals that in addition to the list of jurors corrupted by Capone, even his name features among those "bought" and so forced him, overcoming the shackles of the procedure to change the jury and then to pack Capone to a federal penitentiary.
And then, throughout the film through the film, in its sets, there is the magic of the soundtrack, it also memorable main theme, due to the art of incomparable Ennio Moricone.
The last night I saw "The Untochables, the story of how justice sometimes prevails in earnest, and it does not always follow the main road, winding roads, but more often because men are crooked, that is offenders, whether they were policemen, thieves and guards, and even judges to the fund.
And the film, Emblematic is the furious reaction to Capone to change the jury, when he realizes that his criminal empire has really collapsed, and the challenge that Ness says, "But go, you are nothing, you're just chatterbox, chatterbox."
It may be true that men often laws are only "chatterbox", or "chatter and toga."
But sometimes not. Fortunately

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

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The second moral issue "Frankie"

Dario Franceschini and gossippara neomediatica discovered variant of the "moral issue", trying to update the terms and adapt to the scenarios of the so-called Second Republic, and succeeding rather to flatten the terms of the one and thirty "La Repubblica".

's statements yesterday, the sense of "Mother, I entrust your children to such a man?", Subtly evocative of the spectra that more than two years ago stirred between the classrooms of asylum Rignano Flaminio, rather than scenarios of "Lolita" by Nabokov, was frankly, "Franceschina" unhappy.

The response of children who have already been assigned, historically, is naturally, the man "so", ie the children real, tangible, legitimate Cav. was immediate, strong, and even dignified: and if the children of a real man "as" defend him in unison, perhaps the mothers of Italy's most alarming rhetoric from the question of Franceschini outputs are reassured by the reply of the Berlusconi family.

Meanwhile failed to even attempt to pull the robe the Italian Bishops' Conference to decide on the merits of the question because it is true that the future, about the divorce-Lario Berlusconi, had to ask the Premier to most sobriety, but here in public to pronounce on an alleged prohibited (until evidence proved otherwise) corrupting minors there runs.

And the Church and its bishops, who have experience of two thousand years and target the things of this world with a lens reversed because, in every case, they must look more closely's transcendent, and in light of those seeking to exercise their teaching, they could not become the certification agency as a moral questioncina obvious electoral purposes.

Franceschini, in full rapture election and perhaps not truly believe to be a simple "Pilot" to lead the battered ship to a Democratic Congress, but even a possible commander of that vessel, has seen fit to play up in fund an aggressive game, American, forgetting that in that society, imbued with Protestant values \u200b\u200b(which are the true ethics of capitalism), the moral judgments of the private behavior of the Police really matters in this, however, who is Catholic, the line between public ethics and individual morality is much more clear and sharp, and the private sins are washed in the confessional and public bath in parliament, press, media.

Like it or not this is Italy and that his "tradition".

Franceschini E should not be forgotten, because his party in the home for many vices "private" of prominent leaders had drawn a veil thick and dark, that never the PCI, PSI or any of the political left ( and also the right to tell the truth) would have thought to raise, not only for matters of style, but because that boundary was clear and absolute.

Neither Di Pietro, who also has the copiright dell'antiberlusconismo, but in his next cunning of peasant ancestry Molise is more awake and aware, has decided to cross that line (which he also married twice and some attendance showgirl: in the days when he was Minister for Infrastructure is well known that the rooms of the department of Porta Pia circulated Elona Weber).

Franceschini Instead, with his little face of a little boy 'aged, his hair cut by key AGESCI, his good-natured emphasis Emilia, forgot to sapienzale whole tradition of the old DC, which we fed along with breast milk, and went out of the sow (and the seminar!).

It 's true, then, that the best friends of the Cav. are his enemies, and, as he repeated the young Don Vito Corleone Michael teaching the basics of the craft of godfather, the enemies should keep them close, far more than friends.

short, the PD finds that more bitterly today that Franceschini was given to Frankie, who made the order that we know.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

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And if I was his grandfather?

Republic continues the saga of Letizia, who devoted their best energies of his writing.
an interview with the alleged boyfriend of Naomi has taken the field, nientepopodimenoché, Giuseppe D'Avanzo, as saying the Gian Antonio Stella of the Rome daily, that great journalism in the wake of the vaunted "investigation" (what once was responsible for murder, mafia, corruptions, crimes excellent, ie "trinkets" to the comparison of the "mysteries of Noemi") interviewed the boyfriend (allegedly) the girl, a discreet mechanical muscular appearance and criminal record of some (but obviously withheld), who declared the truth on the deal, which coincides with the hypothesis first proposed by the investigation, "Washington Post" de noaltri: the photo book, the brokering of Emilio Fede, the unexpected phone call, a vacation villa in Sardinia, with dozens of girls dressing young and comely, the sudden mutation of Naomi, of course subject to the insane desires of the elderly host.
Now Letizia father told the Morning of Naples his truth: a chance meeting a decade ago, a heartfelt letter in the aftermath of the tragic death of the elder brother of Naomi, the presentation of the Knight family. With Naomi, the girl of eight or so that Silvio proposes to call "Grandpa", corrected by her father that suggests "do not overdo it (mica is so old) call him papi."
And for some reason at this point, like St. Paul on the Damascus road, lighting me through everything, like an electric shock: What if it His grandfather??
As we move in a purely "circumstantial", the reality is in fact open to many different readings.
Let 's see: the mother of Naomi has more or less the same age as Marina Berlusconi, and if you notice has a profile, with mascelletta, and a look, reminiscent of the Navy, which is the female version of Cav ., well over Piersilvio, and much of the children of Veronica, in which the physical features of the Cav. you are better mixed with those of Miriam Bartolini (aka Lario).
We also know that Naomi's mother attended a broadcast environment, in the times of his youth, without much luck, but they have attended, and even here there may be paternal imprinting, the genes are not fresh water.
Then he married a dark-looking municipal employee, who had attended in Naples Socialist Socialist De Donato, who was really one of the milieu of the Cav. (Not Naples, but the environment of the PSI Craxi).
And who knows, at this point, and as a feilleuton in the late nineteenth century, the Cav. has not just discovered in the late 90's that in his various adventures around Italy had produced a forbidden fruit and unspeakable: a natural daughter, never recognized and never recognized, to safeguard the legitimate interests of the offspring, which 're already struggling to get along with each other (certainly not have been pleasant for Marina and Piersilvio meet the children of separated because Veronica Lario was bound by its father, but these details are likely to Veronica).
What would you do if you discovered that you have a grandchild, who is also the older ones among all the grandchildren, and that, unfortunately, has never enjoyed and will never enjoy the fruits of the sun, full and fleshy, with a rich and illustrious ancestry?
'd go to her birthday? The gift would you do some? I would ask with a friend, making her find a place "young", to give her a holiday of the year-end? You will remember the party of eighteen?
Of course you would, everyone, without distinction. But you call yourselves
mica and you're Silvio Berlusconi, not you already five legitimate children and four grandchildren legitimate, not have to worry about avoiding the truth that "hidden" explodes like an atomic destroying what little harmony among the children who must be patiently built with donations from sling, header property and real estate values, equity .
And perhaps even prefer, from a certain point of view, give the feel of corrupting minors and almost pedophile, bearing the feminine and disgraced the conduct of a republic, rather than having to admit this "hidden truth" as destabilizing, not the state or destinies of Italy, but more prosaically, the fate of a family.
The "variant of his grandfather," tell the truth, you've never seen, and not even consider this Republic to the newspaper via Cristoforo Colombo, and his publisher De Benedetti, only interested in the whole of Italy, which overflows with indignation to the old man that works against the minors, that is metaphorically, and potentially, the "daughters" of all, dell'edicolante, as the traffic cop, the worker, as a lawyer, doctor, as a journalist, in short, all the "ggente.
And in Italy you know, marturianamente, "the children know 'amplitude and' core '.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Vampirefreaks Proxies


Yesterday evening, late evening on RAI 2 was a rebroadcast episode, by Gianni Minoli, dedicated to the murder of Luigi Calabresi, with an accurate representation of the facts and evidence and Gemma and Mario Calabresi, Panza, Mughini, D'Ambrosio and others who were in a different way "people informed of the facts. "

a year ago I had read the book by Mario Calabresi "Pushing the night further, that moving from painful personal experience (the author was just four years at the time of the assassination of his father) and memories of how a personal tragedy has weighed on his life and yet it has not bent logic of resentment and anger, his eyes widened with some family members of victims of terrorism, the minute you lose people early ogni memoria.

Pochi mesi fa ho letto "La notte che Pinelli", il saggio puntiglioso con cui Adriano Sofri ricostruisce le settantadue ore del ferroviere anarchico (era un "frenatore") nelle stanze della questura di Milano, ripropone i dubbi sugli esiti dell'indagine sulla sua morte, riepiloga -per vero in modo abbastanza sommario- la campagna di stampa di Lotta Continua contro il commissario Calabresi e le vicende del processo per diffamazione intentato contro il direttore del giornale.

Il 13 dicembre 1969 avevo poco meno di dodici anni, eppure ricordo bene le immagini del telegiornale e il grande buco nero sul pavimento del salone della Banca nazionale dell'agricoltura di piazza Fontana, le foto and images of Peter Valpreda arrested, the face of commissioner Calabresi, the furore over the death of Pinelli.

On 17 May 1972, the day of the murder of Calabresi, was older and aware, and above all had first-hand experience on marches and slogans against Calabresi and generally on the "massacre of the State" rhymed with "Feltrinelli murdered. "

I understand the point of view of Adriano Sofri, but I think in his book, however well written and documented, really miss you a small word and sincere, unconditional admission but had chosen a man and to have made a symbol, and therefore a target for bullets, whether or not it came an order explicitly or implicitly the leader of LC, however, bore a signature clear moral and political.

that murder, like it or not, has pioneered the so-called armed struggle, that is why he referred to as political murder by general and abstract words could be revolutionary to take concrete action against persons "emblematic": if you are not able to kill the state with the revolution, at least you can take out the men who are on his side, there are officials, they serve him.

E 'awareness that this is not in Sofri and many of his generation, this is why, even today, there seems to be closed with a political gesture of the amnesty season of the massacres and terrorism.

But if somehow the silences and omissions of Sofri on this point are understandable (but not justified), what angers me is that, however, no real critical thinking, apart from four "portrait", has never been made by many "intellectuals" who signed the appeal and in fact the indictment, imputation, published by L'Espresso 13 June 1971, that is little more than a year before the murder of Calabresi.

Certainly many of the 757 signatories will no longer be in this world, others are very old and have forgotten, but there are still many, starting with Eugene Scalfari, and thirty-eight years have not found the time or desire to say I'm sorry, maybe then I signed a document which was a ruling politico-moral conviction that, given the climate and time, it was a death sentence, was a ' prior acquittal on those who have done justice to the people. "

E 'role in this dark and sticky of many intellectuals, which has columns of newspapers, academic chairs, benches of Parliament, pursued the common thought, conscience instead of trying to be democratic, cajoled and stimulated the movement of violent overthrow unrealistic projects social and political order, rather than indicating the path of democratic debate, that has also breeding grounds for terrorism and burned the worst youth and even some large piece of the best youth.

Maybe they are bad teachers who then found themselves a comfortable niche in society, and perfumed or who are now directly and frankly bards of Berlusconi: clerics and clerics then today, dedicated to the eternal "and Franza provided that if Spain magna.

How can you be surprised if you can not come to terms and close to the events of 43-45, though in a tragic but less impact on historical, political and existential, you can not close the accounts with the period of the massacres and terrorism?

Thus, the memory becomes a black hole between the generations who have lived and can not say "we were wrong" and that generations do not know and do not want to know.

And in this black hole that absorbs all light of truth and conscience, falls also the civil conscience of a country which presents a daily talk show and not real debates, declarations and slogans ephemeral stream of words that obsolescono from day to day, because all centered sull'adesso and now, after another.

In the background are two photographs in black and white, two men whose destinies are tragically intertwined, two fathers who could not see crescere i figli, né abbracciare i nipoti.

A loro, tra i tanti, bisogna chiedere scusa, e non dimenticarli.

Onore a Luigi Calabresi e Pino Pinelli.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Seizure Disorder More Condition_symptoms


I tedeschi negli ultimi mesi della seconda guerra mondiale furono illusi che le sorti del conflitto, ormai irrimediabilmente segnate, potessero essere rovesciate con l'arma finale; ma in effetti nonostante gli scienziati nazisti si dilettassero con l'acqua pesante erano ancora ben lontani dalla atomica, cui invece erano vicinissimi gli americani, che nell'estate del 1945 ne fecero un uso "spettacolare" anche per mandare un avvertimento a Stalin.

La sinistra radical chic dei Santoro, Travaglio, De Gregorio (Concita), Vauro, La Repubblica e L'Espresso, e compagnia di giro cantante, si è convinta di aver trovato l'arma finale per abbattere Kaiser Silvio.

E quest'arma ha le sembianze, in f0ndo un po' banali e veline, di una ragazzotta di Casoria, figlia di un messo comunale, che risponde al nome gentile di Noemi, e che come molte ragazze più o meno belline della sua generazione (ma anche di quelle precedenti) vorrebbe arrivare al successo e ai soldi facili passando per le porte della TV, o almeno per quelle di Montecitorio (ma ovviamente solo come ripiego).

Perché, com'è noto, agli italiani all you can ask and all they can tolerate, since samples of public virtue without private vices, not touching that "the family" and ccriature "and so if you insinuate, suggest, he argues, that one that makes even the President of the Council of Ministers, or Premier, mindful of the virtues of the family and especially to those of a "minor", the result should be a destructive blast in a figurative sense as the American atomic, Silvio pulverized almost instantly with the popular consensus.

theorem Noemi has quickly built: suffice it to say that her father has put a dark hall (which has had some legal problems of corruption, although he was acquitted), which Silvione rushes to the party and the boy gives her a necklace, that the creature called Silvio "daddy", who made a book of photographs sent around, obviously to Mediaset, which was apparently with her parents in Arcore and perhaps also in Sardinia.

And if this is not enough to reinforce the dirty bomb gossipparo with some seasoning, such as Veronica statement saying that, in commenting on the speculation that Naomi is an illegitimate daughter (pardon natural but not recognized) by Silvio, "maybe was his daughter! " puts a seal of sorrowful resignation to the vile idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between the old tycoon and the cool fresh eighteen seventy-three, obviously with the complicity of the parents ignoble lenoni, a questo punto emuli dei Tenardier de "I Miserabili".

Perché poi la Veronica lascia intendere, anzi sostiene, che Silvione "non sta bene", cioé è malato, e che lei aveva implorato i suoi famigli e collaboratori di aiutarlo ma è rimasta inascoltata.

Ne nasce l'immagine di un anziano sessuomane, col chiodo fisso, che come tutti i dipendenti da qualcosa ha bisogno di dosi sempre più grandi di trasgressione, e non bastano più le trentenni, le venticinquenni, le ventenni, ma ci vogliono le diciottenni, già diciassettenni e prima ancora sedicenni o quindicenni.

Certo l'ideale sarebbe una bambina di otto o dieci anni, così l'immagine the pedophile would be full, effective and authentic, but in the absence of other minor enough to still be under 18.

To me this seems like the ultimate weapon that bombed London V2: some buildings could also go down, but after a sputter Buchingam or Westminster Palace, or the Bridge there was running.

So it can collapse a few pieces of concrete from the face of the foundation Cav., Leaving a glimpse of the wrinkles and bags under your eyes, bend, and surveys of two, three, five points.

But at the end of the fair this version, red-pecoreccia dell'antiberlusconismo risk could, paradoxically, to strengthen it. Why

Veronica defending their children destroying their father's image, and sends letters around the painful news agencies and newspaper offices, not the home of Voghera, which with difficulty and great cost (legal fees) deals with the separation knowing that will live with a maintenance of 400-600 euro, because the honest mechanic Abbiategrasso, which can be bought at 50 € the love of mercenary Lolitas Russian, Hungarian, Romanian, Baltic, will have perhaps a bike envy , not condemnation for what he does, because many mothers tutt'inansia for their daughters, would see that well-placed as a tissue, let alone as parliamentarians, will rebel against the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing considered too of the sellers under the branches.

And who knows that indeed the "people", much hated by the left radical chic, but very concrete, real and decisive in the end not even in solidarity with Silvio, thinking that Veronica, now a refined and tender, at the time tore rampant and the rich businessman to the thalamus nuptial without taking too much punishment of children, then children of first marriage, and that, ultimately, as in the popular saying, who does expect it.

Then comes right awarded Santoro, Travaglio, Vauro and left the company around the radical chic of the Order of Silvio, just honor of four strolling players of journalism and politics who have worked so hard and deserved in the consolidation of his power.