Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sickle Cell Trait More Condition_symptoms

Two Minz and two measures

Three weeks ago, the former mayor of Bologna, Flavio Delbono, has bargained 19 months in prison for embezzlement and fraud: when he was vice president of the Emilia Romagna had used the credit card office for a pleasant trip to 'abroad with his secretary-girlfriend, by the bill of about € 20 000 taxpayers.

few days earlier, the director general of RAI, Mauro Masi, determined that the director of Tg1, Augusto Minzolini, has behaved impeccably spending in 14 months or € 86 000 with a credit card for business lunches, dinners and trips abroad, alone or in company of a friend, even when it was on vacation or present at Saxa Rubra: all the subscribers account.

not think so, the Prosecutor of the Court of Auditors of Lazio, which opened an investigation Minzolini for loss of revenue. In fact did not appear, but Rai is a public body, controlled by the Treasury. Curiously, however, are not actions by the public prosecutor of Rome, although the Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the leaders Rai (including directors and network news) are in charge of public service: therefore, if improperly pocket money of the company, liability for embezzlement exactly as public officials. You say, perhaps the prosecutor of Rome is more tolerant in matters of embezzlement than Bologna? Unable to support: Rome's former spokesman Salvatore Sottile finiano sentenced in first instance to 8 months for embezzlement for having taken Elisabetta Gregoraci blue car with the Foreign Ministry. But not enough.

From the website of the Court of Auditors learn another exemplary story: the Advocate AP, director of the public ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment) condemned by the criminal justice and embezzlement the accounting for loss of revenue because it "improperly used the company credit card in order to support personal expenses not covered in the assignment relevant (purchases of clothing, fuel, food, etc..), for an amount of € 96,405.53. And who complained? His own company, Enea. Which awarded him a credit card for travel work, while he also used to adjust costs of private nature ... clothing, jewelry, medicines, food, entertainment and accommodation costs and food service tasks with absolutely no consequence ". Type 137 dinners from € 300 a pop all'Ostharia Bocaletto Pizzeria of Rome, "for an amount of € 42,368.70; like to subscribe to the Sports Club of Deputies; like shopping at the supermarket or Pim Gs Anguillara type hotel stays Court Principles of Anguillara, and so on. Career (rightly) over.

Now let's play, like "find the error." Have in common and AP Minzolingua? Three things: either working in a public company, are responsible for public service and are accused of abuse of corporate credit card for private expenditure (96 000 € for one, the other "only" 86). What is the difference between AP and direttorissimo Minzolingua? Three things. AP has been seen to withdraw the credit card Enea, who has fired and reported to the accounting and criminal justice: in the book has been ordered to pay 96 thousand for the Enea e rotti euro; in penale, dopo l’indagine della Procura di Roma, ha patteggiato 2 anni di reclusione per peculato. Minzolini, invece, è più che mai al suo posto, anzi da quel pulpito cristallino dà lezioni di correttezza agli altri; la Rai si guarda bene dal licenziarlo e dal denunciarlo (come chiede di fare il consigliere Nino Rizzo Nervo), anzi l’ha già assolto. E la Procura di Roma non risulta aver aperto alcuna indagine. Eppure, dinanzi a una notizia di reato, l’azione penale sarebbe obbligatoria. Ma queste toghe rosse sono proprio dappertutto. (Marco Travaglio - IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO -)


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