Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mini Strokes More Condition_symptoms

Circumventing rapacious

Gentile Cavaliere, scusi l’insistenza, ma abbiamo come l’impressione che Lei continui a farsi del male. Non per colpa Sua, ci mancherebbe: Lei non ha colpe, mai. Ma per colpa di chi La circonda e, se ci consente, La mal consiglia.

L’altro giorno, per esempio, lei ha annunciato a una scelta platea di somari, fra i quali numerosi ministri, che Lei ha “rinunciato da tempo ad avere un telefonino perché il mio era exposed to any kind of interception. Now, do not know who has recommended such a folly, but we can assure you that he has cheated. First of all, your phone has never been caught (since 1994 You are a parliamentarian and as such can not be heard, first, as many times investigated does not appear that the judges have ever tapped phones, except once, in 1983, when he was suspected of drug trafficking, prosecution then closed). Every time his voice was picked up in telephone conversations, it is because the judges were listening for the phones of his interlocutors: characters investigated (the estate in the Valley, Dell'Utri Sacca, Cuffaro) or possible victims of his crimes (and other Ruby-Karima Papi-girls).

Which means, Mr. President, never to be heard not just give up the phone and use that of her staff caposcorta (as for the police to call in Ruby) or someone else, or maybe a user sets: if a judge listens for the other party, you can also speak from a phone booth, as long as the equipment arrives, but his voice will be recorded the same. So if you want to be heard, one of two things: either stop just talking (making, among other things, a great service to our ears and the whole nation), perhaps through the most secure system pizzini very popular in areas close to you, or try to select your best partners, avoiding mobsters, corrupt, pimps and whores. Each year, across Italy, are caught between 5 and 10 thousand people, most offenders matriculated here, you try as much as possible, to talk to each other (several are about 60 million). You will see talk to honest people that is not so traumatic. They succeed in many.

Always the day before, she has entertained the audience with the jolly retail accounts of its processes: "Today we celebrate the 2.952esima sitting at my expense. I am the man on trial in Italy, I had 103 cases, over 50 went to trial. " Excuse the indiscretion, but whoever writes the lyrics? Who has made up his mind this nonsense? Olindo Sallusti? Philip Mèches? Ferrara Ostellino pant or panty? Take a listen to us, that your processes will lovingly follow the very beginning: the proceedings are about thirty in all, 19 of which went to trial and other stores. Even assuming that each trial has produced one hundred hearings, exorbitant, we would be well under 2,000.

At this point, however, as she claims to have "spent 600 billion lire (300 million euro) on lawyers in 17 years, there arises a suspicion that his lawyers did not tell it to him right. Moreover, the same ones who had guaranteed the finest in Schifani constitutionality of the award, the award Alfano, of such failure, the abolition of the appeal but only to the prosecutor, all trash regularly rejected by the Advisory Body (and not because the consultation is left, but because the stuff was unconstitutional). Already we seem to see them while also invented the processes that you do not have to be able to say to have won someone out in the morning saying "President, this morning there is the process Spectre," "Today we are hearing the case Supercazzola Brematurata "" Tomorrow we have not, there ludienza scandal Comefosseantani " "We come from the court, thanks to us you have been acquitted of abigeato. Then go Camporella, or billiards, or the circus. And you pay. (Marco Travaglio - the daily -)


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