Saturday, March 5, 2011

Depression Test More Condition_symptoms

The Huffington Post and unconstitutional dismissal

Trecento milioni di dollari in contanti, altri quindici in valori. Questa la cifra che America On Line ha sborsato per acquisire l'Huffington Post, fenomeno editoriale del web americano degli ultimi anni, in declino negli ultimi anni, ma ormai un marchio affermato. Un acquisto che ha costretto Aol a rivedere i bilanci. E oggi l'ad Tim Armstrong, in un incontro con i giornalisti dell'Huffington, ha annunciato che ci saranno dei tagli. Il numero dei licenziamenti ancora non è noto, ma la notizia è che colpiranno anche la testata, mentre all'inizio sembrava che fosse solo la parte amministrativa ad essere interessata dalla ristrutturazione. "Ci saranno modifiche dal punto di vista lavorativo", Armstrong said. Currently, according to the creator of the site Arianna Huffington, the 'Post' 143 people work, pay above average. A staff of journalists and so-called "proofreaders", a sort of central desk.

But there are bloggers. Visual Art Source ArtScene, two active contributors to the Huffington Post for free, went on strike and will not provide more content to the site. And ask other employees to join the protest, citing all the shortcomings and inconsistencies in the working relationship with the Post. Bill Lasarow, one of the masterminds behind Visual Art Source, calls to establish a table of salaries for those who collaborate with the Post, currently lacks. In addition, calls for the dissociation Content provided free of charge from the advertisements and press releases from

The protests, Arianna Huffington says that the real wage to the content provided is visibility. But with the amount that AOL paid for the Post, Lasarow and sites involved do not seem willing to work for the glory. Bloggers are asking to be paid, and no doubt their free labor has contributed to the fame the Huffington Post. "We must transform this report into a professional exchange," says Lasarow. And Huffington, now head of the news services of AOL, "would do well to change their mentality." Lasarow continues: "At the Post do not do anything illegal, but also behave hypocrite and unethical. "

Huffington's response is clear and concise:" Come on, strike, "he says," nobody will notice. Writing for the Post amounts to go on TV talk show in a great popularity. Means maximum visibility. And if someone decides to leave, many are ready to occupy those spaces. " (Tiziano Toniutti - REPUBLIC -)


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