Friday, March 11, 2011

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Japan: The cartoons of the tsunami disaster

Japan: the quake of magnitude 8.8 occurred on the east coast. Missing two trains and a ferry with 100 passengers. Explosions in the refineries. 4 meter waves to Polynesia French
The seismologist, "a thousand times more powerful quake Aquila. But it could not happen in Italy"

Two earthquakes measuring 7.8 and 8.8, the most powerful ever recorded in the Sol Levante have hit Japan and caused a tsunami with waves ten meters. We still do not know the number of victims, the information is fragmentary but the local media talk about at least a thousand victims. The vast area affected. In Tokyo, the quake triggered the panic. Some refineries have exploded and nuclear power plants were shut down for safety. Member States in the country are sending the coolant for nuclear plants. The offices were immediately evacuated and public transport is blocked for security. The time that has happened, at 14.45 (6:45 to Italian), allowed an immediate reaction to the emergency. Tokyo airport and railway lines were closed. ( )

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Annozero 10 03 2011

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(Western, USA 2010, directed by Joel and Ethan Coen starring Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin)
The Coen brothers return to shoot a western film after the success of No Country for Old Men "and they do a remake of" The Grit "with John Wayne film of 1969, taken in turn by an eponymous book of Charles Portis.
The story is very simple: a fourteen year old girl's father is murdered, she seeks revenge and turns to an old sheriff's nicknamed "The Grit" but also a Texas Rangers on the trail of . I tre formeranno un’improbabile squadra che partirà alla ricerca dell’assassino.
Il film, diciamolo subito, non è un capolavoro e nemmeno una delle migliori prove dei fratelli Coen. Si apprezzano certamente la splendida fotografia, i dialoghi brillanti e divertenti e gli attori (soprattutto Jeff Bridges mentre Damon sembra più una figurina) e anche l’intreccio che pone come protagonista una ragazzina nel mondo western è decisamente interessante.
Quello che manca è una certa inventiva sulla storia e sul genere che ha caratterizzato la carriera dei due fratelli registi. Non avviene quello che è accaduto invece per “Non is a country for old men: evolution of a genre that became "new-western", this film is a western-western.
The film deals with the issue, already esploratissimo, revenge and has the great merit of doing so without rhetoric (despite those who seek revenge will be little more than a child). The journey of revenge of the little girl becomes a journey of formation and growth in a way different from what is usually understood these two words. The girl will understand what the courage, strength, loyalty, honor, revenge and friendship. As the film introduces the facts, the narrative voice of that little girl become a woman, and it's like if you remember when you become a woman.
Overall a good movie, enjoyable, sometimes funny, not a job so experimental and innovative as we have been accustomed from other films of the Coen brothers. GS

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Ruby, attempted bribery in Morocco

FKI Ben Salah is a country of 90 thousand inhabitants, in three hours by car from Casablanca. Hence she has met with the City used. Who, under the guarantee of anonymity, has reconstructed what has happened to a little over a month ago: "That morning I was in my office when I was approached by one of my fellow who asked me to go out into the street. With him there 'There were two people who spoke Italian. They offered me a substantial sum to replace the birth certificate of Karima El Mahroug. The proposal lured me, but I refused because I did not get into trouble. " Who were the two Italians? Who sent them? The woman does not know. But one thing is certain: the Journal of March 3 Paolo Berlusconi and other newspapers, appear a series of statements by Knight spoke in front of some members of the PDL. The premier is elated and says: "I have evidence that Ruby was recorded to the registry two years after birth, we will submit to the process." On the history of the alleged attempt to bribe the fact has started to work February 16 when Morocco was the first news about the strange visit of the two emissaries. Today the Knight "has instructed his lawyers to file a specific complaint to the court to ascertain the veracity or otherwise of the story." ( )

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Drawing live from the library of O. Sanicola

FRIDAY 'May 25, 1860 WHERE
TO 9:30 am He stopped to Marinée
A Misilmeri

Let's follow

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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popular writer

The Hero of Two Worlds novelist necessity:
was to keep alive the myth and his large family to live

Garibaldi's novels, written in the last twenty years of its existence, most of official hagiographies, are still the most authentic evidence of his extraordinary story and his thoughts. The hero of the Risorgimento, he wrote four, despite being plagued by arthritis in his hands. Lying in an Italian uncertain - but civil passion and variety of vocabulary due to the different talk when he was in contact - tell his life and his exploits in order to keep the myth alive and well, as he himself admitted, "for portraying an honest profit from my work. " Although he could hear his admirers often welcome gifts from foreign nationals, the General was always rather debt. Garibaldi pages, written with a shaky narrative, have been called "ugly" by historians and academic Mario Insenghi which Garibaldi was wounded in (Donzelli publisher) does not make a portrait hagiography or triumphalist but returns to the nature of man a lot of contradictions, torn by choices at times older than him. In his first novel Clelia or the government of the priests written in 1869, centered around a meat loaf on the complaint of reckless sexual costumes of priests and nuns, the eater Garibaldi vented his obsessive hatred for the Church Catholic grass contagious humanity "in his fury and anticlerical Pius IX called" cubic meter of manure that "The Hero of Two Worlds literary invention was used as a weapon more and no less sharp for the fight against the Church . In 1870 it was the turn of the historical novel Cantoni starring a voluntary Romagna, Achille Cantoni not volunteer soldier "who had saved his life at Velletri. Pure love and passion of Ida and the cantons, the struggle between good (the volunteer) and bad (the infamous priest) the thrust against the rulers - all - until the victory of evil and betrayal to the sacrificial death of Ida and the cantons on the altar of the homeland that was gradually emerging, the ingredients are well blended history. But inside there is all the passion of Nice, the deceiver of the masses, which has the credited with having ignited the youth of the period, driven by an ideal of freedom, involving them in a challenge with death. With I Mille of 1874 Garibaldi set out to "fight for the moral reason and justice, not being able to physically" in the desire "to refer to those who died gloriously for Italy." to Memories started in 1849, he devoted himself to long intervening several times in subsequent years on the text, convinced enclose a sum of facts and ideas that served the Italian political and civil education "called to participate in the completion story of the Risorgimento. Dopo mille traversie l’Italia era nata ma tenerla unita era un’impresa non facile che, dopo centocinqant’anni, ci vede ancora oggi impegnati.

Mariolina Sardo

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The caste prejudice

The caste prejudice. Always and forever. Regardless of the color of the jacket is sometimes worn. As happened in the House yesterday where you had to decide on the requests of the judges and then to proceed on the fate of the case of two former ministers, Pietro Lunardi, and Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, and the former parliamentary Vittorio Sgarbi. The first beneficiaries (for the second time put to a vote of Deputies) was accused of the PDL Pietro Lunardi for alleged corruption while he was pro tempore of the department of Infrastructure and Transport. Lunardi has dragged the former Minister Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio Green, who is also under investigation for corruption in power and, finally, the Chamber of Deputies declared untouchable even Vittorio Sgarbi on the jurisdictional dispute raised by the Supreme Court as a matter of absolute immunity for statements made by deputy Sgarbi on TV. No, no, no. The only exception that the lawyer Maurizio Paniz and other members of the junta, is the former Finian Catia Polidori: will be offered phone records of December 14, the day he left for Fli vote of confidence in Berlusconi and was - so she says - overwhelmed by a series of phone calls in which he was insulted. A "yes" to acquire the printouts that does not taste different from the no: in this case was appointed to the same request to track down those who have offended through the deputies.

words, a long series of trials of rescue, "defined as the Corriere della Sera, in view of the discussion on conflict of jurisdiction between state powers that most chases as the last lifeline Silvio Berlusconi and the case of Ruby . The emblematic case is that of Lunardi. At the material time he was minister and parliament. And the court of Ministers, before proceeding, you must have a permit by the council for permits, another of the great hopes of Berlusconi. But yesterday the acts of the investigation on the purchase of a building by Propaganda Fide were returned to the court of Ministers of Perugia. The junta for permission a procedere aveva portato in aula proprio la richiesta di rinviare gli atti. In favore dell’orientamento della giunta hanno votato 292 dei 548 deputati presenti. I no sono stati 254 e due gli astenuti. Lunardi, all’epoca ministro delle Infrastrutture, è accusato di avere acquistato da Propaganda Fide per 3 milioni di euro palazzo cielo-terra di 5 piani in via dei Prefetti valutato 8 milioni di euro.

Dopo avere comprato l’immobile, con la mediazione di Angelo Balducci, Lunardi avrebbe fatto ottenere a Propaganda Fide un finanziamento di 2,5 milioni di euro per la realizzazione di un museo nella sede della ‘Congregatio pro gentium evengelizationè in piazza di Spagna. Nell’inchiesta sono implicati anche l’imprenditore Anemone Diego architect Angelo Zampolini. Unlike the case

Pecoraro Scanio. The House said no to the use of wiretapping on former minister accused of corruption in green power and under investigation for the same offense to the court of Ministers. In this case we have called for the PDL and the Radical Democratic Party elected. Voted against PD and IDV. League, Fli and UDC were instead abstained. Here we are then to

Sgarbi. For his case, the classroom has survived in the conflict over the attribution of powers raised by the Supreme Court deliberated on the absolute immunity of Deputies in favor of Sgarbi for statements made by Members on TV. Voted against PD and IDV. UDC and Fli abstained and, finally, the League and PDL did block voting in favor.

In relation to the case of Pecoraro Scanio was made immediately feel Maurizio Paniz, authoritative on the council for permission to proceed, MP and lawyer close to Berlusconi: "The Supervisor" said Paniz, "is not tied to membership policy. Denying the use of wiretaps defend a parliamentary privilege written very clearly in the Constitution. " ( )

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"Dico che è meglio non parlare più di Fini, perchè Fini non c'è più" (Daniela Santanchè - a 28 minuti Radio 2 -)

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Biotest The joke of the day: freedom of choice

Questa mattina ho partecipato a una conferenza stampa sul testamento biologico. La legge che lo dovrebbe regolamentare è in discussione in queste settimane, ma è secondo me una legge liberticida e oscurantista. La posizione di Italia dei Valori è chiara e su questo sono convinto che tutti i partiti politici debbano prendere posizione: per noi deve essere garantita la cura a chi vuole curarsi, ma al tempo stesso non può essere imposta a chi per sè decide diversamente. Oggi voglio dare spazio qui sul blog alle parole di Beppino Englaro, who participated with Italy of Values \u200b\u200bat the press conference today. ( )

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Santanchè: Yara on I

'I claim the liberty' of critical inquiry and that 'so far proved inadequate. The judiciary can not 'pretend to have, in addition IMMUNITY' for their mistakes, the right to see their work not be questioned '. Cosi 'Daniela Santanche', undersecretary of government programs, reply to the note from the chief prosecutor of Bergamo, Massimo Meroni, in response to criticism of the deputy of the PDL for the murder of Yara sull'indagine Gambirasio.

'I am surprised that a senior representative of this caste - continues Santanche' - wants to silence a government representative, when his colleagues are involved every day and publicly on political issues and legislation that should not affect them. Now - concludes the exponent of the PDL - I expect that in addition to my silence even ask for my resignation '. The answer is as stated in the afternoon by the public prosecutor of Bergamo, who had denounced in the afternoon ANSA 'The absurdity and malice that characterize this statement are such that it does not deserve any comment by the prosecutor of Bergamo, but I feel obliged to intervene to show how, contrary to the authoritative exponent of the Government with the coordination of the deputy director for investigations, law order, civil protection, local police and thousands of volunteers, with un'abnegazione really unusual, have labored for months in the search for Yara Gambirasio while identifying those responsible for any crimes, using all the tools well known technology.

Obviously the prosecutor of Bergamo ignores, as used by another office of attorney, which were the 'resources and the technologies' costs to investigate 'the girls' Olgettina 'but where the Hon. Santanche', which evidently it and 'to know, will want to' talk, though now with a delay, please be assured that we are ready to do the same. I believe that the Hon. Santanche ', in the face of this tragic event, he lost a good opportunity to remain silent, as did this office by November 26, 2010'. ( )

Without prejudice to the right of everyone to express a ' opinion, the problem is who expresses it. The Santanchè now has lost all credibility, is clouded by hatred against anyone who criticizes or mocks his master (and the dwarf was giving it his all to mock himself), and his ways "coarse" on the boxes are to many.

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Berlusconi is right to criticize the European standard of sexism

Dutch MEP Sophie in't Veld, a liberal, talks about the image of our Prime Minister in Brussels. And the March 8, the PDL slows the Senate shares rose on the boards of investee

"There are no words to describe the conduct of Silvio Berlusconi. E 'shocking, distressing and sad that behavior as primitive has a similar popularity in Italy. "On the feast of women, the Dutch MEP Sophie in't Veld, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Civil Rights and a member of the Steering Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (the third group Popular and after European Socialists), describes the image of Italian Prime Minister, in light of the scandals in which he is involved. Interviewed by saying: "Unfortunately there are many people like Berlusconi, but he's a leader and should act differently. In doing so legitimizes the behavior of those who see women as objects. "And while the Senate President will participate in the celebrations eight in March, the text states that the presence of at least one third of women on the boards of companies is stopped in the Finance Committee. After the rejection of the government. ( )

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Tutte pazze per Garibaldi. Conquistate dal mito dell’eroe romantico
e coraggioso cadevano ai suoi piedi popolane e nobildonne

Il gran condottiero, il padre della Patria, il valoroso generale del Risorgimento aveva un gran successo con le donne. Molte persero la testa per lui: nobili e popolane, scrittrici e lavandaie. Blame the long wheat-colored hair, his face framed by a leonine deliberately unkempt beard, his eyes clear, his magnetic personality. Yet it was small in stature, but muscular body with short legs and crooked, and judging dall'andatura, suffering from rheumatism. Idolized by half the world, but anchored in the values \u200b\u200bof simplicity and solitude, for the female sex was the man who embodied the hero strong and generous and will gladly hunt between the sheets without lost time to woo. Difficult to list them all. Countess Maria Martini Giovio della Torre, compared to the Countess of Castiglione for his charm, she left her husband and it was proposed as a companion to Garibaldi in But the glory and misfortune in general not returned and the countess tried to commit suicide ending locked in a mental hospital surrounded by red cloth as the typical shirts. Many other noblewomen were mad hero of two worlds: Madame Louise Colet, a reckless poet who remembered Christ's Last Supper by Leonardo, Anne Isabelle wife of the poet Lord Byron in financing the expedition of the Thousand. A Lady Shaftesbury, who wanted a lock of his hair, the general replied that he had exaggerated the demand for more and asked my lady of the coma patient's ricrescesse. Esperance Brand, an English aristocrat educated and charming, it reached to every call, while the hero would sposato volentieri Emma Roberts se non fosse stato scoraggiato dalla lussuosa vita londinese della donna. Emma provvide all’educazione di Ricciotti (secondogenito di Garibaldi, ndr) a Londra e fu promotrice di una colletta con cui gli amici inglesi acquistarono l’altra metà di Caprera per farne dono all’amico carico di gloria e di debiti. Gli inglesi avevano un’adorazione per il romantico generale italiano e gliene diedero prova regalandogli perfino un vascello.. Garibaldi aveva infatti comprato una parte dell’isola di Caprera per viverci in solitudine e immerso nella natura. Lì trasferì i figli con la servetta Battistina Ravello, analfabeta, un’amante di serie B, che non sposò mai pur avendogli dato una figlia. Then came the writer Hope Von Schwortz who landed on the island with the intent to meet the man in the world spoke and that was valuable and devoted friend. Masanella Antonia, born Tonina Marinelli Cervarese of the Holy Cross in the province of Padua, this time with her husband, he also conquered by the hero, caught in the Thousand Salemi, and fought alongside them disguised as a man with incredible courage and skill. But the stories were more important. He had three official wives. Anita Ribeiro da Silva, a tall, busty brunette with deep eyes blacks known in Brazil, he said without preamble: "You must be mine!" The easily convinced after long romantic walks on the beach. Anita taught him to ride, in return for military training, imposed by her mother abandoned her husband to run off with the intrepid leader. Her husband's death she married him in 1842, becoming his partner in the most dramatic period of his life and died of meningitis at twenty-eight years after giving him four children. The general had the habit of calling their children names of people dear to him: in fact born Menotti, in memory of the patriot Ciro Menotti in Modena, in memory of Nicola Ricciotti Ricciotti, shot with his brothers Flag in 1844, Rosina and Teresita. After the death of Anita attended several women to find the right partner in life, but sensitive to General girls, now advanced in years, fell into the young Marquis seventeen Como Giuseppina Raimondi tricks into believing that the child she was expecting her while in reality, an anonymous letter revealed, was a cavalry officer. Garibaldi promptly repudiated the marriage took place the same day in 1860. The baby was born dead and that Joseph was waiting for her real father died in Siberia after having fought for freedom in Poland. As a companion chose Fancesco Armosino, a young illiterate peasant and robust of Armenian origin who had three sons, Clelia, Rosa and Manlio but was able to get married only when the sentence of twenty years after cancellation del matrimonio con la Raimondi. Francesca Armosino bastone della vecchiaia, Giuseppina Raimondi la ferita più grave, Anita il grande amore.

Mariolina Sardo

Monday, March 7, 2011

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PDL seeks new men

After the house paid without his knowledge, the former Minister of Development is a candidate to reorganize party. The journal will bless the choice. Rejection, however, by Dell'Utri: "He has done his time off the young." It raises the nomination of the coordinator blue, the suspect in the investigation P3

With Knight arenato nel pantano delle inchieste giudiziarie, i pretoriani del Pdl pensano all'uomo nuovo per rilanciare il partito, da mesi in caduta libera nei sondaggi. Il senatore Dell'Utri non ha dubbi: "Ci sono giovani che meritano di avere più spazio". Dopodiché nel ruolo di rinnovatore candida il plurindagato Denis Verdini, coinvolto nello scandalo della nuova P2 e negli appalti del terremoto all'Aquila. Non solo, ma il senatore azzuro, condannato in appello a sette anni per fatti mafia, indossa la divisa del frondista e tira stoccate pesanti a Claudio Scajola che proprio ieri ha annunciato di voler riprendere in mano le redini del Popolo Della Libertà. Il quotidiano della famiglia Berlusconi, invece, benedice e ratifica la scelta dell'ex ministro con il fondo di uno dei suoi maggiori opinionisti. Di giovani però non se ne vedono. La lista degli uomini nuovi, per ora, conta solo impresentabili. Visto che anche Scajola (protagonista nel 2002 di una gaffe su Marco Biagi, definito a poche settimane dall'omicidio per mano delle br un "rompicoglioni che vuole solo la scorta") ora è sotto inchiesta per la costruzione del porto d'Imperia. La procura, infatti, lo ha iscritto nel registro degli indagati con l'accusa di aver gestito in maniera clientelare la realizzazione della struttura turistica. ( )

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Two Minz and two measures

Three weeks ago, the former mayor of Bologna, Flavio Delbono, has bargained 19 months in prison for embezzlement and fraud: when he was vice president of the Emilia Romagna had used the credit card office for a pleasant trip to 'abroad with his secretary-girlfriend, by the bill of about € 20 000 taxpayers.

few days earlier, the director general of RAI, Mauro Masi, determined that the director of Tg1, Augusto Minzolini, has behaved impeccably spending in 14 months or € 86 000 with a credit card for business lunches, dinners and trips abroad, alone or in company of a friend, even when it was on vacation or present at Saxa Rubra: all the subscribers account.

not think so, the Prosecutor of the Court of Auditors of Lazio, which opened an investigation Minzolini for loss of revenue. In fact did not appear, but Rai is a public body, controlled by the Treasury. Curiously, however, are not actions by the public prosecutor of Rome, although the Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the leaders Rai (including directors and network news) are in charge of public service: therefore, if improperly pocket money of the company, liability for embezzlement exactly as public officials. You say, perhaps the prosecutor of Rome is more tolerant in matters of embezzlement than Bologna? Unable to support: Rome's former spokesman Salvatore Sottile finiano sentenced in first instance to 8 months for embezzlement for having taken Elisabetta Gregoraci blue car with the Foreign Ministry. But not enough.

From the website of the Court of Auditors learn another exemplary story: the Advocate AP, director of the public ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment) condemned by the criminal justice and embezzlement the accounting for loss of revenue because it "improperly used the company credit card in order to support personal expenses not covered in the assignment relevant (purchases of clothing, fuel, food, etc..), for an amount of € 96,405.53. And who complained? His own company, Enea. Which awarded him a credit card for travel work, while he also used to adjust costs of private nature ... clothing, jewelry, medicines, food, entertainment and accommodation costs and food service tasks with absolutely no consequence ". Type 137 dinners from € 300 a pop all'Ostharia Bocaletto Pizzeria of Rome, "for an amount of € 42,368.70; like to subscribe to the Sports Club of Deputies; like shopping at the supermarket or Pim Gs Anguillara type hotel stays Court Principles of Anguillara, and so on. Career (rightly) over.

Now let's play, like "find the error." Have in common and AP Minzolingua? Three things: either working in a public company, are responsible for public service and are accused of abuse of corporate credit card for private expenditure (96 000 € for one, the other "only" 86). What is the difference between AP and direttorissimo Minzolingua? Three things. AP has been seen to withdraw the credit card Enea, who has fired and reported to the accounting and criminal justice: in the book has been ordered to pay 96 thousand for the Enea e rotti euro; in penale, dopo l’indagine della Procura di Roma, ha patteggiato 2 anni di reclusione per peculato. Minzolini, invece, è più che mai al suo posto, anzi da quel pulpito cristallino dà lezioni di correttezza agli altri; la Rai si guarda bene dal licenziarlo e dal denunciarlo (come chiede di fare il consigliere Nino Rizzo Nervo), anzi l’ha già assolto. E la Procura di Roma non risulta aver aperto alcuna indagine. Eppure, dinanzi a una notizia di reato, l’azione penale sarebbe obbligatoria. Ma queste toghe rosse sono proprio dappertutto. (Marco Travaglio - IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO -)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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The Huffington Post and unconstitutional dismissal

Trecento milioni di dollari in contanti, altri quindici in valori. Questa la cifra che America On Line ha sborsato per acquisire l'Huffington Post, fenomeno editoriale del web americano degli ultimi anni, in declino negli ultimi anni, ma ormai un marchio affermato. Un acquisto che ha costretto Aol a rivedere i bilanci. E oggi l'ad Tim Armstrong, in un incontro con i giornalisti dell'Huffington, ha annunciato che ci saranno dei tagli. Il numero dei licenziamenti ancora non è noto, ma la notizia è che colpiranno anche la testata, mentre all'inizio sembrava che fosse solo la parte amministrativa ad essere interessata dalla ristrutturazione. "Ci saranno modifiche dal punto di vista lavorativo", Armstrong said. Currently, according to the creator of the site Arianna Huffington, the 'Post' 143 people work, pay above average. A staff of journalists and so-called "proofreaders", a sort of central desk.

But there are bloggers. Visual Art Source ArtScene, two active contributors to the Huffington Post for free, went on strike and will not provide more content to the site. And ask other employees to join the protest, citing all the shortcomings and inconsistencies in the working relationship with the Post. Bill Lasarow, one of the masterminds behind Visual Art Source, calls to establish a table of salaries for those who collaborate with the Post, currently lacks. In addition, calls for the dissociation Content provided free of charge from the advertisements and press releases from

The protests, Arianna Huffington says that the real wage to the content provided is visibility. But with the amount that AOL paid for the Post, Lasarow and sites involved do not seem willing to work for the glory. Bloggers are asking to be paid, and no doubt their free labor has contributed to the fame the Huffington Post. "We must transform this report into a professional exchange," says Lasarow. And Huffington, now head of the news services of AOL, "would do well to change their mentality." Lasarow continues: "At the Post do not do anything illegal, but also behave hypocrite and unethical. "

Huffington's response is clear and concise:" Come on, strike, "he says," nobody will notice. Writing for the Post amounts to go on TV talk show in a great popularity. Means maximum visibility. And if someone decides to leave, many are ready to occupy those spaces. " (Tiziano Toniutti - REPUBLIC -)

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Yesterday, the Interior Ministry has disputed the figures provided dall'Idv and Pd on what it will cost the decision to separate the date of the referendum that of the second round of the administration. According to Roberto Maroni would be thrown in the garbage only 50 million and € 300.

But the problem is not the numbers. To me that a minister to do the opposite of what should burn 50 million Euros I think or a fool or a fraud. In this case a fraud. In fact it is not just a waste. That money, with which you could do a lot of useful things, are burned to ensure that citizens do not exercise their right to vote enshrined in the Constitution. So the Interior Ministry funds, at our expense of course, a blatant violation of the Constitution by whom more than any other should respect and enforce it, ie by the government.

But even leaving aside this "particular", the fact is that the numbers of Interior Ministry are deceptive as all it does this government. Nor is it the first time that Maroni pulls this trick of prestige by third-rate showman. The minister has indeed relapsed. The same scam and the same lies we have the cameras even two years ago at the referendum on electoral law.

That referendum was hated by the League because, if passed, would take away a part of Bossi power of blackmail that can exercise on Berlusconi. To fail to do so, even then Maroni decided to vote Sunday for the government and the European, and that after the referendum. The referendum committee and some economists revealed how much it cost to all of us to help the league to miss a quorum: 200 milioni di costi attivi e altrettanti di costi passivi. Totale 400 milioni.

Gli economisti avevano considerato che un referendum costa 315 milioni di euro tra la spesa per i presidenti di seggio, gli scrutatori, il trasporto delle schede, lo spiegamento delle forze di sicurezza. Dal momento che le amministrative di quest’anno riguardano circa un terzo del corpo elettorale siamo quindi a 107 milioni di euro, ai quali vanno sommati vari costi come gli straordinari in numerosi ministeri, le spese di cancelleria, l’organizzazione dell’apparato, i viaggi di chi studia o lavora in una città diversa da quella dove vota.

Il ministro reagì esattamente come ha fatto ieri. Smentì quei conti e spiegò che si scrubbing was only 170 million euro, and what you want to be when we go half the interests of the Northern League. Economists said, explaining that the Interior Ministry had not only underestimated the direct costs: it had also completely ignored the indirect ones. In such accounts, in fact, all over the world are now included full costs, such as the time taken to vote, or for the care of children in the day of closing schools on Monday after the election, lost earnings as chairperson and tellers. The result is an amount equal to the direct costs. Anyone interested can still find the separate accounts for individual items on the site .
possible that a minister Roberto Maroni as smart as he does not know that the accounts, since we passed the abacus, you do so? No that is not possible. In fact, knows very well. Not ass. E 'liar. ( )

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Council of State, on the government manipulates TV The cartoons of the rules

The courts say no to the Minister of Economic Development Romans who wanted to exclude from the Sky digital. Extreme hardship reasons, remember that as the government has intervened to change the rules, already established on the televised auction. Without having to do title

The State Council has branded a "manipulative" the tentativo del ministro dello Sviluppo economico di cambiare le regole del gioco nella gara per l'assegnazione delle nuove frequenze televisive. Un disperato tentativo di tenere Sky Italia al lontano dalla ricca torta del digitale terrestre favorendo così Mediaset, l'azienda del presidente del Consiglio. Ora Paolo Romani, il “ministro delle televisioni di B.”, è obbligato a inviare al commissario europeo per la Concorrenza Joaquin Almunia il bando di gara. Ed è meglio che si sbrighi, altrimenti i contribuenti italiani si troveranno a dover pagare qualche centinaio di milioni di euro per la procedura d'infrazione che Bruxelles ha aperto sulla legge Gasparri. Una “multa” evitabile solo se si allarga il mercato televisivo e se si supera the RAI-Mediaset duopoly allowing the entry of new broadcasters. ( )

Bowel Condition_symptoms

Vauro Annozero of 03 03 2011 Marco

Bipolar More Condition_symptoms

Travaglio Annozero 03, 2003 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Is Cerebral Palsy More Condition_symptoms

Berlusconi fears a plebiscite against him

The government has decided: the local elections in mid-May, public consultation on water, nuclear and such failure a month later. The strategy of the Prime Minister has only one goal: to blow up a quorum and thus avoid the risk of popular distrust of the law ad personam

Administrative elections on 15 and 16 May and the referendum in mid-June. The government has decided to avoid even a After election day the controversy unleashed by the opposition on the 300 million euro thrown to organize a double (triple if you count the ballots) consultation. The referendum, relegated to the date of "beach" of June 12, must fail. Berlusconi is terrified of such failure on the question much more than those on public water and nuclear. Not so much for the merits of the case (with the partial rejection of January, the Look has in fact already "emptied" the law), but for the fear of the premier of a plebiscite against him: if 51 percent of those entitled to respond question, it would likely win the 'yes'. At that point the confidence to Berlusconi, failed in Parliament, would arrive proprio dal popolo a cui la maggioranza e il Cavaliere si appellano di continuo. ( )

Thank You Phrases In A Sympathy Card

Comedians infamous

Mini Strokes More Condition_symptoms

Circumventing rapacious

Gentile Cavaliere, scusi l’insistenza, ma abbiamo come l’impressione che Lei continui a farsi del male. Non per colpa Sua, ci mancherebbe: Lei non ha colpe, mai. Ma per colpa di chi La circonda e, se ci consente, La mal consiglia.

L’altro giorno, per esempio, lei ha annunciato a una scelta platea di somari, fra i quali numerosi ministri, che Lei ha “rinunciato da tempo ad avere un telefonino perché il mio era exposed to any kind of interception. Now, do not know who has recommended such a folly, but we can assure you that he has cheated. First of all, your phone has never been caught (since 1994 You are a parliamentarian and as such can not be heard, first, as many times investigated does not appear that the judges have ever tapped phones, except once, in 1983, when he was suspected of drug trafficking, prosecution then closed). Every time his voice was picked up in telephone conversations, it is because the judges were listening for the phones of his interlocutors: characters investigated (the estate in the Valley, Dell'Utri Sacca, Cuffaro) or possible victims of his crimes (and other Ruby-Karima Papi-girls).

Which means, Mr. President, never to be heard not just give up the phone and use that of her staff caposcorta (as for the police to call in Ruby) or someone else, or maybe a user sets: if a judge listens for the other party, you can also speak from a phone booth, as long as the equipment arrives, but his voice will be recorded the same. So if you want to be heard, one of two things: either stop just talking (making, among other things, a great service to our ears and the whole nation), perhaps through the most secure system pizzini very popular in areas close to you, or try to select your best partners, avoiding mobsters, corrupt, pimps and whores. Each year, across Italy, are caught between 5 and 10 thousand people, most offenders matriculated here, you try as much as possible, to talk to each other (several are about 60 million). You will see talk to honest people that is not so traumatic. They succeed in many.

Always the day before, she has entertained the audience with the jolly retail accounts of its processes: "Today we celebrate the 2.952esima sitting at my expense. I am the man on trial in Italy, I had 103 cases, over 50 went to trial. " Excuse the indiscretion, but whoever writes the lyrics? Who has made up his mind this nonsense? Olindo Sallusti? Philip Mèches? Ferrara Ostellino pant or panty? Take a listen to us, that your processes will lovingly follow the very beginning: the proceedings are about thirty in all, 19 of which went to trial and other stores. Even assuming that each trial has produced one hundred hearings, exorbitant, we would be well under 2,000.

At this point, however, as she claims to have "spent 600 billion lire (300 million euro) on lawyers in 17 years, there arises a suspicion that his lawyers did not tell it to him right. Moreover, the same ones who had guaranteed the finest in Schifani constitutionality of the award, the award Alfano, of such failure, the abolition of the appeal but only to the prosecutor, all trash regularly rejected by the Advisory Body (and not because the consultation is left, but because the stuff was unconstitutional). Already we seem to see them while also invented the processes that you do not have to be able to say to have won someone out in the morning saying "President, this morning there is the process Spectre," "Today we are hearing the case Supercazzola Brematurata "" Tomorrow we have not, there ludienza scandal Comefosseantani " "We come from the court, thanks to us you have been acquitted of abigeato. Then go Camporella, or billiards, or the circus. And you pay. (Marco Travaglio - the daily -)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chest Pains More Condition_symptoms

Private school

Windsurfing Lessons Melbourne

The joke of the day

We managed to put the Italians in the knee. I've had to apologize for its colonial past. " (Gaddafi, Berlusconi's friend)

Train Santa Fe De Peg Perero

One made a mistake and resigns The other is the defendant and the threat
German Minister of Defense Guttenberg leaves her for a university thesis a bit 'copied. Yet another slap from Europe to our premier without dignity. ( )