Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chickenpox More Condition_symptoms

Dacci oggi il nostro morto quotidiano

" Give us this day our daily dead ", it should be the invocation of prayers in Italy, at least for those who die on the roads. In fact, if we had "only" one of us died in the caveremmo with only 365 dead bodies at December 31, a result that clashes with the reality of the almost 5,500 dead instead we need to count every year (2005 figures, source IRF).

Why I jumped from the words of Trichet and the salaries of EU officials to road safety? Well it should be clear - The opening words to me gave this bell'episodio happened in Rome on the night of St. Patrick.

The first fact is shocking to me that this Vernarelli is the son of a policeman in the capital. Namely, that a family must have told the horrors of having to go to the relief in death, perhaps with bodies still on the asphalt. I say this because in my family these things were said, though there are not vigilant, only one nurse, who has seen it all and has always told us the horrors of the emergency room (but, unfortunately, 'morgue) .

Home Vernarelli or not it was all said and / or a waste of breath, because the good Friedrich, giornalista pubblicista, ha ucciso due pedoni che attraversavano sulle strisce, due ragazze irlandesi che erano andate, come lui probabilmente, a festeggiare San Patrizio. Dopo averle "scoppiate" come si dice in gergo è scappato, andando poi a sbattere ulteriormente contro delle auto parcheggiate e dei cassonetti.

Arrestato, è stato naturalmente messo subito in semilibertà (arresti domiciliari) dal solito giudice, scatenando la reazione, per ora, del solo Veltroni (tanto di cappello a Walter su questa storia!). Ora sappiamo tutti che al gabbio in Italia no ci va veramente nessuno, forse solo qualche mafioso dal nome impegnativo, e sono comunnque per una giustizia "giusta", dove chi sbaglia paga ma non bisogna accanirsi with ferocity on people.

But here you'll see that emerge out of line. As Ahmetovic probably nothing will happen that, Vernarelli likely to remain under house arrest and perhaps pluck a sentence less than 5 years, whereas asking for expedited you get a discount of 1 / 2 and found guilty another half . Will never go to prison, even a day.

This does not seem right justice, between one to two years at most will be over and Friedrich will probably be behind the wheel of another car. Will still freelance journalist, both in this country because you do not dismiss anyone, even if you're Bernardo Provenzano. Maybe parents will pass in front of two girls killed yesterday and they will wonder what kind of justice we have in Italy. Maybe I should ask

Marco Travaglio, who always defends the judiciary so hard ... but maybe not even their fault, because the Act will apply (maybe worse) but not write.

So here are some ideas that I maybe wrong or impossible, do not know, I'm not a lawyer and then shot it. For example I would like to know why those who kill behind the wheel while intoxicated and may continue to drive after a short suspension. The first thing to do is to prevent these people to drive it ... forever. Like you killed a poor in un incidente? sospensione. Sei anche scappato? aggravante, sospensione per 5 o più anni fino a per sempre! Eri ubriaco? come sopra!

Così già cominciamo a levare gente pericolosa dalle strade - prendano i mezzi pubblici se vogliono spostarsi.

Poi vorrei sapere perchè non si può imputare ogni omicidio separatamente. Mi spiego, Vernarelli ha ucciso due ragazze? allora deve avere una condanna per ognuna, due condanne per omicidio colposo, due processi. Quanto è il massimo 9 anni? allora qui si parla di un massimo di 18 anni per due omicidi colposi...per Ahmetovic invece 36 anni di pena massima.

Possiamo cominciare così o sono io che sto tentando di infrangere i diritti della gente?

For those who are behind the wheel, maybe we can start by showing our dear fellow citizens, these beautiful advertising.

Or even a speed, which is one of the most important factors in survival during the incidents.


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