Thursday, March 27, 2008

Palpitations More Condition_symptoms

Posta indesiderata

Certo questo non sarà un post di politica impegnato oppure di affari European and riba similar. Yes because every time you should leave some message "different" and here I decided to put peroprio different, even the unwanted.

fact every day I find about seventy side in my mailbox (inbox for those coming from outside), the cabbage mails that advertise this or that or suggest me to buy bags of Viagra at bargain prices.

is the compilation of my top ten spam or junk mail!

University Degree - University Degree Get Quicker , this could almost be a genuine pasare advertisement

Rae Darden - I wanted to welcome someone home

Alvin Sandoval - No weight - no problems

Susana Grubbs - Gain in Diameter and strenght , non vi dico neanche cosa dovrebbe rafforzarsi ed allargarsi...

Emil Kraft - She wants you more now

Latessa Flevarakis - Dont make the wife wait , bella questa, ma se non si è sposati immagino che non bisogna far aspettare la donna di qualcun altro

Salvador Sanchez - I love you

Okay non sono proprio 10, ma le cancello ogni giorno perchè mi ci capitano anche messaggi buoni insieme a questi qui nell'apposita cartella...

nella foto: metodi di dissuasione

Friday, March 21, 2008

Escort Summer In Middelsbrough

Dimostrazione pratica

Questa è troppo forte per non farci un post!

Ce lo deve dire un sondaggio che siamo tutti più poveri, incredibile, io pensavo bastasse il saldo del conto corrente a fine mese e lo scontrino che mi presentano tutti, da baristi a cassiere, con prodotti che subiscono rincari incredibili in lassi di tempo molto brevi.

Emerge anche che gli operai voterebbero a destra...beh per me non è una sorpresa perchè l'ho sempre sostenuto. Ho sempre detto, infatti, che la gente "bisognosa" può trovare una vera ed efficace risposta solo nei partiti di centro destra e che, in realtà è proprio la sinistra a tutelare maggiormente i grandi capitali.

Una prova - beh è appena emerso che la disoccupazione è ai minimi da circa 15 anni e, come giustamente dice Cerazade , non sarà forse merito della tanto osteggiata legge-Biagi?

Lascio a voi le considerazioni.

Comunque è bello vedere chi sono a maggioranza gli elettori PD. Andate a fine articolo e scoprirete che a votare PD saranno magiormente:

lavoratori del settore pubblico - ovvero fancazzieri

studenti - ovvero fancazzieri

pensionati - ovvero fancazzieri

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Shiny Pokemon Guide Silber


I Poli ancora a caccia degli indecisi
Sul piatto c'è il 70% dei voti totali

Ovvero come ammettere: "non ci capisco una mazza di questa materia e non ho idea di what to write, but to honor my rich contract with the Corriere dei Piccoli some shit but I have to put down, the statistics are ... who want to control? "

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chickenpox More Condition_symptoms

Dacci oggi il nostro morto quotidiano

" Give us this day our daily dead ", it should be the invocation of prayers in Italy, at least for those who die on the roads. In fact, if we had "only" one of us died in the caveremmo with only 365 dead bodies at December 31, a result that clashes with the reality of the almost 5,500 dead instead we need to count every year (2005 figures, source IRF).

Why I jumped from the words of Trichet and the salaries of EU officials to road safety? Well it should be clear - The opening words to me gave this bell'episodio happened in Rome on the night of St. Patrick.

The first fact is shocking to me that this Vernarelli is the son of a policeman in the capital. Namely, that a family must have told the horrors of having to go to the relief in death, perhaps with bodies still on the asphalt. I say this because in my family these things were said, though there are not vigilant, only one nurse, who has seen it all and has always told us the horrors of the emergency room (but, unfortunately, 'morgue) .

Home Vernarelli or not it was all said and / or a waste of breath, because the good Friedrich, giornalista pubblicista, ha ucciso due pedoni che attraversavano sulle strisce, due ragazze irlandesi che erano andate, come lui probabilmente, a festeggiare San Patrizio. Dopo averle "scoppiate" come si dice in gergo è scappato, andando poi a sbattere ulteriormente contro delle auto parcheggiate e dei cassonetti.

Arrestato, è stato naturalmente messo subito in semilibertà (arresti domiciliari) dal solito giudice, scatenando la reazione, per ora, del solo Veltroni (tanto di cappello a Walter su questa storia!). Ora sappiamo tutti che al gabbio in Italia no ci va veramente nessuno, forse solo qualche mafioso dal nome impegnativo, e sono comunnque per una giustizia "giusta", dove chi sbaglia paga ma non bisogna accanirsi with ferocity on people.

But here you'll see that emerge out of line. As Ahmetovic probably nothing will happen that, Vernarelli likely to remain under house arrest and perhaps pluck a sentence less than 5 years, whereas asking for expedited you get a discount of 1 / 2 and found guilty another half . Will never go to prison, even a day.

This does not seem right justice, between one to two years at most will be over and Friedrich will probably be behind the wheel of another car. Will still freelance journalist, both in this country because you do not dismiss anyone, even if you're Bernardo Provenzano. Maybe parents will pass in front of two girls killed yesterday and they will wonder what kind of justice we have in Italy. Maybe I should ask

Marco Travaglio, who always defends the judiciary so hard ... but maybe not even their fault, because the Act will apply (maybe worse) but not write.

So here are some ideas that I maybe wrong or impossible, do not know, I'm not a lawyer and then shot it. For example I would like to know why those who kill behind the wheel while intoxicated and may continue to drive after a short suspension. The first thing to do is to prevent these people to drive it ... forever. Like you killed a poor in un incidente? sospensione. Sei anche scappato? aggravante, sospensione per 5 o più anni fino a per sempre! Eri ubriaco? come sopra!

Così già cominciamo a levare gente pericolosa dalle strade - prendano i mezzi pubblici se vogliono spostarsi.

Poi vorrei sapere perchè non si può imputare ogni omicidio separatamente. Mi spiego, Vernarelli ha ucciso due ragazze? allora deve avere una condanna per ognuna, due condanne per omicidio colposo, due processi. Quanto è il massimo 9 anni? allora qui si parla di un massimo di 18 anni per due omicidi colposi...per Ahmetovic invece 36 anni di pena massima.

Possiamo cominciare così o sono io che sto tentando di infrangere i diritti della gente?

For those who are behind the wheel, maybe we can start by showing our dear fellow citizens, these beautiful advertising.

Or even a speed, which is one of the most important factors in survival during the incidents.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Names Of The Parts Of A Sailboat


ECB - "No wages linked to inflation"

Then I'm going to comb through the European Commission's website and I find this sentence: " Basic salaries are adjusted Annually in line with inflation and purchasing power in the EU countries "", which I find quite ridiculous and inconsistent with what the ECB said.

This is always (I've already mentioned) is called to the fag ass heart of arthritis, as he said in a memorable Ricucci intercetatta call the police.

But I is not good, not really, as usual sermon Razzola good and bad, so our hard-earned euros and harassed should always stay the same year after year, with bread and pasta that would skyrocket, while already bloated salaries of the Eurocrats are "revised" upward annually to help them make ends meet.

But that's just me shock me?

But maybe I'm wrong, in fact 2.400 and 3.800 euros for a secretary to a graduate are the bare minimum of course ... ah NET!

for those who do not believe you can check here

Jewel De Nyle Last Movie

Una storia di precariato

And we talk about insecurity ... that really seems to me a 'good idea!

Raise your hand if it was not, at least once in their life, precarious. I know that I had to suffer even beginning to find internships and stuff and I think that is the same for many people, even if it is true that if you have the quality, then usually there is always the willingness to invest on the part of ' company.

Now I face this issue because using a "mole" I discovered a new and beautiful way to do temporary work: expectancy.

I will explain with an example (watch out because everything is 100% true, but will use only names and places of fantasy).

Mario is Italian public officer and is sent to Brussels to make the national expert seconded, that will work for the 'European Union, but with the salary Italian (slightly increased), gnawing greatly because even the secretaries of the Commission's inflated salaries. After his three years, instead of returning to Italy and becomes a competition goes Eurocrat full-time (never mind why he did it ... because it's obvious ... docet secretary!). The good that is Mario then? But Clara, you put on leave in Italy where still in PA Today (years later) still de jure his nice place.

now obvious that in his ministry from the combination had to replace someone, but since there is always the sword of Damocles that Mario can return at short notice from one day to 'another and claim his place, there are good chance that whoever replaces him is one with a fixed term contract.

A more precarious to be reckoned with. In essence there are two places "fixed" both in theory employed by the same person, with an alternate place "temporarily" installed in one. I believe that any reform of the PA should include a complete review of these rules anachronistic ... and the same should happen in Europe.

photo: expectation

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Pcos Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Ma perchè da noi non ci sono show cosi?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Tonsilitis More Condition_symptoms

Lacrime di coccodrillo

As the ferocious crocodiles cry after having eaten the offspring, the left-filled sheds tears filled rhetoric and each time paraculaggine we beat the dead on the job. Instead of expressions of these things, the unions take to the streets to defend a thousand other things ...

Now, however, you are touching the bottom, Red What PD and are contending for the survivors of the fire at the Thyssen Krupp. The first was the candidate and his name is Valta Antonio Boccuzzi, then not to be da meno, Diliberto ha lasciato il suo posto in lista a Ciro Argentino .

Pare che Sinistra Critica stia battendo in lungo ed in largo Terni per trovare un altro ex Thyssen Krupp sopravvissuto a qualcosa per sbatterlo in una lista e fare subito un lancio d'agenzia. Al momento hanno trovato solo uno che si è sparato con la spillatrice in ufficio ed ha necessitato di un cerottino. Si vocifera addirittura che SC sia in contatto con la casa madre in Germania per causare un incidente di proposito in modo da toccare l'opinione pubblica ed avere finalmente anche lei quanche candidato buono.

Lo so, lo so, come articolo è di un cinico inverosimile, ma mi sembra che ci sia una corsa al superstite che sta avendo dei toni grotteschi. Rather than nominate a worker maybe we should think seriously about why there are so many fatal accidents at work in Italy. Only 200 pages of research and that of the legislative proposal will not you "shit" no, the poor victim but pulls like a dream? Just

Mr. Veltroni? Mr. Diliberto right?

Confidenciality Clause

Troppo tempo a disposizione

These people have too much free time, although I must say that the arms to make a snowman with two trees in the complete format is really cool!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Wrought Iron Plate Holder

Walter dopato e Silvio sterrato

"Why I am a defining ..."

Dear Walter teleSermonando me is the study of Porta a Porta after I have seen 120 minutes (including breaks) to Milan - Arsenal and megapapera of Kalac, who saw all that was thrown in slow motion ... Galeazzi would be quicker!

"... so precise that I went to check the data of the Contract with the Italians in 2001 ..."

vabbeh enough, pause, respite .... as Antonio De Curtis said each has a patience limit

Valta And then, what is your name in Rome, or Uolter, how do they Iorc Niu, if you are so why not spell out you abottonato the fins of the shirt next to tie? But ... how were you dressed? Vespa, he fired Taylor Door to Door!

Ok not take it anymore, so I like to fuck, I looked on Wikipedia and Silvio Walter, strictly version Inglese.

As its name there are 15, and ours is in the company of people like Walter Cronkite (rpimo to announce the death of Kennedy in TV), Walt Disney (if you do not know who he is is someone who has made billions with a mouse) and Walter Raleigh (who is? is the one that brought tobacco to Europe ... make a tossetta in his honor), all 90 short pieces, so our Valta must behave well because otherwise it risks disfigurement.

Homonym Preferred Walter Scott, because he wrote a novel called Woodstock, where he must have gone to Valt eat vegetables if you think just to balance this election.

phrase best: This time from Vespa - "... we have proposed giving the vote to sixteen because life is extended and is ripe before ..." - Good theory, 250 years in fact can also vote fetuses to 5 weeks.

Well 1 to 0 to Valta, Silvio there are only 7, as this term is wikipedian much less! Even as the company is that we, first of all Italians are but one of the most famous is a choice between Silvio Orlando Silvio Piola (strangely there Pellico ...), Valta always benefit, this point of two lengths.

Homonym Preferred Silvio Gesell, Silvio not only Italian, and according to Wiki, "merchant, economist, social activist, anarchist and founder of Freiwirtschaft, a theory which contains the principle that all land is owned by the state and can only be leased. A Silvio would be if he knew to be a cuddly namesake of the god.

better phrase: "if I were not already married to marry you!" - although I will marry you, now, in Las Vegas, Capocotta where he wants ... .. Silvio please send me your GSM!

but also "I'm like the Colleoni" - Brilliant, I would have said more simply "I'm like a pinball " but I do not have the culture of the knight.