Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How Install Floor Aluminum Fishing Boat

ELUANA goes to die

The only thing we know is that we know nothing. We do not know if we can emerge from a vegetative state to a state, although larval conscience and interaction with the outside world, we do not know if the vegetative state persists in some mysterious sense of self and others, we do not know if in a vegetative state feels, somehow, the pain, obviously not in the terms in which it raises an answer, we do not know if being deprived of nutrition and hydration will procure suffering.
on this not knowing is triggered a debate grotesque and moon, with the learned citations of scientific articles and replies to someone clinics at other times, with the primary structure in which Eluana die on the one hand is defined as "devastated" and by 'Another said with complacency that the girl "has been dead for seventeen years (and then would say to him, What are we to argue, in a coffin and close it seppelliamola!). Apply
, rightly, the precautionary principle on environmental issues (eg on stations for mobile phones), but we apply it on issues of human life and its limits, often simply assumed.
What is this strange and contradictory world, where we say that people in persistent vegetative state does not feel pain, but then you care to establish protocols for sedation, subsequent to the posting of the nasogastric tube.
And as inedible in a soup or a mayonnaise crazy, we put together many things, the right to life to the right to die (which itself does not exist), freedom from care alla sospensione del sostentamento vitale (che pure mi sembra altra cosa), dalle volontà vere a quelle solo presunte, dalla concretezza di una persona e di un corpo all'astrazione di battaglie di "principio", come se il diritto o i diritti possano vivere disincarnati negli atti parlamentari, nelle gazzette ufficiali, nei decreti e nelle sentenze, e valgano nella loro espressione concettuale e simbolica, giusto per arricchire un catalogo tanto pomposo quanto immaginario perché spesso mera proclamazione enfatica di "diritti civili".
Io so soltanto di non sapere; non sapendo non mi riesce di stare da altra parte che da quella della vita, che pure fluisce tenace nel sangue e nel cuore di Eluana, ancora per poco d'accordo, ma non sappiamo even as yet.
Everything else is only for the chatter of the various political and journalistic Vespa, Mentone, Santoro, and their guests.
Of which, frankly, I do not care.


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