Friday, November 14, 2008

Crest Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

If a life is spent

was predictable. The Court of Cassation, declaring that the action that the Attorney General of the Republic of Milan has made a final and enforceable order of the Court of Appeal of Milan, which authorizes the father of Eluana to discontinue nutrition and hydration, raised chants, on the one hand, and tears the other Greeks.
I'm afraid there is hypocrisy on both sides.
Supporters of the triumph of the will to speak of Eluana affirmation of freedom to refuse treatment, but they forget that Eluana can not say, here and now, if that treatment (ie nutrition, hydration, anti-epileptic drugs) still wants them.
Everything is based on the reconstruction of a will "abstract" expressed sixteen years ago, a girl of twenty, probably on the impulse of emotional pitiful spectacle of a friend ended up in intensive care.
How will that is "concrete" and not actual counts. Why Eluana case serves only to bring water to a cause of "progressive" ad una battaglia "di libertà", all'affermazione di un principio di libera scelta, in un caso in cui quella scelta non può essere manifestata da chi dovrebbe.
Anche gli altri, però, che gridano all'eutanasia di stato, non colgono nel segno: qui non si tratta di una persona cosciente e senziente che, al colmo della sofferenza fisica, chiede di essere "lasciata andare" e anzi accompagnata, senza dolore, alla morte. Né il decreto della Corte d'Appello di Milano né la sentenza della Cassazione autorizzano a sostenere che chiunque possa rivolgersi a un giudice per chiedere l'eutanasia, che nel nostro ordinamento non è ammessa, ed anzi è punita penalmente, come aiuto al suicidio.
Il punto è terribilmente simple: there is a young woman in a permanent vegetative state, which might not ever wake up or wake up tomorrow, but only God knows, and a family that wants to put an end to this life "suspended."
The point is that we "healthy" are actually sentient and conscious, we have an idea of \u200b\u200blife and not know what Eluana really feel, how you feel, if in his vegetative state still has some life but weak link with the outside if maybe something dreams.
Perhaps the most difficult that it is impossible to establish the boundary between a life purely "organic", as if life was not primarily biological, and life as a human being, and that Eluana however, not because he does not speak, not hear, does not communicate , remains a human being, with all its dignity. The choice of
Beppino reminds me of an old and beautiful film "Sophie's Choice" that does not have to repent when, after compliance with the (alleged) desire to Eluana his reason for living, one notices when Eluana there will be no more, which no longer has any reason to live.


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