Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pregnant More Condition_symptoms

Spigolature - Accademia della Crusca

Teacher: "I wanted to know if I could take the 26"
Dean: "Certainly, if the class is covered there is no problem. Indeed, in future is not necessary for me to notice, is put simply disagree with a colleague ... knows how to say Do ut Des "
Teacher:" Well lady president but she knows that I do not speak English! "

My cousin:" That machine costs a lot of quadrinity
Me: "Pardon me a lot of that? bricks for the soup? "

The same cousin (hunting, pointing to a bird away):" What is the "
My uncle (but not the father):" A Pispola "
Cousin:" It is fuel? "

They are all very true, which makes 100 times more beautiful!


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