Thursday, May 22, 2008

Optimist Dinghy Plans Where To Get

Io sto con Maroni!

"Non cederemo alle pressioni indebite dell' Ue"

Vai Roberto!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hep B More Condition_symptoms


Licenziamo i fannulloni, colpiamone uno per educarne 100 . Molto belli questi slogan ideati dal neo-Ministro On. Prof. Brunetta, now you will see at least saddled with the epithet "evil dwarf" in the corridors of the various ministries and agencies, and useless redundant along the boot.

say that, as often happens, the intention is good, but then it will be virtually impossible to do anything, especially because, as he says himself Brunetta ("the laws are already there) if you want to use the rolling force. Of course there are, then why not apply? Very simple, because as soon as you fire one, for any reason (even if he killed the minister!), What makes you immediately due to unfair dismissal.

So in the end, I still find yourself in the office, with a cause that will go on for years and years, after which it probably will be reinstated in the workplace. Let's be clear, they will have any effect Brunetta should now lay idle and hope that the processes are finished before the legislature in 2013!

Do not believe us? come on we are in Italy ... for example ....

We put 8 (one eight, eight) years to file a sentence? CSM do not even suspend !

clocks in and run to the grocery store? the Supreme Court is nomal!

The festival happens on Thursday? So let's sick on Friday so do the long bridge.

declare you sick and make transoceanic races? a reprimenda, un trasferimento e tutto come prima.

E non crediamo che altrove vada esempio i dipendenti delle istituzioni europee neanche devono produrlo il certificato medico per i primi due giorni di malattia. Ho fatto richiesta di avere statistiche su quanti eurocrati sono "malati" in blocchi da 1 o 2 giorni, ma mi hanno detto che non hanno questo tipo di statistiche (o forse è meglio che non le calcolino??)

Comunque quello che è interessante sapere, per farci un idea grossolana, è che sugli oltre 35.000 dipendenti UE sapete per quanti è stata iniziata la procedura di licenziamento perchè sono dei fannulloni?


Già uno solo, su 35.000 dipendenti non è So bad .... or Brussels are all energetically as ants, or have the same problems as we get rid of dead weight.

Congratulations to Professor Brunetta, because with the current law does not'll do a spider hole, unfortunately, will remain exactly as before everything ... bureaucrats absent, lazy and inefficient, and capable and good people forced to run the cabin for all the others!

In the picture - working day for some ministerial and Eurocrats

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pregnant More Condition_symptoms

Spigolature - Accademia della Crusca

Teacher: "I wanted to know if I could take the 26"
Dean: "Certainly, if the class is covered there is no problem. Indeed, in future is not necessary for me to notice, is put simply disagree with a colleague ... knows how to say Do ut Des "
Teacher:" Well lady president but she knows that I do not speak English! "

My cousin:" That machine costs a lot of quadrinity
Me: "Pardon me a lot of that? bricks for the soup? "

The same cousin (hunting, pointing to a bird away):" What is the "
My uncle (but not the father):" A Pispola "
Cousin:" It is fuel? "

They are all very true, which makes 100 times more beautiful!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Bad Back More Condition_symptoms

Gag ministeriali

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kidney Symptoms More Condition_symptoms

Dalle pagine del Demonio Pellegrino

After una lunga assenza (va avanti tuttora) causata da troppo lavoro ed un piccolo break per il primo di maggio in ottemperanza al comandamento emanato dalle nostre radici giudaico-cristiane: "Ricordati di pontificare le feste!" eccomi tornato a scrivere corbellerie e panzane su questo piccolo ritaglio di spazio, ovviamente rigorosamente in orario da lavoro perchè col bel tempo che c'è in questa stagione appena timbro in uscita vado subito a bighellonare nel parco.

Archiviata la frase di cui sopra, che deve essere un record per una delle più lunghe, comunico che sono stato sfidato dal Demonio Pellegrino , grande blogger e amico di battaglie comuni, ad un simpatico giochino .

Allora vado io, I like:

1) Being the contrarian (especially against eco-terrorists)
2) Bucatini all'Amatriciana
3) a trumpet, a nice shower and point 2
4) Fiorello imitates Camilleri and Mike
5) At the beach with friends
6) A day in which all come true points above

Now logic I should pass the play to other bloggers, but I do not know who you really are reading these pages (which in theory should treated well by other issues ...) so anyone who wants to continue the chain of Sant 'Antonio is welcome!