Thursday, June 19, 2008

Athletes Foot More Condition_symptoms

Democrazia in salsa Bruxellese

Courtesy of the Times

Monday, June 16, 2008

Wrist Injuries More Condition_symptoms

Trattato di Lisbona

Since the piece is valuable I put the link directly. Fausto Carioti docet.

"Revenge of the voters against the aliens in Brussels"

good read.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Stream Fishsticks Southpark

Cavaliere malato?

But the rider is ill or just too busy?

right because you are multiplying the fainting great, here we are beginning to worry about seeing the man, you know, it has its best years!

in this regard the newspapers have been carrying some fainting in the past, including one in Montecatini in 2006 where they had to take the weight because he was just collapsed. after he went to Arcore helicopter and then to San Raphael to the controls .... but look a little bit here ...

Here's a picture of the helicopter that brought the Knights at home and in hospital in 2006

noticed anything? ????????

facio I'll show you why the photo is very small .....

Registration helicopter "I-COOL" ... just amazing!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Darmowy Serwer Dla Bazy Danych

Prove di democrazia europea

I was about to write a post cazzeggiante, but then came a couple of hundreds of angry fishermen as redfish and put on fire (Abatantuono would say "on meat and fish"), the European Quarter of Brussels. We say that the situation has now reached unsustainable levels.

the reason you continue to want to unify all costs any type of policy at European level, with the result that the final solution is always the classic compromise that satisfied no one really (except perhaps Germany and France).

The Treaty of Lisbon matters worse, simply because it puts the system of qualified majority decision yet on other subjects, such as whether the current fosero not enough. Today, the Dutch parliament has ratified this treaty, cu which will vote in one country (June 12 in Ireland). For us it was promulgated by the Council of Ministers of the League with the reserves, which in the minister Roberto Calderoli said he would need a referendum.

Here I did not vote the League, but with each passing day it seems to me really the only party that everyone should vote. Faced with a document that limits national sovereignty, in fact, diluting the meaning of the Italian elections and the popular will, there is a pressing need to check with the nation.

course is not required by the Constitution, but the Constitution mica have not written in stone? you can also change ...

30 years ago probably did not need a referendum because he spoke only to open markets for goods and stuff, but now with the Commission to decide virtually alone on a large number of policies is the need for what gli inglesi chiamerebbero "check and balance", che non è offerto dal Parlamento europeo, in quanto questa istituzione (tra l'altro tra le peggio amministrate di tutte) manca della capacità di rappresentare i singoli paesi con sufficiente forza.

Un esempio? La Commissione vara una proposta di Direttiva per abolire il Palio di Siena, in quanto compromette la salute dei cavalli.

In Parlamento si oppongono tutti i deputati italiani, ma non basta perchè sono solo il 10% del totale, la Direttiva quindi passa.

Arriva al Consiglio, dove sono rappresentati gli stati a livello di ministri. Anche qui l'Italia si oppone ma non basta, gli altri sono tutti d'accordo....

rislutato? nonostante tutti gli eletti dal popolo italiano si siano opposti i cittadini dello stivale devono subire una decisione dall'alto...ora ditemi voi se questa non è perdita di sovranità, o al limite pseudo dittatura....

Forse non sarà mai successo, ma in inea teorica potrebbe accadere anche domani....poi ricordate che da Bruxelles ci imposero di smettere di mangiare la "Fiorentina" con la scusa della mucca pazza....